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ARE WE CONNECTED // joining - Printable Version

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ARE WE CONNECTED // joining - charactercemetary. - 12-11-2018

- tags
- typically they/them (she/her rarely)
- Ascendants Member
- Doesn't talk too much

Their time in Tanglewood was short-lived. After all, they hadn't stayed there for long. As much as they liked the place, it just did not feel like home to them. As such, they decided to move, almost needed to move, in fact. They only hoped that with this new place, that perhaps they would find someone that they actually knew.

The chocolate-colored feline waited on the border, their tail flicking behind them. "I am Kris Dreemurr. Can I join?"

Re: ARE WE CONNECTED // joining - ORPHEUS - 12-11-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Orpheus could never claim that he had somewhere that felt like home. Places were fleeting parts of his life — in his experience, it's the people that made a home what it is. But then again, he's only ever had one or two of those and they're all dead. So maybe he'll just stick with having no home at all, some tumbleweed that couldn't find a new place to put down roots. Wandering suits him just fine anyway. Despite long hours on the road, he's still got an urge to keep walking, to see more and experience more and be more. Maybe it's just his dad's lessons sticking a bit too well: staying anywhere for too long was dangerous. He hasn't allowed it to happen for a while now, the worming fishhooks under his skin and the thousands of tiny tears they would leave when something or someone — himself, usually — tore them out when the lines got too taut.

That doesn't seem to be the case with the much smaller cat at the border. They don't cast glances behind them, don't seem bothered by where they stand now. He still finds himself intrigued, head tipping just slightly. "I'm kinda new here but yeah, I think that'd be alright. I'm Orpheus. Have you been in one of these groups before? You sure sound like you know what you're saying."

Re: ARE WE CONNECTED // joining - tikki - 12-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.60; font-size: 12px; padding-top: 2px;"]Paper didn't usually travel to the border, considering there had been a murder in Sunhaven recently, but there were few times where he just kept walking and ended up in places, and the border on this particular day happened to be the place that he ended up at. Maybe his feet kept making him go in this direction due to others being at the border - someone new and someone looking to be new - and he had been curious. Listening to the words that had been spoken as he pad over, however, the male would simply nod his head before letting a yawn cross over his lips and speaking. "Yeah, you can join, like Orpheus said. I'm Papercrown, and you smell like Tanglewood, were you there long?" He seemed to answer Orpheus's question for the other, but he didn't mind it. He was just curious as to how someone from the tanglewood ended up here.

Re: ARE WE CONNECTED // joining - ATTICUS - 12-11-2018

―――― Atticus had seen many joiners in his time here at the Ascendants, but very few had been from prior clans, be it allies or enemies. Though, Kit had to say that Kris was already off to a better start than the last one, who had taken to walking straight through the territory. While Paper and Orpheus had already made their introductions to the newcomer, Atticus came up quietly besides paper and dipped his head softly in acknowledgement,  "Welcome to the Ascendants, Kris," he would speak simply, though trying to make a conscious effort not to repeat the questions that had already been asked.  "You are more than welcome to stay. Do you care for a tour, or something to eat? Anything that we may presently provide?"

Re: ARE WE CONNECTED // joining - clarence a. - 12-12-2018

Clarence wasn't a seasoned member of the Ascendants by any means but there seemed to be quite a few newcomers around recently, making him feel as though he'd been here a little longer than he thought. It was nice to see new faces around, though, he had to admit. Things had been a little quiet initially and, besides that, now it meant there were at least a few people in the clan who hadn't heard of his episode when he first arrived. In his defense, being dropped into a world full of talking animals and completely away from the time and place one originated was jarring and he liked to think he handled it as well as anyone would've in such a situation (which is to say, not well). It seemed that most of the people who arrived had less of an... exciting introduction than he did, which was perfectly fine with him. He'd rather not be reminded of that rather embarrassing moment. He knew there weren't many that still brought it up, but he still thought about it and that was enough for him to want to avoid any kind of mention of it.

Clarence was out on his usual walk when he heard a few voices nearby and quietly made his way over, slipping among his clanmates and settling down to look towards the strange, who introduced themselves as Kris. He offered a polite smile and dipped his head in greeting. "It's good to meet you, Kris. My name is Clarence Aston. I haven't been here for a particularly long time, but if there's anything I can help with, just let me know," his tone was friendly and polite but not much more than that. He was starting to wonder if maybe he should stop introducing himself with both his first and last name. No one seemed to call anyone by their surnames here and he wasn't sure everyone needed to know his. Still, it felt more respectful than just saying the first one, and it did give him a sense of familiarity which was nice. He had finally gotten into the habit of not referring to himself as "Surgeon Aston" but even that had taken a week or so to get used to. After so many months of his first name not even being relevant, it was strange to hear it coming out of his own mouth and other's so often. 

Re: ARE WE CONNECTED // joining - charactercemetary. - 12-12-2018

- tags
- typically they/them (she/her rarely)
- Ascendants Member
- Doesn't talk too much

The first one had appeared before they really understood how many would be coming. He seemed to be a nice guy, at least. "I do know what I am saying. Yes, I have been in a group before, and thank you for your welcome."

So, it appeared that one of the members here was very smart and questioned their relationship with Tanglewood. Though it could not be seen, their red eyes narrow slightly. Their voice is emotionless as they reply, "No. Not long at all."

The next one seemed much, much nicer than Papercrown. They shake their head. "Nothing you can provide currently, no."

They were done with talking. It was not something they were fond of. So, when Clarence appeared, they simply nodded in thanks.

//sorry, at school + mobile + ic! so sorry for the short post