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i've got clouds on my agenda ✲ study / storage - Printable Version

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i've got clouds on my agenda ✲ study / storage - julia. - 12-11-2018

i don't wanna lay a claim
[ last updated ] 11 / 12
[div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]i. biography
ii. history / timeline
iii. extra notes
vi. playlist

Re: i've got clouds on my agenda ✲ study / storage - julia. - 12-11-2018

name : julia
meaning : latin origin means young
last name : burnsides, formerly waxman
nicknames : jules

age : four years
created : 9 / 12
born : --
star sign : --

gender : woman
identity : trans
pronouns : she / her

affiliation : tanglewood
joined : december 11th
rank : tangler / member
titles : none

[div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: georgia; letter-spacing:1.5pt; font-size: 8pt; margin-bottom:5px; color:#725751; text-align: justify;"]appearance
species : ursidae
breed : spectacled

build : broad and heavy, good amount of padding
◇ counted amongst the smallest ursidae she is little within comparison to others yet it is clear she is still large, shoulders and hips are broad and well muscled with a clear layering of fat atop it, standing at around six and a half feet

pelt : long yet surprisingly fine
◇ dry and rather brittle the base if a dusky shade of black but there is white about the throat and face, the eyes are encircled by black and have a mask like look about it, a few places about her body lighten some but it is not overly noticeable

eyes : dark brown
◇ somewhat difficult to see it is hard to tell what she is thinking or feeling, well practised at guarding her inner thoughts rare are the times she will break from this, few permitted in though within moments of high stress there are signs, the eyes proving one of the easiest points to tell this

scent : burning metal
◇ even without her work heavy is the smell of it about her hiding beneath it anything else that may touch her, heavy the tone of it, to some pleasant yet to others it may be an irritant

notable features :
◇ size
◇ axe worn on the back
◇ red bandanna worn on the right wrist
◇ heavy scarring
◇ set of rosewood and elk antler rings on a leather necklace

alignment : lawful good
personality type : 8 — the challenger
mbti type : entj — the commander

positive :
◇ excellent strategist, quick witted, natural leader

neutral :
◇ observant, adaptive, humorous

negative :
◇ impulsive, aggressive, confrontational

parents : unknown
other family : --

orientation : bisexual
preference : women, wilful and confident, can make her laugh
current interest : none
past interest : none

friends : though she may make a show of being welcoming to all it is extremely difficult to achieve this
◇ tba

enemies / rivals : with how she is it proves all too easy for her to anger another or otherwise grow angry with someone else for trivial things
◇ tba

fighting : while she is a trained warrior has little to no experience within such a body and uses instinct alone
difficulty : moderate

mental : has no experience with such and so has no blocks or ideas of how to handle such
difficulty : extremely easy

attacking : readily goes after any who have proven themself an enemy, uncaring of harm to herself and will take a hit for another if it becomes necessary
◇ mention and use bold underline

peaceful actions : rare it will be welcomed but depending on the person may be fine, it is better to just forgo any sort of touch without first asking or alerting her
◇ can be powerplayed

Re: i've got clouds on my agenda ✲ study / storage - julia. - 12-11-2018

based on the tres horny girls au and my own things

much of her childhood is an unknown though she remembers loving parents, bullies who saw her weak but learnt the hard way when forced to leave with their tail between their legs and a black eye to remember her by, strong for she knew what she needed to do to survive. the years on the starblaster were difficult and tedious, wearing at her, and it was a want to return to a simpler time that lead to her decision in the creation of the chalice never knowing the destruction it may bring

lost and alone, she was unwanted when her memories were wiped, left near raven's roost but all despised her for the largely human populated town thought little of the teenaged tiefling, a threat to their lives, but steven waxman thought differently. spending a few good years she honed her skills as a smith and carpenter until the man known as magnus burnsides came into their lives, rebellion began for they had the power they needed now. it was julia who left that day, hunting a supposed white elk within the forest clustered about the spires the town was set upon, barely outside of the blast when it came down

for two years she wandered with a group of marauders and came near death many times, a sword to the gut nearly disembowelling her but all she was left with was an infected wound later to become a bad scar and a chance meeting with the women lup taako and hecuba highchurch. their travels became well known, shared upon the end of it all when they defeated the entity they knew as the hunger, peaceful the lives they lead after. it was surrounded by friends and family that julia passed away, allowed a few good years with her husband on their own little island in the astral plane, reunited after all these years only to be separated once more, now julia once more searches for her husband and wonders as to why she is here

[div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: georgia; letter-spacing:1.5pt; font-size: 8pt; margin-bottom:5px; color:#725751; text-align: justify;"]timeline
11 / 12 : joined tanglewood
◇ met --