Beasts of Beyond
clearly dying to be found [ ♡ ] rejoining - Printable Version

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clearly dying to be found [ ♡ ] rejoining - calliope - 12-11-2018

[ ♡ ] It seemed that she could never stay in one place for too long. Whether it be an internal or external force, something was always driving her away. No matter how hard she tried to get control of her life, to tell herself that she could commit to somewhere, that she would get better, she ultimately failed. And so, she was left with a constant stream of broken promises and forgotten faces.

Due to her absences, Mira knew there'd be someone to replace her entirely, no matter how minuscule or forgotten she'd become. She was sure this was the same case back at home, too. The threat of such an occurrence loomed over her head every day she spent there. She was expendable, so the hard work ensued. She had to prove that she wasn't completely worthless. Yet, here she was, alone, failing at her own job to help people. Maybe they were right about her all along.

Now the girl was stuck without a home, too terrified to even try going to somewhere new. Maybe that's why she found herself at the Tanglewood border, breathing in the familiar air of swampy jungle. It had to be months since she last stepped into the territory, yet a sense of familiarity washed over her, bringing a jumble of comfort and anxiety all in one. Maybe everyone was still here, maybe she'd be able to see everyone again, but what would they even think of her for leaving?

Maybe they hated her for that. Maybe they didn't want her back. Maybe they replaced her. Maybe, maybe-

She was overthinking this. Still, she'd be lying if she said the possibilities weren't killing her. Whatever they thought, she was going to face it. Mira made a promise to herself that she would stick with this place no matter what, and for once in her life, she actually wanted to go through with it. Mira didn't want to doom herself into hopelessly wandering forever. She took a deep breath, in and out. She could do this. No matter how hard it was, she could do this.

"H-hello! My name is Mirabella. I-I don't know if any of you know me, but- I'm back."

Re: clearly dying to be found [ ♡ ] rejoining - arcy - 12-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Jim has spent a little more time than warranted wondering if his crew has replaced him already. It's only been a month or two -- the admiralty would let them search longer than that if his crew pushed, wouldn't they? .. Unless they didn't.
Jim doesn't like thinking about it. It was, after all, the one place he felt at home. So, instead, the Chaser waits, and focuses on the present.
.. The present, like this. There's mud covering a good majority of his lower body, and god does Jim hate mud. He's grown to tolerate it, at least. There wasn't a lot of other options except absolute misery in this jungle swampland. It makes for scenting things hard, though he's been getting better. .. Hence why he doesn't notice the stranger before he hears her voice. Jim's ears prick, and he blinks. An older member who came back, he's assuming? .. She sounds nervous.
"I don't think you had to choose the border to announce yourself," Jim grins. If she really was a returning member, it would've made more sense to go to the village, right? .. Chances were you'd be intercepted, but it was altogether the same. Right, but whatever. It was a preference. "Hey, welcome back, though. I'm Jim," He says, flashing one of his more charming grins in hopes of making her feel more at ease. And then, carefully, he steps back. He introduced himself, and, in his experience, there's gonna be somebody even more excited to see her. Especially with how close-knit these guys were, even if they weren't best friends or anything.


Re: clearly dying to be found [ ♡ ] rejoining - calliope - 12-20-2018

[ ♡ ] Of course, the first person who would show up was a complete stranger to her. There hadn't been the sense of familiarity that she was silently hoping for. Were they even still here? She was half-tempted to ask, but she couldn't stand the idea of humiliating herself if she asked about people who were no longer there, so she kept her mouth shut on the matter.

"Uh, well- I didn't really, want to trespass. I-I wasn't sure if anyone would recognize me, so I just wanted to wait," she explained, silently cursing at herself over the fact that she didn't just walk into the territory. Sure, she was a returning member, so they should be okay with her just walking back. Despite the chance being tiny, she couldn't help but fill her brain with what-ifs, clouding any actual judgment. Her nervous energy was obvious, and in fact, she was sure Jim picked up on it. At this point, she just wanted to head back into the village, to just rest and not have to worry about things anymore. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Jim." She decided to at least attempt to have a tiny bit of a conversation. Really, the girl just wanted to work on her poor social skills, even in places where it wasn't really required. It was a bit dumb, really, but she wanted to commit to it.

Re: clearly dying to be found [ ♡ ] rejoining - arrow - 12-20-2018

Y'know, Arrow kinda remembered that voice. Never got the chance to talk to the girl enough, and all she remembered was how shy and awkward she was. Poor thing. Even with the fact she had just vanished off the face of the earth, it'd be hard to get or stay mad, she would have felt too bad. "Where ya been?" Arrow asked, head tilted to the side, preferring to avoid pointing out the absence. Wouldn't have done much for the conversation at all, and it wasn't like Mira didn't know that she left. Obviously she did. "You had people worried, thought you got snapped up by one of the gators or something."