Beasts of Beyond
WOVEN LIES || RHIANNON - Printable Version

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tags && information – updated 12/22/18

Rhiannon “Rhia”

Female - She/Her - Bisexual

2 years old – December 10th, 2018 - Pieces - Ages 1 month every 100 posts

The Pitt  – Young Adult – Skald (SHP)

Played by [member=125]Andromeda[/member]

Pinterest Board


Rhiannon is a white Turkish Angora who seems to be relatively normal from the outside. However, her eyes themselves are white and shiny, blinded through cataracts that covered over her irises. Before her blindness, Rhia had heterochromia, and through the cataracts at times a shimmering of the old color can be seen, though perhaps more prominent he way that her white, blinded eyes seem to shimmer differently from one another. Standing tall and proud, albeit with her steps more careful and low to the ground, there isn't anything inherently unique about her body. Adorning her body is often some shade of blue, either through a headscarf, an earring, or a necklace, but regardless, she is never seen without her bracers, small delicate leather bracelets around her wrists, which are also occasionally adorned with different things, like dainty gold chains, gemstones, or woven cords depending on her mood that day.

White Turkish Angora with white (cataract) eyes.

Often has a black mamba with her as a sort of familiar.

Often has a blue cloak and soft leather wrist braces on her paws.

No current injuries


Rhiannon is above all else an individual. She has her own strong beliefs and instincts, and it is to these beliefs that she will follow. That is not to say that she will blatantly disregard a command or an order, but if it is an order that goes against her own common-sense judgment or moral compass, she will refuse it. In other words, she will not let herself be controlled. She in confident in herself as an individual, and does not rely on the bonds of a community to help lead herself. While she has little quarrel with harming others and defending herself against danger, she does have some boundaries in that she does not find joy in harming children, or those who are blatantly innocent. However, if they have connections to some different cause, those boundaries can change. Notably, she is a manipulator above all. Though, she doesn't do it for no good reason; she simply tries to make herself a notable figure in the minds of others, either good or bad depending on what she requires.

ISFJ – Neutral Evil - Ravenclaw -  Ereudite

POSITIVE TRAITS: Adventurous - Alert - Anticipative - Articulate - Aspiring - Calm - Capable - Charismatic - Clever - Confident - Eloquent - Focused -  Methodical -  Resourceful - Strong - Subtle - Wise

NEUTRAL TRAITS: Complex - Deceptive - Determined - Folksy - Noncommital - Religious

NEGATIVE TRAITS: Calculating - Critical - Deceitful - Individualistic - False - Malicious - Strong-willed

LIKES: Her bird, interesting textures, music, feeling in control, being independent

DISLIKES: Smooth floors, too-loud or too-quiet individuals, disrespect


NPC x NPC – First Generation

Mother to N/A

Siblings with N/A

Friends with N/A

Enemies with N/A

Mentored by N/A

Currently Single - No Crush – No past relationships


Physically Medium - Mentally Extreme

Will fight – May not start fights

Water Manipulation – Uses it for blood control
Enhanced Senses
Possession - used once to switch bodies

@Mention when Attacking - Or Attack in #af7181

Power Playing Peaceful/Non Violent Gestures is Acceptable


we know nothing in relality
for truth lies in an abyss
- ——————— - Blind & The Pitt & [member=125]Andromeda[/member] & Tags