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The Shape Of Neverending Sky - Printable Version

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The Shape Of Neverending Sky - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 12-10-2018

Please forgive the poor quality, my hand could barely tolerate writing this. Due to the move progressing swiftly, this takes place afterwards for simplicity.

Rosemary had been keeping on the Calico's case lately, really it had began the night after she got slammed into the tree protecting her and if the lithe feline had been more 'normal' she would have seen the healers concerns were well founded. The agony tearing apart her spine? Meant nothing to the bat eared feline, her body had never meant anything to her, the only thing that meant anything was those that inhabited that 'world' she tried to stay far away from as she could. Why couldn't the healer see, her pyshical form meant nothing when she was just going to revive if she died! So what if there was the chance she had serious injuries from that incident and her exessive power abuse to hunt for the others afterwards. Nothing.

Colored paws moved slowly as she pushed open the door to her house. At the moment? She couldn't seem to get away long enough to find a delapitated building which could only be teleported or ghosted in and out of. "Those have to go." her mismatched optics focused on the flower beds that sat right outside of her two story house, and the window baskets on the windows. Most other animals would consider it beatiful, a grand splash of color against the sandy grey of her building. Yet, to the currently hunch backed feline, it was secretly frightening. What did each of those flowers do? All she could see was a corpse, there was no beauty laying in those blooms and she doubted that there would ever be any.

Yet, with her back messed up as it was, she very well may not be able to rip up the flower bed herself. Prehaps Bai Shi or Sepiroth could help, but she couldn't ask, so they couldn't help.

Re: The Shape Of Neverending Sky - ROSEMARY - 12-18-2018

Keeping the Rosebloods alive – and excelling at that task – came as a personal accomplishment and source of pride for the ocelot. Part of her self-esteem relied on the health, physical and mental, of the group that she grew increasingly attached to. So the vizier’s wounds pained her in more ways than one, especially with Rosemary’s assumption that the calico injured herself trying to protect the group’s only medic. Who, Rosemary chided herself, frankly should have known better than to recklessly put herself in harms way. That fed into the reasons why the physician fussed over the vizier, regardless of the frosty and cold exterior of the second in command.

And, of course, Rosemary knew something that most of the group probably never would. That their emotionless badass woman actually had enough emotion to drown in them, regardless of how little that showed in Jiyu’s body language or in her aura. And Rosemary could empathize with that; the ocelot struggled to properly convey her own emotions, even if she wore them on her sleeve through her aura and allowed them to color her every action. There was no denying that the healer started to grow a soft spot for their cold vizier – spending so much time with the calico only made that worse, especially as it grew obvious to Rosemary that the calico was in love with her.

So it was entirely expected that when Jiyu managed to hobble back to her home, Rosemary followed shortly behind. The slender wildcat took the rare time away from the calico to hastily wrap a gift – she trotted over with it now, the small package swaying from her jaws with every step. “Jiyu, wait up --” the physician called, panting, as she set down the present a few meters in front of the house.

Ears flicking, she looked at Jiyu’s directly and gestured with a paw to the dropped present. “This is for you. Holiday spirit and all,” she said, still gasping for breath and barely able to make out the two short sentences without wheezing in between them. Well, Rosemary decided she’d really need to work on her stamina after this – this was frankly just embarrassing.

[ The gift box has 20 small containers of acrylic paints! ]

waded through the spirits like a flood on the floor