Beasts of Beyond
[made of ruby red stained glass] ♡ [mira's storage] - Printable Version

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[made of ruby red stained glass] ♡ [mira's storage] - calliope - 12-10-2018

I. tags. / and when the wizard gets to me
II. bio. / i'm asking for a smaller heart
III. history & timeline. / and if he tells me "no"
IV. plots. / i'll hold my breath until i hit the floor
V. art. / eventually i know i'm doomed
VI. moodboard. / to get what i am asking for.
VII. playlist. / now my heart is exactly the size
VIII. heart chat. / of a six-sided die cut in half
IX. misc. / made of ruby red stained glass
© guppy

Re: [made of ruby red stained glass] ♡ [mira's storage] - calliope - 12-10-2018

[i. tags]

✧ mirabella | mira
✧ physically ambigious [at least a year old], mentally ageless | unknown birthday | unknown zodiac
✧ female | she/her
✧ tanglewood | tangler | no titles
has many memory issues, pertaining to herself and her past.
considers herself a nurse of sorts and has extensive medical knowledge.
extremely skittish and shy. can be terrified of things that aren't even that scary.
extremely germaphobic and obsessively cleans everything.
just wants to help everyone no matter what.
quite clumsy, tends to get a lot of minor injuries due to this.

✧ serval (ref.) | health: 100% | current body
— mira has roughly the same build as the average serval, although she is a bit more dainty than average. her fur is sleek and well-taken care of, almost being unnaturally clean. it's colored with unnatural purple-tinted black fur. it covers her body from her tail to shoulders, as well as her front right paw and half of her face is covered in her dark markings. the rest of her body, as well as her underbelly,  are a white color. the regular spots that you'd find on a serval are still covering her body, being darker and lighter colors that correspond with her strange markings. her eyes are a bright pink color, almost appearing fluorescent.
— rarely wears accessories, though she can occasionally be seen wearing a surgical mask, or even colorful bandages from whenever she gets injured.
— current injuries no current injuries

✧ hard-working, kind, caring
✧ extremely protective, emotional, cautious
✧ meek, crybaby, pushover, loudmouth
— full personality here

✧ npc x npc | status unkown
✧ no family name
✧ asexual panromantic | single | not looking | no ships
✧ no friends | no best friends

✧ physically easy | mentally easy | non-offensive powers | no weapons
✧ will not start or end fights, hard provoke | will not kill
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | zero fighting skills
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded #816899 | mention [member=3066]mirabella[/member] when attacking

✧ faiceclaim of mikan tsumiki
— specifics right here

Re: [made of ruby red stained glass] ♡ [mira's storage] - calliope - 12-10-2018

[align=left][ii. bio]
NAME Mirabella
AGE  Unknown
Mirabella, also known as Mira, is a serval with an unknown age, who appears to be an adult. She is a tangler of Tanglewood. Mirabella is an ISFJ-T ("The Defender") and a neutral good, who focuses on trying to help people, despite her poor social skills. Mira took up a promise with her family to never hurt anyone, so she refuses to battle, preferring to flee or stay on the sidelines.

Mirabella has memory issues and cannot recall some major events in her past. She is aware of her issues, however, refuses to do anything to get help or to do anything about it. Mirabella has extensive medical knowledge and uses this to her advantage, whether or not her rank reflects this. She collects medical supplies for fun, having stockpiles of various things she's gathered over the past few months, some being useless and others actually having a practical use.

She is also extremely germaphobic and obsessively cleans things, even to the point of damaging her own skin and fur. She is unnaturally clean despite residing in a swamp and tends to panic if she gets overly dirty. She is also extremely paranoid and skittish being scared rather easy and being constantly filled with worry and fear. She expects everyone to hate her, and often gets upset or worried if she ever fails at a task, expecting people to be mad at her. Despite wanting to help others and caring about everyone in Tanglewood, she doesn't trust anyone, especially when it comes to opening up about her emotions. She worries about people getting close to her and hurting her. Mira wishes that she can open up one day and learn to accept herself, however, she is worried that this is completely impossible.

Re: [made of ruby red stained glass] ♡ [mira's storage] - calliope - 12-11-2018

[iii. history & timeline]

[rejoined tanglewood / december 10]

old timeline:

Re: [made of ruby red stained glass] ♡ [mira's storage] - calliope - 12-11-2018

[iv. plots]

[ there's no place like home ] mirabella has been through at least four different clans, ranging from brief stays to longer-term ones, each time trying to make a resolution to stay in a place permanently. now, she finds herself back in a clan she's been a part of in the past, and this time, mira plans on staying in tanglewood for good. however, her paranoid nature will get in the way and make things a bit troubling for her. will she be able to truly call this place home, or will she leave it in the dust again?