Beasts of Beyond
DEVIL'S TRYNA TEMPT ME - Returning - Printable Version

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DEVIL'S TRYNA TEMPT ME - Returning - Freya - 12-09-2018

Time was a useless thing. Sure, it measured how long one had been gone, how long it would take it return; but it also tracked the days, weeks, months that Freya had been gone. It was an incessant reminder that she needed to go back, to tell her problems to go fuck themselves and go back to the one place that she could call home. Her journey away from Paradis Island had been an unpleasant one, though the unpleasantry wasn't the problem itself but rather that her presence was needed back on the main lands. She'd been called back with the news of the death of her parents, a rather pleasant fact given her history of disowning the bastards, and had been alerted that it was solely her responsibility to collect their expansive collection of shit. She was given the option of either trashing everything, the choice she most favored, or going through all of it and, as she knew there were at least a few valuables, Freya had chosen to go through all of it. She'd come out of the journey with a collection of small weapons and various jewelry, the majority of which she planned to pass on to Pincher for the crew.

But that was months ago. Now, accompanied by the bag of items for the Typhoon, she was finally returning home to Paradis Island. She was unable to shield her excitement when the island came into view, the fine black fur along her spine rising in anticipation as she was eager to reach land and finally return to her crew. She'd almost decided to stop to ring the irritating bell that alerted the Typhoon of visitors, if only to annoy the shitheads she held so dearly. The black Mongoose had been perched on the edge of the small boat from the very moment she'd left the shores of the main land and when the island had come into view, she'd nearly launched herself into the water to get there quicker. She was beyond exhausted from her months being gone from the Typhoon, from having to deal with the idiots she'd been forced to put up with while she was away and she was anxious to be among those she'd come to know as family. She was excited to see how things had changed in her time away, although she'd made sure to pay attention to the talk of the main-landers in order to keep up with the changes within the Typhoon that the public was aware of.

As soon as the small boat brushed against the very sands that had been plaguing Freya's thoughts, she was out it and practically launched herself onto shore.

//that was shorter than I wanted it to be but I had to finish it before I ran out of muse and it felt forced. but hiya lovelies, it's good to be back <33
"devil's backbone" —-- freya / the typhoon / misc. / roleplayer

Re: DEVIL'S TRYNA TEMPT ME - Returning - bubblegum - 12-11-2018

Re: DEVIL'S TRYNA TEMPT ME - Returning - Luca - 12-13-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Luca doesn't understand how people can sail over the ocean with such ease. The world beneath the water is one that isn't built for people like him. The thought of sitting for hours above a cold abyss, one which he would be completely vulnerable in, just doesn't appeal to him in the slightest. His powers don't work as well beneath the waves. The best he can do is turn smaller amounts to steam, and to boil the area around him if he focuses hard enough, but that puts his own body at risk. Overheating in such a place would definitely spell his death, and the ocean was one of the few places in which he fears such a thing. The mental image of being trapped at the bottom on a trench, drowning over and over again until someone finds him, is one that he cannot bear. Someone may question at this point why he had joined the Typhoon in the first place, but that's a question that even he can't answer. He was hoping to find his reasons in the fragments of his memories that had been buried across the island, but as he spots Goldie on the horizon and finds himself smiling against his will, he starts to think that maybe he's already found his reason.

He hasn't had a friend in so long, he realises as he makes his way towards her. He's an incubus at heart, a creature designed to sleep around and drain the life force of whoever he can, but knowing that their relationship is simply platonic comes as a strange sort of relief. He can feel himself getting sentimental, and quickly shakes it out. The weak half-smile from before is replaced with a more neutral expression, and he exhales an exasperated cloud of steam. He thinks about turning around and leaving her alone, but then he catches her voice over the ambient noises of the beach. It takes him a second, but then he realises with a blink that there's another form on the beach with her, previously obscured from view by the fog of his mind. His faltering steps speed up again, and it doesn't take long for him to join the pair. He runs his observant gaze over Freya as he does, taking in everything he could glean like he did with every new face he came across. Who knew, maybe this face isn't so new after all, another victim of his wiped mind. Only time would tell.

"And who are you?" Luca butts in after Goldie, his half-interested eyes lingering on the mongoose's face. He appears significantly less welcoming than his feline companion, all spiked fur and suspicious squinting, but he's sure that she doesn't expect much from him at this point.

Re: DEVIL'S TRYNA TEMPT ME - Returning - Freya - 12-15-2018


Freya had heard about Goldie's memory loss, the - once small - Bengal she had begun showing her teachings to was now a stunning young adult put in the Captain position of the Typhoon with no recollection of who she was. While she yearned for the younger female to remember, she knew that trying to force their previous friendship on her or treating her like a child would do no good. Freya, instead, simply chose to remind Goldie of who she was and build a new friendship with the darling. The power behind the girl's voice brought a sense of pride to the mongoose; it was clear that she'd grown impressively from the child she'd been. The black mongoose, significantly smaller than most creatures inhabiting the island, leaned to perch upon her haunches and gazed fondly at the youngster.

Before she'd had the chance to respond, another crew member had descended upon them, this one only slightly familiar to her. Perhaps she'd seen him about before she'd had to depart for those few months. Freya's gaze scrutinized the male as he'd stepped rather close to Goldie and, despite his slightly aggressive air, she deemed that he posed no threat to herself or the other female. She greeted him with a half-smile, portraying a calm physiognomy as she glanced between the being before her. "Name's Freya, loves. I've been gone a few months but I was 'round when you were just a youngin'." Her first words were to both crew mates but her ending sentence was directed more toward Goldie than Luca, her gaze remaining on the Bengal for a moment before she spoke again. "I don't expect ya to remember me, given the circumstances - that's quite alright."

She caught the glance Goldie threw toward the bag on her back and she had a bit of an 'aha' moment as she'd momentarily forgotten the goods she'd brought along with her. She removed the bag and placed it before the small group of three, her gaze meeting Goldie's once more. "Was gonna bring these to Pinch but, since I've heard he's stepped down and you're Captain now, I s'pose they'd go to you, dearie." Freya felt a sense of pride deep in her chest; the same small feline she'd befriended and adored was now Captain of the Typhoon. "Had some.. personal effects to go through while I was away, found some weapons and whatnot I figured the crew could use."
"devil's backbone" —-- freya / the typhoon / misc. / roleplayer