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Hazard Perception Test | Joining - Printable Version

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Hazard Perception Test | Joining - Stellas - 12-09-2018

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Max wasn't a very likable guy beyond being organized and competent in tasks that would be described as the opposite of practical. The feline wasn't trying to be likable. As far as he was concerned, kindness was something that could be reserved and clumbsily mustered up for presences he'd actually enjoyed. The only issue was, he found it hard not to detest people that didn't kiss up to him. It wasn't anything personal, rather it was just due to his own problematic esteem and ongoing struggle with narcissism.

The white cat hadn't really taken in the surroundings, nothing special here aside from the scent of ... a group. A nice glimpse into both diet, and borders. He rubbed his nose in digust with a paw, and took a seat. A few minutes past, and he found himself rather annoyed with their tardiness, and lack of spontanious appearence. It was dumb to assume someone was just going to spontaneously pop up the moment he showed up at the boarder though. He didn't see an alarm system, no little bell to ding.

So, standing again after waiting what was around five minutes; the feline decided to track down someone who could integrate him into this group. The loner was having a midlife crisis, and actually wanted someone to talk to for once. Call him lonely, call him a loser; in both instances you'd be wholly correct.

Re: Hazard Perception Test | Joining - arcy - 12-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]People turned up to things happening fast enough for Jim to have .. questions .. That he was never going to have the answer to. Especially considering Jim had a habit of stumbling on stuff at the right time, too. ... Well. On the plus, it didn't seem foolproof.
The wolfdog regards the feline with some curiosity. They didn't get joiners terribly often, much less any that stuck around. .. Well, he was glad to see one, today. Assuming this was a joiner at all! Judging by the impatient, clear look on their face, they weren't feral, and they didn't have the scent of another group. ... They'd probably gotten bored and tried to seek somebody out. Well, Jim was here to end their impatient suffering.
"You probably shouldn't wander into the swamps on your own," Jim advises, maybe trying a little too hard to be dramatic and ominous as he approaches the white feline. He mourns for their fur. The canine huffs, softly. "Not too safe. Oh, but hey, I'm Jim, what're you doing here?" The canine tilts his head, shooting his most charming grin the feline's way. It hopefully counteracted the fact that he was covered in mud. God, did Jim hate having to wash it off every time he went into the swamps.


Re: Hazard Perception Test | Joining - KomodoBove - 12-09-2018

Sirus has always been fairly friendly and curious, he's adventurous at heart and makes a point of going out of his way to try and help others. His exploits typically ending in a ridiculous disaster due to his bumbling clumsy nature. Upon first look at him, a feline wouldn't expect that he weaves flower garlands or decorates his den in a messy chaos of color but it doesn't take long to figure it out.

Once again he found himself wandering about searching for shiny objects and colorful trinkets, not very aware of the surrounding area or where he was going. He remembered he had to find a present for a friend but couldn't remember exactly why, as his memory wasn't very good and never really had been. After some time had passed he realized he had wandered near the border and had lost his way. Deciding that getting home was more important than finding a gift, he started retracing his steps.

What he looks like cuz I can't attach the file.

Re: Hazard Perception Test | Joining - guts - 12-09-2018

Wherever she was, Jim seemed to be there, whether it be welcoming people into the clan or getting himself into trouble. He seemed to have a knack for it. Anyways, the large canine-like creature trots up towards them, studying the newcomer closely. He didn't seem to have trouble written all over him, so maybe he was alright. But she would reserve her judgement, staying silent as she waits to hear their reply.

Re: Hazard Perception Test | Joining - Stellas - 12-09-2018

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Max found himself  face to face with a canine. The impatient look didn't leave his face, but it softened as they spoke. 'What's wrong with the swaps? It's just mud and water. That's nothing new for me.'

The feline had grown up somewhere just as boggy, he may as well of had webbed paws. It had been a while since he'd found himself in this kind of place however. Swampland. "You shouldn't wander out alone into the swamp either, seems you have a feral cat infestation. Must not be ideal for you canines."

Maximus mused this as Feverdream moved forward beside Jim. Jim's curious and enthusiastic tip of the head caught him off guard. He'd only had himself for a while, and he'd never do something like that. Thinking about returning the gesture was funnier then his first joke. (He wasn't a comedian, his first joke was easy as everloving fuck to top.) "My name is Maximus Cyllell. My dad was from an island in the east that was just as boggy. I'm used to it."

He was too depressed by default to care about mud in his fur anyways. Anyone who mentioned it could talk to his glare. "...Who's that?"

Max turned his gaze to Sirus, the larger feline who was strutting behind him, going who knows where. Maybe his joke about feral cats was more honest then comic. Max's mouth drew into a thin line. His gaze returned to Jims , then moved over to Feverdreams. The look on his face screamed: Do something;  just because he hadn't even been allowed into the clan- it was probably too early to go asking strangers if they should or shouldn't be there.

Re: Hazard Perception Test | Joining - arcy - 12-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Jim rolls his eyes. Okay, so they took his comment the wrong way. However, the wolfdog grins crookedly at the feline. Well, without context, the swamp did seem pretty safe.
"Oh, what a shame. I did like this swamps," He sighs dramatically. He hates the swamps, actually. He's just ... tolerating them. "Not sure how many strangely aggressive alligators you've got in your swamp, but we have a lot. ... And also a lot of traps," He decides to elaborate, shaking his head again. Getting caught in them was miserable and time consuming. To be completely honest though, Jim knows fuck all about swamps, so --!
.. Before he can greet Maximus, there's a stranger. So many people end up here somehow that Jim ... doesn't actually particularly care. "How should I know? He tells Maximus with a huff, then shakes his head. Well, at least intruders weren't as high stake here as at home. He's more concerned about them then he is about himself. Wait, were they even an intruder? Jim hasn't met everyone here yet, after all. "Hey, you looking for something?" He's a little irked by the look on Max's face, in all honestly. Jim honestly doesn't know if this guy is an outsider or not either, since the swamp covers scents so well. So, rather pointedly, Jim greets the purple(jesus) feline as openly as he can. So he's a little petty, what the hell does it matter. Besides, being in a group requires one be friendly so you don't just ... scare somebody off or something.


Re: Hazard Perception Test | Joining - KomodoBove - 12-10-2018

Upon hearing someone speak to him, Sirus turned to see a wolfdog. He didn't recognize his face or what little scent he could make out so he must be a stranger. "Ah, Yes I am, I think I'm lost."He whirled his head around to look deeper into the swamps "I know home is farther that way, I just can't quite remember how I got here." He noticed Feverdream and Maximus as he turned again to look back at Jim.

He'd never seen any of them, but folks weren't typically all that friendly or social in the swamp. He had a friend he visited from time to time but he was all they really tolerated, anyone more feline and they'd get irritable. He couldn't think of why these three were all here together, maybe they were lost like him or on a nice stroll. With a little, more thought he decided to ask "Are you all lost as well?" He gave a friendly smile, eagar to help. Even if they weren't, maybe they could help him.

Re: Hazard Perception Test | Joining - arcy - 12-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Okay, so they've got somebody who came here probably intentionally, and somebody lost. At the same time, unrelated. This is ... something, to deal with. Preferably not alone. .. Preferably Feverdream would deal with one of them so Jim wasn't juggling two mishaps at once. But for now ...
"That way?" .. Right, okay, okayokay.  They probably lived past the swamps(hopefully). A rogue, maybe? This isn't a problem, though -- Jim can probably try and guide them back home. Problem solved. He tries for his trademark grin, which .. looks a little awkward, but Jim is nothing if not adaptable. "No, we live here. If you want, I can try and bring you back home?" Jim tilts his head. He's probably required to escort them off the territory, but fuck if Jim is going to say that straightup.
... Oh, right, but the other stranger. Jim turns his head to regard Maximus, carefully bludgeoning his uncertainty. He was a captain, he can deal with this. Seriously, this is nothing, where'd his game face go? "Hey, were you joining? Or did you need something else?" Jim focuses his attention on the feline fully for a minute. He can't just neglect the guy now that someone else is here -- Jim is fucking determined to be completely hospitable to everyone. His motives for this were, of course, unclear.


Re: Hazard Perception Test | Joining - guts - 12-12-2018

It was somewhat comical to have two people at the border who weren't associated with one another at all. She looks between them as they speak, eyes flickering between Jim and this stranger that was evidently lost. She wasn't sure where this person was from, but her clan-mate seemed to need some help with handling two potential joiners at once. She supposed she would be nice and help out.

"You're in Tanglewood territory." Feverdream addresses Sirius, taking a step closer to the feline, head tilted. "What's your name? she was hopefully doing this right. Jim would correct her if she wasn't--maybe.

Re: Hazard Perception Test | Joining - KomodoBove - 12-13-2018

Sirius' face brightens as his name is asked. "My name is Sirus." he was always glad to introduce himself, he hadn't realized he had wandered into tangle wood but now the scenery made sense to him. "I didn't realize I had wandered all this way, I was just looking for something to give a friend of mine." He says as he gives an awkward and embarrassed smile as he realizes the awkward situation he might have put them in. his attention on Feverdream as he sees Jim focus on Maximus, she seemed friendly enough and he was happy to have her help. He didn't meet canines very often and if he was asked, this would probably be the nicest experience yet not to say the others were unpleasant.