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◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-09-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
The trek from Sunhaven to the Pitt had been a brief one, at least for Lucky himself. He had made great time, considering that he was on the run and trying to remain under the radar from Sunhaven as well as any passersby. When he finally crossed into Pitt territory, he slowed into a jog, knowing that he didn't have to run from anybody anymore. In his jaws was a cream-colored kitten, a little bundle from Sunhaven. She didn't look like much to the naked eye, yes, but it turned out that she held a very important familial connection to Buckingham. Admittedly, he sought validation from this new group, so perhaps they would be interested in what he had brought home.

The hellhound slowed to a stop once he reached the pyramids and he set Fairylights down onto the ground. His orange gaze lingered on her for a moment, now wondering what he should do next. Probably go inform Stryker or another high position. He didn't know where else he could have kept the prisoner, but he did not fear leaving her out in the open. It wasn't like she could escape; if she tried, she would die out in the hot desert hills.


Re: ◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - Fairylights - 12-09-2018

―――― Fairylights might have looked like a kitten, but the girl was already nine months of age, and steadily on her way to her tenth. Young, yes, but no baby; no small child that a mother would have been missing. Of course, she had no mother now, and her father, too was gone. The only family she had left was her uncle. Buckingham Barnes of Sunhaven, Helion. Of course, when she had first met him, he had not been a Helion; only shortly after she arrived had he gained that title and respect,only then had it now put a target on her back for no reason other than they had some small connection by blood. The trek, even if short to Lucky, felt like an eternity to Fairylights, who had been rendered useless in the man's jaws, her paws too short to reach, her body too small to fight back against the Hellhound's larger frame. Even if she thought she could free herself, she doubted that she'd be able to run fast enough, far enough, to get away. Her throat now was raw with her tears, a few still slipping from her eyes, but she had been rendered into silence, praying that she could disappear, praying that she would make it out alive, praying she would be safe. Her eyes were wide, shocked, and if it weren't for the heat around them from the deserts, she'd be shivering.

Her gaze took in her surrounding without truly absorbing them, shrinking against the hot, scorching desert sands once she was set down, her neck sore from where she had been carried. Where once the heat, the comfort of something warm and secure might have brought her some relief, it now was such a stark contrast to the weather of Sunhaven, to the faint snow they were beginning to have, to the rolling hills and solid ground. Her paws sank slightly into the hot sand, and her breath almost hiccuped at another set of tears as she felt the heat against her paws, unsure where to look, where to go, what to even take in. There was no use in trying to tell herself to calm down, for her mind would not have it, her wide eyes taking in the pyramids and the unfamiliar deserts around her, and to her captor who now stood above her, silent and unmoving. What was going to happen to her? Were they going to hurt her? Kill her? Her body nearly trembeled at the thought, but she dare not speak, her unanswered questions lingering withint he depths of her eyes as she looked upward at the hellhound above her.

Re: ◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - CAESAR CIPHER. - 12-10-2018

Back in The Typhoon, Caesar had once captured two Ascendants members - not at the same time, of course - but still. Although when he did capture these two Ascendantites, his former Crewmates weren't too pleased at what he had done. Perhaps it was due to his captures being so young of an age, or they were just shocked that Caesar would stoop to such a level. For him, captures was all about bringing fear and pain into someone. It was satisfying.

"Oh ho, look what we've got here." Caesar had a sickening grin to his face as he made his way over, his ears pricked with interest. The demon studied Fairylights for a few moments, his muzzle scrunching up a bit at the scent of Sunhaven. "Whaddya gonna do with her, hm?" These words came in a hum, almost as if the savannah was imagining what sort of injuries he could give Fairylights himself.

Re: ◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-10-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
His radiant gaze stared back at the apprentice's own blue ones, their gazes locking if only for a moment or two. He was able to see and almost physically feel how scared, how fearful she was. That was how powerful her own emotions translated over to him. Lucky was not a robot; he had feelings just like everybody else. It was just a matter of [sub]suppressing[/sub] them and controlling them, and the hellhound had mastered such an art over the course of his lifetime. His family did not validate weakness or sensitivity, all they craved was power and strength and superiority. Any vulnerability was kicked to the curb. He was born and raised to be a domineering and lethal weapon, a killer. However, he did not kill for the sheer enjoyment of it. He did not wreak havoc for the sake of havoc. Therefore, he wouldn't take any joy in decapitating or seriously maiming the little one. Although he very much could do her some serious harm, he would take part in no such thing, not unless he was ordered to.

Another prominent Pittian, Caesar, had come over to look upon the capture. Lucky only spared him a quick glance, his sitting position unmoving as he perked his long, triangular ears. [glow=black,1,400]"Nothin', at least not now."[/glow] The hellhound stated, and he figured that it would be wise if Caesar did not either. As far as he was concerned, Stryker was the one with the vendetta against Bucky and so he reserved the right to do what he wanted with her. [glow=black,1,400]"I figured that Stryker would be interested in this one. This is Bucky's niece."[/glow]

Re: ◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - CHERRYWINE - 12-11-2018

[Image: 4dc6882086f72a75b29313d687acf08e.jpg]
"Nothing?" echoed Barbara as she meandered over, blue optics bright as they danced over the scene before her. Captures were old news to Barb- every place she had stayed in had allowed at least some form of capture; it was the ones that allowed tortures that were the funs. To hear that Lucky didn't plan on doing anything along those lines to this girl was certainly disappointing, to say the least, considering Barb was pretty sure that was entirely allowed in this place. "Captives can be pretty fun if you know what to do with them, the molly went on, cocking her head slightly as she allowed her gaze to drift to Fairylights. The kid was definitely young, but not too young to mess with a bit; groups like this usually started training them to fight at, like, six or seven months, right? She could probably take a hit or two. Though partially tempted to straightup ask the hellhound if she could have a go at the enemy apprentice, Barbara figured she should wait at least until Stryker arrived, since the kid was some important guy's family - Bucky, he'd said, whoever that was. 

Re: ◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - Stryker - 12-11-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center][img width=690][/img]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Perked ears caught the rumbling of his name from Lucky, causing his interest to peak and switch direction from wherever he was heading next. After all, not everyone wanted to watch a torture. This just happened to be someone special though. Stryker had yet to think of the possibility of finding anyone of relation to Buckingham, seeing the ardent still thought he had a superior hold on the newer leader. Nothing wrong with a new advantage though. It wasn't his captive, but he was sure to try and undercut Fairylights from Lucky's grip so he could take control of things. For now, he was only interested in watching. He'd have to play nice before attempting to gain any type of leadership in the situation.

A delighted hum left his throat. "You aren't wrong," the lion commented as he approached. "Wonderful job, Lucky." His neon gaze researched the figure closely with interest as he continued to speak. "What are your plans for her?" 'If there is none, I will delightfully take her off your hands.'

Re: ◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - Fairylights - 12-11-2018

―――― People. So many people. So many unfamiliar faces, unfamiliar scents, all of which wished her harm, all of which would easily have her killed so long as they had the word of permission from their leader. She felt her bottom lip quiver, a squeak in her throat that voiced even despite her best efforts to keep her sobs at a very minimum. Yet, it was no use. The faces were a blur around her, the voices much the same. The Niece of Buckingham that was all she was. A piece in a game, an upperhand, a way to hurt her uncle. Tears ran down her cheeks, and the wave of fear that crushed the breath from her lungs, moreso as the large form of the Pitt's Ardent made his way into her vision. A lion? A lion. Dear gods above a lion. A whimper passed her lips as she pressed her chin into the ground, as if wishing she could disappear, just disappear, disappear, disappear... It almost became a silent prayer in her head. Yet, there was no answer to her prayer, only a quavering of her little body as she shook her head, as if silently pleading.  "Please... Please don't hurt me," her voice whispered out into the air, almost completely drowned out by her own shaky breathing. How could she even begin to explain the complexities of her relationship with her Uncle? That he hadn't even known she had existed, or that he had a brother until she had shown up at the border? That she had only really known him for a few weeks at best?  "I-i'll... I'll tell you whatever you want! Just please.. No.. No..."

Re: ◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - CAESAR CIPHER. - 12-12-2018

"Disappointing." Caesar hummed in response to Lucky's reply, clearly upset that they had to wait for Stryker to do something. Or, at least, wait for the Ardent to arrive to see Fairylights. The demon slowly turned his attention back to the young she-cat, his left ear flicking at the sound of Stryker's voice. "I have to agree with Miss Hooker 'Rings over here -" Caesar went on, his tail flicking to Barbara as if to make sure everyone knew he was referring to her. After all, those earrings she wore were typically ones wore by hookers, were they not? "- There's no fun in a capture if ya aren't gonna toy with them a bit." He bared his teeth at Fairylights, as if trying to intimidate her. Hearing her plead for them not to hurt her was absolutely amusing and it made the demon want to sink his claws into her right now. Unfortunately, he wasn't entirely aware of the rules regarding captives here.

Re: ◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-12-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
To the cream molly's comment, he added nothing. He didn't take immense joy in beating people senseless, not unless he had a personal vendetta against them and was fulfilling the act of getting sweet revenge. As for this adolescent's case, she hadn't done anything wrong to him in any way. She hadn't reigned hell onto his loved ones or targeted him or anything of the sort. As far as he was concerned, he was only interested in keeping her a prisoner and not a subject of harsh treatment. However, that was not going to be his call to make. He knew that he was a new person in these parts, and it wasn't his job to be the judge, jury, and executioner when he hardly had any context on this conflict at all.

Finally, Stryker himself had arrived. Lucky couldn't help the sense of validation that he received when the leader commended his catch, and that was really all he had sought to gain from the situation. As for his plans for the torture, the hellhound quietly stated, [glow=black,1,400]"None."[/glow] He managed a final glance at the small apprentice. Never did he feel remorse, not for an apparent enemy of the Pitt, but he could feel how scared she was in the shadow of a menacing figure. He had felt that once too, and he could easily see his younger-self in her shoes. However, now was not the time to delve into the past. [glow=black,1,400]"She's all yours."[/glow] With that, he turned his back on Fairylights and moved to join the crowd of onlookers, ultimately giving up his power in the situation. A rare move for Lucky, but again, he couldn't care less about harming the child. So, in this case, he was all willing to let Stryker deal with it. After all, the lion was the one with the beef against Buckingham, not him.

Once he had taken a slow seat, unsure if he would actually end up spectating or not, he flicked an ear in annoyance at Caesar's comments. Sheesh, he certainly made no effort to hide his apparent hard-on for torture, which only further added to the general bloodlust and murder-crazed vibe that this place attained. Unlike some of the people here, he did not wreak havoc for the sake of havoc. He did not torture just anyone just because he could. He had a job to do, and that was to bring Sunhaveners to Stryker himself. He delivered, and now his job was done with. [glow=black,1,400]"As far as I'm concerned, Stryker is callin' the shots on this one, not me. He's the one that has beef wid' her uncle."[/glow] He grunted to the feline that he dwarfed. [glow=black,1,400]"So I suggest you calm down an' let him handle this, huh?"[/glow] Which was his gentle way of saying "sit down and shut the hell up."

Re: ◜ . warning sign ┊ sunhaven capture . ◞ - guts - 12-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She was never a fan of the bloodshed the Pitt ruled over. In all honesty, she had been surprised that her brother had made such a place, considering their upbringing. But, now that she thought about it, she supposed she could understand somewhat. He had wanted a place to call his own, a place where he was on top for a change. In that sense, she could relate. It felt nice to be important, to have a bigger role in the grand scheme of things.

But sometimes it was too much. This wasn't the first time they had brought a child, and unlike the last time, she could feel her stomach churn, knotting inside her. She wasn't cold-blooded, not unless she needed to be. But her limit was at children. Her own childhood had been less than favorable, and seeing them doing such vile things to them made her feel sick.

So she had no intentions of sticking around and seeing what they would do to her. She wanted to help, a small part of her crying out to get her out of there, but she knew she couldn't. She knew the consequences would be something she couldn't handle, so she didn't bother. She only hoped they would have some inch of mercy on her.
