Beasts of Beyond
break it to them gently + ABDUCTION - Printable Version

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break it to them gently + ABDUCTION - toboggan - 12-09-2018

The morning sun’s rays cast their heavenly flares down towards the earth. Chilled by the oncoming season of wintertide, the landscape, bathed in the dawn’s light, comprised of frost-licked plants and naked trees. On normal daybreaks like these, one’s nose would be greeted by a frigid crispness, along with the faint incense of the ocean’s salt; though todays flavour was different. A pungency of hopelessness stained the customarily-clean air. For an individual to track the hypothetical scent, the scene they’d come across would surely perturb them. Neath a shadow of some barren trees, evidence alluding to a scuffle of sorts could be spotted - a shred or three of fur, a few droplets of blood painting a lone patch of snow, and a disturbed stretch in the ground. Here, the unique stench of Wendell could be inhaled (the one-of-a-kind mustelid smell, with a little blackberry zest); and his Pittian captor, his stink could be smelled as well.

A detective was not needed to deduce that the wolverine was long-gone. For one, he was nowhere to be found in the scope of Sunhaven’s territory, and secondly, the mammals’ odours were both too faint to track.

Wherever he was, he’d return a changed man.

If he returned, that is.

Re: break it to them gently + ABDUCTION - buckingham barnes - 12-10-2018

[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]
This wasn't the way Buckingham wanted to wake up. He was hoping for a semi-normal morning- get a patrol in, along with some hunting, check up on repairing the village, and gather up his goldenbloods and warden to discuss how to get Fairylights back home. In the whole scheme of things, Bucky didn't think someone else would be missing from home, with their lives endangered by Pittians. His steps came to a stop as Wendell's scent invaded his nostrils- as well as the smell of iron and a Pittian. No matter how many times he scans the scene before him, he can't see any signs of the wolverine managing to win the fight. Considering both of the scents are growing faint, Bucky was unable to hold a curse back. "Fuck!" He silently cursed, as he looked at the blood-stained patch of snow. First Fairylights, and now Wendell! What am I going to do?

Re: break it to them gently + ABDUCTION - REBECCA MACK - 12-10-2018

[Image: dctm3er-18229b16-4f9b-48be-823e-e01020b0196d.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: 0px; background-color: white; padding: 6px; color:black;"]Another one? Hearing that Fairy had been taken by the Pitt had been heartbreaking enough, but now Wendell had been snatched too? Bex didn't understand why this had to happen so suddenly. First there was the mysterious murder committed by someone who seemed to be trying to sabotage their neutrality with the Ascendants, and now two of their clanmates had been captured. Great. The canine approached Bucky with flattened ears, staring at the drops of the snow with worry filling her gaze. What if they came back for more?

"I think we need to do something about all of this, like send a rescue patrol for Fairy and Wendell, and increase our defenses just in case they try to take anyone else," she said quietly to Bucky as she stood beside the helion, trying to keep calm. Freaking out certainly wasn't going to solve anything, and so she always did her best to not panic in any sort of situation, regardless of how bad it was. She was extremely concerned, though. Their member base already was rather small at the moment, and they couldn't afford to lose anyone else or they'd have no one left to defend Sunhaven.

" speech "

Re: break it to them gently + ABDUCTION - Stryker - 12-11-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center][img width=690][/img]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] tracking Wink)))