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SELF DESTRUCTIVE ✰ power discovery - Printable Version

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SELF DESTRUCTIVE ✰ power discovery - arcy - 12-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Jim found powers ... kind of bizarre. Acceptable, but it was strange seeing just ... animals, wielding them. But Jim had certainly seen weirder -- aliens and modern technology and all of that. To be completely honest, Jim was relieved he didn't have any of his own. It just .. It felt like if he did, it'd cement the idea that was going to be here for the rest of his life. Jim doesn't want to be here for so long. He likes it just fine. Younger him would've adored the place -- the easy feeling of being welcomed and comfortable. Present Jim just misses his crew.
He'd give a lot to go home. Or even to have Spock or Bones or someone with him. Honestly though, he's just thankful he doesn't have to eat raw meat -- the kitchens were there for a reason. To hell if Jim develops dog scurvy because he doesn't know what a dog, or even a wolf, diet is like. See, life is all about seeing the positives in the situation! Even if there wasn't a positive. Then he'd just make one up on the spot.
... Okay, right. Part of the problem about caring for Tanglewood is truding through the mud at the swamp. He's gotten adept at manuevering harmlessly through it and determining where strangers were. What he was not so great at was determining if they were feral or not. Such with this -- he'd approached a blank-eyed canine and, within a minute, he's fumbling with the damn guy. Apparently he'd taken too many liberties in his approach. Now, Jim is used to squabbles by now, considering his ... behavior, before Tanglewood. Claws and teeth, aim for non-lethal areas, but try for the more painful spots.
Jim isn't an adept fighter despite this. He's locked into a bit of a corner -- snarling at the coyote, hurriedly trying to think of a way out of this mess he's gotten into. Stands his ground, claws digging into the mud, and he's running out of time, that's his throat, jesus christ --. Adrenaline is coursing, he's about to just barely duck out of the way, eyes narrowed, and the world explodes with static and light. The static is near-painful, but not .. quite. It courses through the contact with the coyote as it attempts to bite down. The slightest draw of blood from his neck-shoulder, teeth clicking shut as it pulls away, burned. A loud yip. Jim doesn't have time to think about it, just makes another go at the feral coyote, claws scrabbling against shoulder as Jim bites into it's flesh. Flesh burns under his touch, and there's something morbidly fascinating about it.
He lets go. The coyote scrabbles, panicked, pained, and it's paws make sounds as they scramble through the mud. It runs -- away, away, away.
Just another job done well, he supposes. He's got one two many shoulder wounds for him to want to go chasing after it. ... But, another thing. The static sensation is still there, lesser. ... God, don't tell him. He shakes out his fur, free of mud, turns his head, and -- fuck. Electricity crackles from his fur, dulled by the mud, but there nonetheless. Nothing more than a sting could come about coming in contact with it.
"Aw, fuck," Jim says, because he doesn't know how to turn it off. What a terrible day. ... On the plus, electricity was pretty badass. Assuming he could actually figure out how to use it, like, ever.
//kinda brief descriptions but yay, 50 post milestone, nd he's been up nd running for a whole month!!
(he's got some minor wounds but he'll refuse to let them be treated)


Re: SELF DESTRUCTIVE ✰ power discovery - guts - 12-09-2018

She was no stranger to such powers. She had met many people with abilities, watched fantastical displays of their prowess. They were quite fascinating to her. Even those of mortal birth could wield such things, able to control flames to their own accord or blend in with their surroundings, things you would only expect to see in books. But they were, indeed, very real.

It was unforgettable, the time she had her first vision. It was odd and it had taken her off guard, but even with it's vividness, she still shrugged it off. Every single damn day that passed did she wish she hadn't.

Feverdream was often out and about, which was probably a good thing in some instances, such as now when she stumbled across Jim. The sounds of a scuffle had led her to the scene, arriving just in time to spot the retreating form of the coyote. She watches them run off, eyes trailing after them before turning to Jim, silently assessing his injuries. Then she notices the sparks flying off him, figurative brows raising just slightly.

"I take it this is your first time using your power." she says, head tilted as she watches the electricity pouring off him.

Re: SELF DESTRUCTIVE ✰ power discovery - aya - 12-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya cared about people, no doubt about it, but she was at her core extremely selfish. Not that she viewed that as much of a flaw. So when she came across an attractive canid whose name she was sure she'd known once having power issues, her first thought was I can use this. After all, electricity was the key to all things, or at least Aya theorised as much. The tortoiseshell didn't know the other person, and her brain was too hurty to deal with any of that right now, so she just focused what little remnants of her attention were available on Jim. "Yer electric?" The cat slurred, knowing finally that her irritation at her lack of lucidity was a sure sign that her brain was coming back to itself, slowly. "You kn' how to use it?" She noticed the wounds, but she didn't know if she was imagining those due to her brain's hunger for guts and whatnot, so she said nothing of it.

tags | updated 29/11:

Re: SELF DESTRUCTIVE ✰ power discovery - arcy - 12-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Oh shit, he was spotted. Jim's ears prick with alarm as he whirls on his paws to face Feverdream with some amount of alarm. He didn't expect to sudenly be ... emanating sparks. Or to burn some poor fellow. Not that they didn't deserve it. Jesus. How the hell would he explain this to his crew if, when, he got back? Did he even want to? Jim shakes his head to himself. Doesn't matter.
"Ding ding ding!" He chimes to Feverdream, wobbling to lift one paw in mock celebration. He nearly falls over, but manages to stay up successfully. He worries vaguely about what he'll do if he can't curb this ... sparking thing. But, he does not worry, of course!!!
"Apparently," He tells Aya with a soft huff. There's a flicker of annoyance on his face, but he curbs it quickly. His pelt sparks a little more obviously for just a moment. Then he shakes his head. "Wouldn't still be sparking if I could, huh?" He points out, angling his head. He's clearly a little more annoyed than warranted, but, y'know, whatever the hell.


Re: SELF DESTRUCTIVE ✰ power discovery - beck. - 12-10-2018

    For an entity so uncanny to the laws of the mortal realm, bypassing all logic and reason, Beck was considerably plain as far as ghosts went by. The same tragic backstory as fate sent a downpour of bad luck to follow him, tragic death scarring his mind, tragic existence for eternity because he couldn't suck up the hurt -- nothing too revolutionary. Yet he couldn't relate to those few lacking anything physically remarkable, considering in their eyes how... unusual he was. But it hardly mattered. He wasn't supposed to care; he didn't care, right? However, powers, as any unnatural ability was dubbed, failed to impress him. After everything the boy witnessed in his eternal years of the afterlife, it was difficult to be impressed at all anymore.

    The horrid tang of burnt hair and flesh wafted through the swampland, causing his sensitive nose to huff and twitch with irritation. Who thought it was a good idea to burn corpses in daylight? Snarling to himself while listing off a dozen better ways detailing body disposal -- vertical grave, dead animal decoy, fish chum, woodchipper -- Beck surrendered his work salvaging herbs before Morgan's planned blizzard, distracted by the curiosity to know who thought it necessary to set the entire swamp on fire today. A bundle of witch hazel and marigold gingerly secured in his teeth, decorating the disfiguring hole for a cheek with their leaves, the scrawny feline pointed his nose to the mud and tracked down the culprit: none other than Jim.

    Lifeless eyes swiftly flicking over the aftermath of a battle, with the ex-captain taking home the victory, Beck huffed in annoyance as his myopic gaze drifted to the smoldering coyote. "Take -- I take it y'ain't the roasted o-one, huh?" he sneered around the herbs stuffed in his jaws, kicking a clod of mud at the charred form. Shifting his attention to the wolfdog, he rasped with a shockingly serious tone compared to his childish pout, "But ya got hurt, didn'tcha?" Not waiting for permission, he reached inside his chest to retrieve a makeshift bag serving as a temporary first-aid kit, fishing around for a gauze roll before tearing off a square as well as a crumpled plastic bottle he asked Morgan to fill with cleaned water. Dog bites, or bites in general, were easy to handle from his experience of evading search hounds. As long as any infection didn't set in. The dark-furred feline shuddered at the feverish memory, scrunching his eyes shut and giving his head a violent shake before he recovered his concentration. Spitting out his bundle of herbs, he plucked a couple leaves from both, shredding the leaves into a pulp with his claws over the bandaging. The poltergeist reared onto his hind legs in order to reach Jim's bitten shoulders, pouring water over where tooth punctured skin to rinse away the bacteria riddling the coyote's bite. He didn't bat an eyelid as the water crackled with static, plastering the gauze-square, poultice side down across Jim's shoulders, and smoothing out the bandaging with a jerky pat. Considering his apparition was comprised of electrical currents himself, he didn't mind the jolt from Jim's sparking pelt that rushed down his spine upon contact. In fact, Beck somewhat enjoyed it, a surge of excitement fizzling in his guts. Falling back to all four feet and stepping back behind Aya and Feverdream, the poltergeist only gave a shrill giggle at the newfound powers he previously ignored. "Don't worry, Jimmy, you'll get the ha-ang of it eve-eventually," the boy snickered, splaying his own bandaged paw for Jim to observe a demonstration as arcs of unstable electricity bounced from toe to toe. Although perhaps his example wasn't the best for learning, especially since he had practiced for centuries to perfect his apparition's control.

Re: SELF DESTRUCTIVE ✰ power discovery - arcy - 12-11-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Uno, dos, tres. Fuck. People really show up when you don't want them to, huh? .. Despite his misgivings, and his half-glower at Beck as he arrives, Jim thinks he can live with it. He .. doesn't mind his groupmates, and this particular secret wouldn't take long to get out, anyways. He's like a fucking firework.
"I didn't know that anyone had enough observational skills to notice that," Jim deadpans, mildly unimpressed, only to freeze at Beck's comment. Aw, fuck, Jim doesn't want to deal with doctor-y stuff right now. He starts edging back as Beck starts gathering his supplies, a grin frozen on his face, ready to make a desperate excuse. He's too late, however, and hisses through his teeth at the water. .. At least it's not a hypo. And isn't something he may or may not be allergic to. ... Well, it wasn't terrible, he thinks as Beck smooths the gauze over his wound. He still looks somewhat wild-eyed, but relaxes slowly as Beck backs away and fucking .. giggles. ".. Thanks. The sooner the better, I think," He grins almost uncertainly. He just had to practice, yeah? And then he won't accidentally hurt somebody by bumping into them. Electricity was pretty dangerous, after all -- Jim would know.
