Beasts of Beyond
Saunter vaguely downwards // introduction - Printable Version

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Saunter vaguely downwards // introduction - galexiux - 12-08-2018

//you dont need to match if you dont want to!

  This wouldn't be the first time it looked down at this planet. It was a very strange and curious creature. They constantly told to ignore the little blue sphere. Not to grow close, because it would be gone before it even noticed. But... it couldn't help it. It just wanted to explore. It wanted to learn and thrive with the small, tiny creatures that lived there. So... it watched. It lied on clouds of nebulas and stardust, hundreds of millions of miles away. And simply.... watched. It watched as colonies were built and empires fell. It watched as wars were fought and peace bloomed after the bloodshed. It watched as relationships were built and families crumbled. It was all connected. It.... It thought it was beautiful. Sure, home was beautiful too. With its shifting colors and forever growing, endless borders of light and music... But... it was......

  It didn't like that. After a while, it got boring. It thought that living somewhere small and chaotic was much more... fun? ... Yes... fun. It lifted itself up, an unshapable creature of unfathomable creation. It shifted closer to the planet, condensing itself as it went. It was almost liquidous, moving through space. It had to go to that planet. It wanted to be there, no matter what it took. It pressed itself closer and closer together. Atoms formed, cells were produced, tissue materialized...

  It shook its little paws, floating slowly through space. It blinked, tilting its head. It rolled in its airless prison. Oh. This could be a problem. It seemed to not take gravity and physics into its travel. So. How on earth did it get down to Earth now? There it was. A tiny little thing. Tiny just like them. It was small, silvery. It thought its feet were a bit shorter than the usual creatures living on the planet. Though... they had a term for this... what was it? Munch.... Munchies? ... no that was the consuming thing. Munchausen?? No... that was an illness that effected their nervous systems. ... Munch...kin? ... Munchkin. That sounded right. Short feet. Natural mutation that occurred in Felis catus. A miscalculation in its transformation, but it was all okay. It was not sure it had the energy to shift again, anyways.

  It wiggled all its limbs. It seemed to fail at creating the Felis catus in other senses, too. Its ears were too big. Its tail was the size of its torso and head. How annoying. It sighed, gagging on the absolute nothing around it. Ah right. There was nothing in space. ... there was nothing but space in space. But it didn't want to be in space. It wanted to be on Earth. It continued to squirm, as if it would draw it closer to the large blue orb that it took such an affinity to. To be on Earth... It sounded heavenly. It would be able to feel grasses and trees. Natural matter and various different chemical structures. It would be able to observe life in its purest sense. It sounded absolutely hea- wait was the planet getting closer?

  And why was there a burning oxygen cone forming around it? It reached out, stroking at the thermal atoms, screaming as it scorched its paw, singing the fur black. It hummed, licking it once and smoothing out it out for new cells to form. It will heal. Everything alive did (fascinating, right?). It supposed this is what gravity felt like. It was sort of endearing in a way. Like a large, planetary hug. The planet was giving it a hug. How cute was that! Oh they passed through the white fluff. It always thought they were solid. They dropped liquids, so it only made sense, no? But it passed straight through as if it was just air. This planet was strange.

  It watched as it flew over seas and mountains. Deserts and forests. There were so many beautiful things to see here. And now they were all up close for it to observe. And it.... it felt.... happy. It was so happy to be he-

  It crashed.

  Trees were uprooted from the fall from the heavens. A crater formed around the small Felis catus like creature. It blinked, reaching up to wipe the tears from its eyes. Tears? ... that was strange. It blinked twice more, staring, dazed, at the world around it. It did not move, simply stared forward at the dirt. Dirt! How interesting! There were so many minerals and natural fibers to look at. Like leaves and stems and pebbles. It was all so... beautiful. But... That did not dissipate the matters at hand. It slowly stood up, shaking on its own paws. It seemed to be okay, if a little scuffed up. Though the insides... The insides burned. It winced, shutting its eyes as it stumbled on its feet. It collapsed again.



Re: Saunter vaguely downwards // introduction - arcy - 12-09-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Jim is still getting used to how bizarre this world was. He'd heard rumors of other used-to-be-humans  -- lots and lots of them. (he still refused to admit that he was one) And he'd seen hybrids and strange creatures. .. It was a little much to adjust to, because these weren't aliens, these were basically just a bunch of fucking animals. What the hell. He'd honestly just ceased to do more than a double take at whatever sort of thing he came across within like .. two encounters.
This was also new. He was a distance away when what appeared to be a small meteorite came crashing down. Wasn't it such a coincidence that it happened right here in Tanglewood, huh? Jesus. Was this a 'Jim' thing? His friends jokes about the Kirk effect sometimes. Or was it a Tanglewood thing? A large group thing? .. Judging by the rumors from other places, probably a group thing. .. Even so, Jim needs to investigate, if only to check the damages. Make sure it didn't hit anything important.
.. He didn't expect what he came upon, of course. Paws streaked with mud, Jim stops dead at the scene, blinking once, then again. A .. cat. A very strange looking cat, but, honestly, what was new. (a lot of aliens were identical to humans, but with features that registered as jarring to them. Basically, creature-but-off was old news.) .. He looks around again. Was it hit by the meteorite? Or was it ... he almost dismisses the idea entirely. It was a little too bizarre. But ... this place. (wouldn't it have burned up in the atmosphere, though? The Enterprise, had, and it was ... sturdier, than something organic.) He eyes the feline suspiciously.
"Hey. You aren't hurt, are you?" Jim asks, slowly picking his way past the rubble and broken trees to, very gently, attempt to nudge the feline with a paw softly. Shit. Of course they were hurt. Why else would they be collapsed. "Actually, how badly are you hurt? Where?" Why not more? They seemed remarkably unharmed for somebody ... right here. He was no medic, though, but he might as well push for answers while he waits for the 'professionals' to arrive.


Re: Saunter vaguely downwards // introduction - guts - 12-09-2018

She could remember the luster she once felt, the wonder at the sight of everything, the excitement at the new world to explore. Despite being so long ago, it was fresh in her memory, as if it was yesterday. A lot of things that had happened years ago felt like just recent events. She supposed it was just the thing about living as long as she had.

The spark she once felt was long gone, put out by the flow of time. She wasn't young anymore and she wasn't innocent, either. What was once new and intriguing to her was now simply met with disinterest. But one thing that had never died with her wonder was her appreciation for the planet she walked on. She thought it was wonderful, what the Earth made and maintained, being the only planet to sustain life--as far as she knew, anyways.

Feverdream was aimlessly walking through the territory when she caught sight of it, watching the form flying against the sky getting closer and closer to the ground until it disappeared in the trees, followed by a loud crashing sound as it made contact. She wasn't sure what to make of it, but nevertheless she found herself heading over to where it had landed, curious as to what it was. She heard enough about meteorites and other such space rocks hurtling towards the planet, and while she had seen a few of them, she had never seen an actual breathing being crash-land.

In what seemed like an eternity, she found herself with nothing to say, unable to fathom words. But her shock wasn't expressed on her face, her features kept placid as she watches Jim approach whatever this was. It looked like a cat, but she knew better than to call it such. It had fallen out of the damn sky, for Christ's sake. She refused to believe this thing was just a feline.

But the 'canine' stayed silent, simply watching, on edge as she anticipated the being's next move. While Jim might have been used to the idea of beings from outer space, she wasn't, her orb-like eyes flickering between the two of them. Sometimes she questioned the male's intelligence.