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NO ONE MOURNS THE WICKED // MEETING 12.08 - Printable Version

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NO ONE MOURNS THE WICKED // MEETING 12.08 - buckingham barnes - 12-08-2018

[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]
"Sunhaven, gather around for a meeting!" The tom called out with a meow, making his way over to the fountain with a swish of his tail. It was strange to think another week passed by, and that there's new information to discuss in this week's meeting.

"First, I'd like to thank everyone for their hard work this week, especially with cleaning up our village and territory. We've made a good amount of progress in repairing them back to normal," He began, as his gaze momentarily looked over the crowd of members to their village. Their home still wasn't completely repaired, but it looked much better than what it originally did when they returned from the mountains. "Also, I'd like to welcome Clarence to Sunhaven," He said as his gaze momentarily looked for the panther in the crowd. It was surprising to hear himself welcome so little new members, hopefully they'll gain some more next week.

"Atticus, the new Astral Seraph, agreed on my offer of neutrality. For now on, the Ascendants are no longer our enemy. I know we've had a difficult past with them, but Atticus has proven to me that he's a capable leader," He mentioned, remembering how Atticus showed Bucky and his goldenbloods their well deserved respect when he initially proposed the idea. Even when Atticus came to announce his clan's decision on the proposal, the panther apologized for the reaction Bucky received-- the panther even mentioned their neutrality was the first step to becoming allies again. It'd take a lot of time before that can be a reality again, though it's still a possibility if everything goes well. "Not long after we became neutrals, the unknown murderer from the Ascendants returned to cause trouble. The murderer ate three of our members at the border, and I brought one of the corpses to the Ascendants to warn Atticus. I trust Atticus when he told me he did not order the attack." As when the murderer was originally going around, they learned that the Ascendants weren't sure who the culprit was, and were trying to prevent them from committing more killings. Plus, Atticus agreed on the neutrality, and even traveled all the way over here to inform him-- the panther and the majority of his clan wants peace just like Sunhaven. "I believe that someone is trying to sabotage our neutrality-- until if and when we catch the culprit, I want everyone to be alert. Do not travel alone, whatever time of day it is."

"The Ascendants are happy to work with us to catch the culprit in their tracks," He finished up this part of the meeting with a serious gaze, "If anyone discovers any leads, make sure to inform me so we can work together to catch them."

"Next, the Typhoon invited us to a secret santa event. There are flyers with information about it in case anyone hadn't heard about their invite," He said, his tail flicking towards a basket filled with flyers that anyone was allowed to grab. "I encourage everyone to go participate and make sure to sign up." Bucky signed up himself, and saw some of his clanmates sign up as well. Though, plenty more of his clanmates should partake in the event, as it is a gift giving event. If more Typhoon members sign up while they don't, the list will be uneven and some people won't get paired. "Weekly tasks are still open for volunteers," He continued, "You do not need to be a high position to host them."

"Our Ambassador program is back up and running. Spots are filling up fast, make sure to grab one before it's too late. New ambassadors, make sure to visit your assigned group if you haven't already." He continued on with a nod of his head, "We also need to brainstorm some events that we can host for our allies," He mentioned, knowing that they have to get more involved with their allies- making ambassador visits with gift baskets are not enough.

"Wendell is demoted to Sunbearer. Venus, I'd like to see you around Sunhaven more often," He moved on, eyes scanning the crowd for the two members. "Fairylights and August-- I'd like you both to step up to Hearthkeeper." Both of them have been doing an exceptional job lately. "Ymir: I want you to step up to Goldenblood," He said with a firm nod of his head, knowing the wolf has proven herself, and that she deserved to step up to assistant deputy. "And finally, I have decided who will be my Warden."


"You've proven yourself to be an outstanding Goldenblood, and I have trust that you will serve Sunhaven well as their Warden." He announced, a few silent moments passing by. Bucky had no doubt in his mind that Bex wasn't fit for the position. Even with her wild nature, she has proven to care about her clan and take her duties seriously. Momentarily, he looked for the border collie in the crowd, before focusing his gaze on the entirety of his clanmates.

"That's all, meeting dismissed!"

[ tl;dr
- thank you for all the great activity this week!! keep it up!
- Welcome to Sunhaven [member=2934]clarence a.[/member] !
- The Ascendants are neutrals.
- The unknown murderer is back, and if anymore developments are made/discovered, the Ascendants are more than happy to help catch the culprit in their tracks. Clanmates are reminded to stay alert and to never travel alone, no matter what time of day it is
- The Typhoon has a secret santa event!! Post here to sign up:
- Weekly tasks are open for volunteers, anyone is welcomed to host them!!
- The Ambassador program is up again!! A few spots are still open to grab & if assigned groups haven't been visited yet, make sure to visit soon!
- I plan to make a brainstorm thread for events soon!!
- [member=1787]WENDELL[/member] is demoted to Sunbearer
- [member=23]VENUS[/member] receives an inactivity warning
- [member=2973]FAIRYLIGHTS[/member] & [member=2899]AUGUST[/member] are promoted to Hearthkeeper!
- [member=2398]YMIR[/member] : promotion to Goldenblood!
- [member=1181]REBECCA M.[/member] : promotion to Warden!
- Not mentioned icly, but I also plan to make a mass adoption sign up thread soon! And the choice awards are still open!! ( )
- That is all yeet ]

Re: NO ONE MOURNS THE WICKED // MEETING 12.08 - Fairylights - 12-08-2018

―――― At the call of her Uncle, of which Fairylights was beginning to grow used to, the young girl turned and made her way towards the sound of his voice and the usual meeting place. It was funny, in the weeks that she had now been here, she felt more at home. While her relationship with Bucky wasn't as close as it was with her parents, she had to admit that she was beginning to feel more comfortable here. She hadn't forgotten her parents, or what had occured, but at the very least, she was beginning to find some level of peace with it.  She made her way into the crowd quickly and sat down neatly along the side, near the front where she could see and hear clearly, without being squished among the crowd.

It was there that she sat for a very long and informative meeting, neither of them bad things. It was true, Sunhaven had worked really hard this week, and Fairylights was proud. She had helped clean up, at least to the best of her ability, and had watched many of her clanmates do the same. While it maybe still needed a bit more work, she had to admit that this place was looking a lot better as of late. It was even better news to know that the Ascendants were no longer enemies with them, though her ears pressed back at the reminder of those horrible, horrible mangled bodies they had seen on the border. She had been the unfortunate one to see it first, and she hoped that it wasn't going to be something that she'd repeat. But that aside, Fairylights was looking forward to the Secret Santa. She had been paired with a nice-sounding lady from the Typhoon, so she hoped that she would enjoy whatever gifts that she came up with. Ambassadors, too, sounded fun, if Bucky let her do it.

Last but not least, the promotions. While she was sad to hear about the demotions of Wendell, she knew that he was a hard worker and could easily make it back if he wanted to. Her own ears perked however at the sound of her own name, blinking momentarily as it slowly set in that she was being promoted! Promoted! A grin leapt to her face, and she straightened up slightly, slightly proud. "I'll do my best, Uncle!" she called softly, making the best promise that she could. Hopefully, she would be able to keep to it. With that, the meeting was dismissed, and Fairy waited for the crowd to disperse some before making her way out.

Re: NO ONE MOURNS THE WICKED // MEETING 12.08 - guts - 12-09-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Meetings were a bore, to be honest. It was just about the news of the clan, promotions and demotions, blah blah blah. Half of it Ymir already knew. But, with her position in the clan, she figured she might as well make an appearance. That's what they did, right? Anyways, she was there towards the back, watching and vaguely listening.

She was still slightly fried from the murders, frustrated every time someone brought it up. It was a tough situation and she avoided thinking about it, especially the whole unnamed murderer thing. It just seemed like something out of some story, like they were in some fucking mystery novel. Screw that.

She snaps back to the present, though, when her name is mentioned. Another promotion? Nice. Despite the responsibilities that came with it, she was still quite pleased with herself, her lips tilting up. So far her new life was going pretty damn well. "character's speech."


[Image: dctm3er-18229b16-4f9b-48be-823e-e01020b0196d.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: 0px; background-color: white; padding: 6px; color:black;"]Another week, another meeting. Bex found her way over to the fountain where Bucky had called everyone together, and quickly found a seat amongst the crowd. She wondered if any news concerning the murder case would be brought up, since she had yet to know what had gone down when the leader went to speak with Atticus. She sure hoped that everything would be fine, and they would be able to continue with their neutrality agreement. And fortunately, the first few things that Bucky had announced had confirmed her thoughts and ended her worries. It was still unsettling to know that the murderer was still out there, but at least they were aware of the problem now.

Next came the typical event invites and list of celebrations and activities, which Bex took note of. She had to make sure to make her ambassador visit soon, since she didn't want to keep Tanglewood waiting. The next thing Bex knew, she was listening to Bucky call out names for warnings, demotions, and promotions. She couldn't help but smile when she heard Fairylights and August receive promotions to the rank of heathkeeper. They were young, but they were always around trying their best to help out, and they deserved it. Ymir deserved to step up as well, and so Bex was happy to hear about that as well. Then something unexpected suddenly happened that caught Bex off guard.

"And finally, I have decided who will be my Warden."


Wait... what? Now those were two words that Bex never thought she would hear put together. Warden and Bex. Bucky wanted her to be Warden? But why? Bex knew that having any sort of power was hardly her thing, since she had a tendency to screw things up even when she was trying her best not to. But at the same time the thought of becoming Warden sounded exciting, and Bex liked to think that her family would be proud of this accomplishment if they were here. They would want her to accept. "I won't let you down, Buck," she promised, offering a nod of gratitude. She certainly would try her best to not screw this up, and she meant it.

" speech "

Re: NO ONE MOURNS THE WICKED // MEETING 12.08 - teef - 12-10-2018

ariside was disheartened to hear of these murders. her lips would curl back in a silent snarl, the mercenary watching the proceedings. it mattered not to her so much about her dual alliance herself, but more so about who got hurt and those who don't deserve to get hurt.

she kept herself calm, mind drifting to other calculations as she listened. ahe nodded in congratulations with a rough verbal gesture as well. her eyes lit up once she heard ymir's name called, gaze finding the she-wolf and calling out a louder congratulation to her, happy to hear the promotion she had received. her gaze would dart forward, back to bucky as he mentioned the secret santa.

she herself had been teamed up with stella, a little lass from the typhoon. she perked up at the mention of ambassadors,
definitely something she would be interested in partaking of. she was frustrated with the news of the murders and decided at the moment, that maybe she should try hosting a self-defense event for the clan. it wouldnt hurr to be ready. she also wanted to speak with bucky after, see if she could do anything to help hunt down the murderer. that was her job wasn't it? to hunt down the monsters? yeah, it was. "after the meeting, may I speak with you bucky?"