Beasts of Beyond
◜ . here i am ┊ ooc prompt . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . here i am ┊ ooc prompt . ◞ - AUGUST - 12-08-2018

[glow=black,1,400]"Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?"[/glow]

Two figures sat in the dark of the small cave, the outlines of their bodies silhoutted against the stoney walls. Only the chirps of crickets could be heard in the night, and the beaming moon providing a source of light for dinnertime. The mother wolf lapped at a bloody bone, some bits of meat still stuck onto it. She smacked her lips, gazing down at her son. Before she could reply, he had added, [glow=black,1,400]"Eating deer, I mean."[/glow] The little wolf pup's amber eyes glowed in the dim light, hopeful and curious hues looking to his parent for answers. [glow=black,1,400]"Do deer have families?"[/glow] He swiped his pink tongue over his lips, cleaning the fresh crimson from his muzzle.

A few more moments of silence passed. The youth waited in anticipation of a reply, and his mother blinked a few times, as if trying to think of how to put such a concept to a youngster. "Yes, Gus. They do." She said, finally. Her voice was soft, yet she was knowledgeable and reassuring. She sat up, fully, and looked out towards the treeline. "But, you see, it's an eat-or-be-eaten world out there."

Eat-or-be-eaten? August furrowed figurative brows. But who in the world would want to eat a wolf? There weren't any animals that hunted them down... were there? "So, it's a little sad, yes," His mother made a short concession and managed a gentle grin, lifting her paw and ruffling the fuzzy fur atop of his cranium. "But if this deer hadn't given up its life for us, then I wouldn't be able to feed you, little one."

August gave a weak smile, though he was still admittedly confused. Deer sure tasted good, but was killing them for his own benefit the right thing to do? Did deer have children to feed just like mom did? Questions of right and wrong, [u]head[/u] or heart whirled about his young brain, proving to be just too overwhelming for him. For now, he just focused on filling his belly until he fell asleep on the den floor.