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When the ocean drinks the sky // joining/dual alliance - Printable Version

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When the ocean drinks the sky // joining/dual alliance - clarence a. - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]Clarence wanted to know more about this world he'd arrived in just a few weeks ago now. It was clear to him that this probably wasn't some sort of hallucination, which was equal parts terrifying and comforting. Terrifying because that meant he was in a world where talking animals existed and there seemed to be quite a few witches that lived nearby, but comforting because it meant his own mind wasn't making up such a fantastical experience and he probably wasn't going to wake up in a sick bed anytime soon. Recently, though, there had been something troubling in this world that he'd begun to believe was more and more real. Murders. In a recent neutral relationship especially. He didn't understand the politics of this world completely, but he knew he didn't want to go into another war. He'd just gotten out of the last one and he was far too tired to start fighting again anytime soon. So, he decided he at least wanted to stay in this other location for a time if only to prove he cared about what was happening. Besides, it'd be nice to get to know more about this world and who was in it. From what he understood, people had to wait at "borders" to be recognized, which he supposed made sense. So, he found what he believed to be the border and settled down, waiting for someone to find him. He wasn't quite sure what to do at this point but he figured someone would come along and explain it eventually.

Re: When the ocean drinks the sky // joining/dual alliance - teef - 12-08-2018

[align=center][Image: 83qo1IU.gif]


" i wanna take the long way home "


a small russian blue would appear not long after he approached and sat down. her mouth was occupied by a basket full of soggy books and other similar materials.

she would look up in surprise, dropping her basket, small herbs freeing themselves from the weaving. she would limp over towards him with a pleasant smile, "ah hello!!" she would chirp, her tail waving behind her as the scarred up molly approached. he smelt of the ascendants, a regained ally.

she relaxed, coming to meet him now, slowing to a stop. she dipped her head in a courtesy greeting, "hello ser, what brings you to sunhaven?" she asked the male, her bright real eyes quickly roaming over him for any visible injuries or scars. habits died hard.

Re: When the ocean drinks the sky // joining/dual alliance - buckingham barnes - 12-10-2018

[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]
When Bucky offered to the Ascendants to be neutrals again, one possibility that can come out of it is dual alliances. To be honest, Bucky nearly forgot about dual alliances-- they just don't seem very common anymore. Bucky was never able to live in two clans at once, he'd rather stick with one. Bucky wasn't even sure if there are many members in Sunhaven who live in another, he never kept track of it really. But regarding dual alliances with the Ascendants, Bucky had been under the assumption that no one would be living between the two groups for a long time. While perhaps one day they might be allies again, he thought it was best to lay low for a while. And when the Ascendants scent entered his nostrils, he thought Atticus was here for another visit- thoughts running through his mind as he quickly padded to the border. Did something else happen? Did Atticus find clues on the unknown murderer?

Though, the thoughts faded away when his eyes fixated on Clarence waiting at the border. While Atticus and Clarence are both black panthers, Bucky can tell them apart. Bucky saw Clarence arrive at the Ascendants border a few days ago when the Helion brought the mangled body over. The maine coon silently padded over, standing near Finnloch with a swish of his tail. "I don't see Atticus with you," He began to speak with a swish of his tail, "Are you here to share news from him?"

Re: When the ocean drinks the sky // joining/dual alliance - clarence a. - 12-10-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]Clarence assumed a pleasant enough smile when the stranger approached, pushing himself back to his feet. At her question, he hesitated for a moment. What was he doing here? What was really the purpose? "Well, I was hoping that perhaps-" he stopped as another member arrived, although this one was more familiar. This was the leader, if he remembered correctly, and he was asking about the other leader, Atticus. At the question of whether or not he brought news, the panther was quick to shake his head. "Ah, no, I'm afraid not. This is more of a personal interest to me. I've heard that some beings in this area take residence in two places at once. I'd very much like to partake in that, if at all possible," he answered, before continuing a moment later, "I'm not sure how long it'd be. I haven't really decided yet, I suppose. As long as it wouldn't be a bother to you, I'd like to at least stay for a little while."

Re: When the ocean drinks the sky // joining/dual alliance - teef - 12-11-2018

[align=center][Image: 83qo1IU.gif]


" i wanna take the long way home "


a more gentle smile fell upon the molly's face, "to stay with us? well, we could definitely use the bodies in moving debris, couldn't we?" she gave a cautious glance to bucky, her brow furrowed.

the news of the murders had made her more or less uneasy, but she had learned long ago to trust in yourself and others. she looked the panther over once more, content with her examination. "you must be hungry? ah. i'm finnloch, i dont quite stand out among our members, but hey, here's a quick bite to eat." she laughed, eyes sparkling as she procured some sort of sweet looking fruit. she hadn't had any luck with hunting, and was setting up to work on some new salves to run over with venus given time.