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HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - Printable Version

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HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - Starrynight ! - 04-22-2018


There weren't many Ascendants around that had sufficient medical knowledge. Maybe basic things, like how to clean or wrap a wound... but that was the extent of it. If a sickness spread around or someone got hurt, they were in trouble. Eventually, Starrynight got the idea to host some tryouts. Well, not really tryouts. An interest check, maybe? If someone was interested in becoming a Cleric, then they could go for it. They could always ask the other Clans if they had any medical textbooks they'd be willing to lend. Or actual medics that could teach things. Or both! Both would be fantastic.

The Astral Seraph was sitting by a small, open room, with suspended benches lining the walls and soft carpet on the floor. Against the corner was a cabinet of sorts, an old lock keeping the doors closed. He'd been considering claiming this spot as his room in the beginning, but after discovering the control room and its capabilities, he'd chosen it instead. Maybe this would be a good place for Clerics and the sick or wounded to stay? It sounded good to him. The little divot was cozy-looking, anyway.

That aside, it was time to move his little plan into action. Sitting down, he momentarily got distracted as he played with the star locket on his necklace. Then, shaking himself, he looked up and called out. "Hey, guys! So, we don't have any Clerics or Halos, so I thought today would be as good a day as any to see if any of you were interested in taking up the job! It would be preferable if you had at least a little medical knowledge, but if not, that's okay too! Just ask someone who does and maybe they can teach you a little bit."


Re: HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - radeken - 04-22-2018

Well, Radeken had decent medical knowledge. She didn’t have a healer’s disposition, lacked the empathy one would desire their healers to have, and was just as likely to make fun of someone for an injury as she was to heal it, but she did have the knowledge, and it was a topic that interested her. The usage of herbal remedies, putting bloody bodies back together, all that.

So, she decided that meant she was interested. “[color=#40bf40]Hey. I wouldn’t hate to give it a whirl.” The thief chimed in as she sidled close.

Re: HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - Suiteheart - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Though Suiteheart had always been interested in healing, she was not necessarily the best. She was rough and heavy handed. She had tried to learn to be soft and gentle, but it was difficult. Maybe she could learn here.

"I think I'll watch and learn," the ivory female meowed as she padded forward. She knew the very basics, but she did not have the capabilities to keep someone from dying. She could set breaks and make simple poultices, but she could not slow major bleeding or revive anyone. [color=#73B1B7][b]"I know how to set breaks, wrap up sprained limbs, and wrap up wounds. That's about it though."

Re: HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - Amaranth - 04-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]To be fair, Amaranth had only just joined, but hearing Starrynight's call made her intrigued. She wasn't particularily a medicine prodigy, or anything - she knew first aid and some basic ailments... and at that thought, she turned to leave, feeling a little unworthy - but instead, her hermit crab protested, driving her forward.

Unlike Radeken, Amaranth easily had the empathy for the wounded - she wouldn't have tended to Kunta's wounds if she didn't - but she wasn't as driven. She was exceptionally talented in growing and tending to plants, that was her best aspect, but she wasn't quite as tempered yet. "I'm... I'm interested but I'm... more of a 'grow the herbs' sort of person... I know how to treat b-basic wounds... and burns and things..." maybe it would be better for her to just help a professional than actually healing the wounded.


Re: HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - Starrynight ! - 04-24-2018


Three members! That was more than he could ever ask for. His hopes soared. ”Do all of you want to become Clerics, or are you just interested in herbs? If you become Clerics, you can’t be promoted anymore.” A fair warning, he supposed. He was surprised to see Radeken and Hotelsuites here. He hadn’t known of their interest in medicine before. You learned something new every day! Starrynight grinned. ”I’m sure that if we looked around the rooms underground, we could find some medical textbooks or two. Would any of you be willing to hunt for some sometime?”


Re: HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - BASTILLEPAW - 04-24-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #dedfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille had absolutely no interest in healing roles, frankly. He had always been more of a fighter, and while he understood the importance and value of healing, he knew that it was not his place. Besides, many healers were expected to be spiritual guides, boasting of a particular connection with their chosen deities and spirits. Bast wasn't quite cut out for such enlightenment, nor was he interested in that sort of work. (His bedside manner was also quite horrible.)

He was, however, willing to oversee try-outs and trainings. He did have some knowledge of herbs and basic injuries; one didn't spend their life as a loner and survive without knowing how to take care of themselves. Echo and Grimm also had information to share, so Bast probably had a more thorough store of information than most, but he said nothing about it as he stood to the side, sizing up their prospects. "I'm just here to watch," he added, though he suspected Starry could infer that. It's be a damned shock if Bast of all people took an interest in Clerical work.

Re: HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - Suiteheart - 04-25-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart gave Starrynight a sad, little shake of her head as he questioned if she was trying out for Cleric. Don't get her wrong, she would love to heal others (especially since she had mostly hurt others in the past), but she was more suited for leadership roles, should she get the opportunity. The fact of the matter was that she would never be talented enough to be a healer.

"Sorry, buddy, but I'm just gonna watch. I can help out with the tryouts though, if you need me," Suiteheart explained with a small grin. She did turn her gaze to the two girls, who seemed to have an interest in this sort of thing. As she waited to hear their replies, she settled into a seating position beside Bastillepaw.

Re: HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - Amaranth - 04-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Amaranth had been quiet just to let the others speak up; it seemed the others just wanted to watch - Radeken seemed to be the more eager person there, but she hadn't spoken up yet. "I'd... like to try." Amaranth mewed, and she sheepishly stepped forward, glancing to the others before mewing, "Would... would you like me to help with a crash course on herbs? or... to share what I know, a little bit..." Amaranth stammered, looking to Starrynight and the others who intended to watch and learn.


Re: HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - radeken - 04-25-2018

"[color=#40bf40]Fine by me." She wasn't really interested in climbing ranks if the potential alternative was having fun with plants and bodies. Radeken shifted her weight paw-to-paw. Yeah. Cleric wouldn't be so bad. At the mention of books, her gaze darted just briefly toward Bastillepaw and a barely contained laugh bubbled in the wolf's chest. "[color=#40bf40]I might know a place where there may be a couple." She offered with an almost shit-eating grin, planning a Forbidden Library raid. "[color=#40bf40]And uh, if I need to showcase anything I know, I could try, I guess." Though she hoped they wouldn't be scored on tenderness. She had usually only ever been fixing herself up, and had a high pain tolerance and lack of concern for herself to thank for training her to handle wounded flesh with a kind of roughness that was probably not recommended for most injured creatures. Otherwise, she felt reasonably confident that she could take to the role. Shouldn't be that hard to learn how to, uh. Care?

Re: HEALING TOUCH // cleric interest check/tryouts - Starrynight ! - 04-29-2018


Two interested members confirmed! The leader's tail twitched excitedly. "Excellent! Excellent! Can you two work together as Clerics? The more we have, the better." Especially with... he shook his head. Don't think about it. "If you want to be full-time clerics, then you've got it! Just let me know! Or you can think on it and let me know later. That's fine too. As for uh, medic stuff, can you two hold a joint checkup session? Or pay a visit to the other Clans' medics? Oh, maybe you can do a basic herb lesson! It'd be great if everyone at least knew how to patch up basic cuts and scrapes. In the end, it's up to you!"[b]

ATTACK IN [b]BOLD #876494