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PETALS TO THE METAL || meeting April 22, 2018 - Printable Version

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PETALS TO THE METAL || meeting April 22, 2018 - Leigh - 04-22-2018

super sorry about my lateness for this meeting! </3

SNOWBOUND! MEETING TIME!” Once again, the unicorn would call out from the rocky balcony of the main cavern, looking out over the slowly gathering crowd with warm and tired eyes. Today would be quicker than the rest—easy and simple since these past weeks have been relatively calm much to his—and surely his tribemates’-- relief. Things were still on edge, but Leigh had been working to smooth things over. “Third meeting of the year. Time really does fly, huh?” he hummed softly. It was pretty exciting to the male. Snowbound had come quite a ways from it’s rocky origins and was continuing to grow into a nice community. “First and foremost, we’ll go ahead and get initial rank stuff out of the way since I do have a few additions and announcements to make…” he trails as he collects his thoughts for a brief moment before continuing. “First of all—new promotions; London, Melantha, and Mike, you all have been pretty active around here and I’d like to give you all a shot at taking up the Lionheart position— capping that rank off at 5 total. I’ll trust you’ll work hard with the others. I’d also like to give shoutouts to Izuku and Silentgrave. Keep it up. The only warning will go to Cry. I need to see you around more, girl.” He would pause and let that sink in, looking to Killua in case he had anything he wanted to add on the topic. Once that was covered, he would continue. “Things regarding Typhoon’s recent attacks have been… more or less smoothed over…” He winced at the thought of the event that had occurred only nights ago, his stomach twisting with uneasiness. “…so we will be remaining as neutrals. However, on the topic, I want to start focusing on safety. Admittedly this is something I should have done at the start, but better late than never I guess. I want to start focusing on daily patrols—at least once a day. They can be led by anyone but I’d prefer at least one adult to accompany anyone of a young age-- to keep borderlines marked and make sure any suspicious activity is reported to either me or Killua right away. The sooner we can prevent a future attack, the better.” As much as he hated to resort to this, it had to be done. There was just too much blood staining their snow to ignore it any longer. No more death. No more attacks. He would do everything in his power to halt this activity—any way he can. This would be a good start, he hopes. He has all of his faith and trust in his tribemates. They’ll do well. “On a lighter note, remember we have weekly prompts going on, a group therapy session to help anyone affected by the recent attacks, and tenderfoot tryouts. Unless Killua or Jacob have anything they want to add, I’ll be concluding this meeting for today. Love you guys.


Re: PETALS TO THE METAL || meeting April 22, 2018 - melantha - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]back at home, the fabers would hold family meetings. and even though there were ten individuals, including melantha, who resided there, it was nothing even close to the scale of snowbound's meetings. for a country bumpkin like her, it is still difficult to grasp that so many unrelated people, especially predators, can live together in harmony. her experience in the wilds would tell her that anytime now a bear is gonna burst out of the words and try and steal her breakfast. however, such a thing has yet to happen. but melantha refuses to let her guard down just yet. the moment she lets her guard down and begins to trust is the moment that shit hits the fan.

muted thuds of large paws moving across the terrain announce melantha's arrival, her sandy golden figure weaving through the people to a point relatively empty compared to the rest of the meeting area. she prefers to keep away from crowds. too many people, too much potential to be stabbed in the back. at least towards the outskirts of the group, mel is able to detect anyone approaching without too much trouble. as the young huntress settles in for another long and boring meeting, she is surprised to hear her name announced. her? a lionheart? "oh, uh, thank you, sir." admittedly, she has no idea what a lionheart does, but she is not going to embarrass herself by asking that now. perhaps later she will bother killua about it. he's the deputy or whatever they call it here, so he is bound to know what to do. or maybe he is just as clueless as she is when it comes to these things.

Re: PETALS TO THE METAL || meeting April 22, 2018 - london r. - 04-22-2018

London had never known of meetings until she had come here, it was a generally new part of her life, but so was really everything. Her life had completely changed since she came here, and honestly London quite liked the changes. She got to meet so many interesting creatures, and get to know them all a little. She had never seen so many people all in one place until she had come here, it was really amazing, at least to her. And meetings like this one brought them all together to one single location, it was quite a lovely sight for her eyes to see. Enchanting even, though one could easily argue that anything appeared as such in her eyes. Eyes too bright for this world perhaps, for even after seeing so much darkness, she could shine with so much light.

Anticipation ran through her veins, making her eyes sparkle like gemstones. The girl never really found herself feeling impatient though, as she enjoyed the moments before something happened almost as much as whatever event she was expecting to experience. Perhaps that was strange, but the clouded leopard always appreciated even the littlest of things, at least, she tried. Sometimes she just could not, which was what had happened back before she had come here. There had been a time in London's life that no one would believe she'd went through by just looking at her. All of the terrible thoughts that filled her head and left her weaker and weaker every passing day. But she had managed to find herself in a happier place just before coming here, and now she found herself enjoying everything again, just as she once used to.

Then the announcements started, and the girl did her best to hang on to every word. This was important information after all, at least she was pretty sure it was. Why else would it need to be said? But it seemed she had quite quickly derailed from that mission, as her own name happened to be mentioned right at the beginning of the announcements. Shock and surprise seemed evident on her features for a moment, but then a large smile took over, and the girl could not help but enjoy the excitement radiating within her chest. She was a Lionheart! The albino had no idea what that meant, but that was okay, she would figure it out eventually. Mike and Melantha had also been promoted alongside her, which they both deserved in her mind. Then again, according to her, everyone would likely have been promoted. She wouldn't want to leave anyone out on the excitement after all. Though as Leigh moved on to shout outs, London realized it might be better to just give the whole clan a shout out rather than a promotion.

Then all of the cheer in London's eyes left as Cry's warning was announced. The bird was severely injured, she had been since she had protected London from her attack. It seemed unfair to the feline to threaten someone who was still healing, although she supposed some might say that those who could not do the work did not deserve the rank. Next was news on the whole ordeal with the Typhoon, and she couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief that nothing had changed there. Enemies were something they just did not need right now, although what had happened at the border had been quite frightening. The girl knew she would not be able to trust that group anymore, not after seeing something like that. A leader should not attack a member of their clan to get them to apologize, that was superfluous. There was nothing honorable about that either, it had been senseless in the girl's eyes. London was a pretty bad politician, it seemed. She could not understand any of the strategies used in that encounter.

But soon enough the unicorn had moved on and London managed to as well. Safety seemed to be the next topic, something that London always felt when she was here, although she never really was safe. The condition she had did not allow the word safety to exist within her, it mocked her. A simple scratch could easily become fatal to, something that Guru had proved to all of those who had been there to witness. But that did not mean that London would not join in, she would love to spend time with others, enjoying the beautiful scenery on a patrol. It would be fun, and the girl was all about having fun.

Though it seemed the fun was daring to a close for now, as soon the meeting was concluded, and a chorus of "noted"s and "thank you"s was soon to follow. But there was still one thing on the girl's mind. "Thank you so much, and congrats and condolences to everyone else." London would begin. Her expression would falter after she finished, but just for a moment. "Also, if it's alright, I'd love to volunteer to lead the first patrol." the albino clouded leopard would state. She hoped she was not overstepping any boundaries with this, but Leigh had said they could be lead by anyone. Safety was important, even though she was likely to be the most at risk when it came to anything unsafe, the girl could not allow that to stop her from protecting her new friends. The people here were too precious to her for her to allow any of them to get hurt.

Re: PETALS TO THE METAL || meeting April 22, 2018 - jacob w.c. - 04-22-2018

Jacob made his way over at Leigh's call and listened quietly as he rattled off the promotions and warnings of the week.The frosthealer settled down, his body relaxing as his legs sprawled out. They'd been bothering him more lately, likely from the trip back to Snowbound from Typhoon. The first time he'd been passed out and carried by Guru but the second time he hadn't been so fortunate. He supposed he could've complained or told Pincher he'd rather wait for a day when he was confident he could make the trip but he hadn't anted to continue to inconvenience the doberman. When he heard the shoutouts, he found himself nodding in agreement with them but then came the new about the Typhoon. Leigh's final decision on the matter. Then he heard the call that they'd still be neutrals and the husky set his mouth into a thin line.  "Congratulations ta' everyone!" he called first, supposed it'd be rude not to first acknowledge the accomplishments his clanmates had made.

He waited for a moment while a few others called their own good tidings before he soon spoke up, "I still think we should at least consider addin' the Typhoon as allies. They got better resources than we do, better defenses than we do, n' we need ta' start establishin' relationships between all the new groups 'ere 'fore we get left behind. They punished the member who hurt all ah' us, Guru, right in front ah' us. Pincher took 'er ear off. He didn' have ta' do that n' it certainly didn' help him any ta' do it. When I was there he- they took care ah' me. I couldn' make the trip back, I told them that. I stayed so long 'cause I wanted to n' I didn' think I was in good enough condition ta' try n' get 'ere. They were nothin' but kind n' gracious n' apologetic while I was there n' I have no reason ta' believe the violent actions committed by Guru reflect the clan as a whole," he explained before soon adding, "What if we jus' have 'em a kinda' trial period. We call them as allies for, say... two weeks n' then see how we feel after we have an event with 'em n' after we get ta' know 'em a li'l better. Part ah' my job is helpin' handle foreign relations, right? I could even make the event myself n' take the new to 'em that we'll be holdin' a trial alliance before makin' a final decision. The way I see it, they did a whole lotta' things that benefited us tha' didn' do nothin' for them. We should at least give them a chance ta' prove that one member, who was punished, don' reflect the whole group."

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: PETALS TO THE METAL || meeting April 22, 2018 - arcy - 04-22-2018

Even in the months worth of time Izuku had spent in clans overall, he'd only really attended one before this one. A month wasn't a lot time, but meetings tended to be ... very delayed, for whatever reason. It's not like it really mattered to Izuku -- mostly, they were just promotions and minor announcements. Generally, you could figure the stuff out yourself(besides the promotions, of course), but it was always better to have everything organized and compiled in one meeting.
Izuku's ears twitch as he hears the call, and he only takes a minute to pull himself to his paws and hurry over, just in time to hear Leigh's announcements. He's been lucky he hasn't been out of camp for anything important, honestly. The feline seats himself towards the edge of the crowd, not really knowing anyone well enough to involve himself, and tips his head as he listens in to the announcements.
"Oh," Izuku pauses to blink as he hears his own name featured among the shoutouts. He's only really been active for a few days, after all -- he's been trying to immerse himself, rather unsuccessfully. Still, the Maine Coon grins a little, spirits lifting regardless. "Uh ... thanks." Izuku pauses to say, rather quietly. He very promptly feels a little dumb for it, being that it's just a shoutout, and shakes his head. Well, it's not like it mattered. "C-Congratulations, everyone!" Izuku makes to add, louder this time. A little grin slips across his maw, and he resettles as he listens to the rest. Did he count as 'a young age', though? Izuku was pretty young, but he was also a padfoot, and pretty large in size, for that matter. Izuku decides not to worry about it too much. Everything did sound reasonable, at least. He'd only heard tibdits about the Typhoon situation, but keeping everyone safe was a priority. Then the meeting was -- technically over, up until Jacob goes off about allying the Typhoon. Izuku isn't sure what to say about that -- he kind of agrees, because allies would be good, but he doesn't really feel he has the place to input his opinion. He hadn't been involved in the whole Typhoon drama that had apparently occurred.


Re: PETALS TO THE METAL || meeting April 22, 2018 - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-27-2018

Meetings were always the same and not really something that the wildcat really paid attention to. The assassin silently made his way toward where everyone else was sitting, and sat between Mel and London, although still keeping his distance from both of them. A yawn parted his jaws as he simply listened to what the other had to say. And turns out Mel and London ended up getting promoted. He honestly wasn't really surprised to see that happen considering that they had been around a lot recently. He flicked one of his large white ears as he offered each of them a small nod. He wasn't to the point where he would really congratulate anyone, and if he did he would probably do it awkardly in private. Killua would then shake his head toward Leigh as the other asked if he had anything to add. Not really, at least not anything that he could really put his paw on right now. His attention of course turned back to Jacob, and the other seemed to be adamanet of making sure Typhoon was an ally. Why? It didn't make sense? The other obviously didn't seem to be all that afraid of the fact that if he had been a loner instead of of a snowbounder they probably would have killed him. Killua stifled at a laugh at the mention of Guru's punishment. "Punishment? It's barely anything like that. She didn't even apologize which just means that she'll probably do it over again once she thinks that we've forgotten about what she did. If anything he should have at least broken a bone and that would have meant something." Simply cutting off someone's ear didn't cut it for Killua. His eyes narrowed as he looked over his shoulder, but he wasn't glaring at Jacob at the sense of hate. Instead, he was glaring at the thought of Typhoon even remotely being close them. Killua would let out a loud huff before speaking again. "I agree on the trail period stuff, but I wouldn't consider them an ally until the trail period is over. I wouldn't throw the world ally as freely as you do, because they obviously aren't right now. Do you even have any idea what kind of creatures they harbor in a place like that? They're starkly different from the members we have here. And that was hardly a punishment. She's a sadistic bastard that'll do anything to get her fix again. If anything, I say we look toward the Ascendants as allies. I've visited them and they seem to have a familiar viewpoint. We could get supplies from them if we wanted." Killua stated calmly, although it was obvious by his body language he was slightly irriated.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
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