Beasts of Beyond
◜ . blue shadows on the trail ┊ open . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . blue shadows on the trail ┊ open . ◞ - AUGUST - 12-06-2018

To sit alone in the pale moonlight after sundown was unlike August, who had always cherished the comfort and safety of the camp. To be exposed and vulnerable out in the open was considered unsafe to the pup. However, for tonight, he felt that getting away from the packed commune would be most ideal. He sat near the edge of the woodlands, on the verge of the vast expanse of trees that covered the territory. August sat in the face of the large moon, and as far as he was concerned, it was his only form of audience.

It was a wolf's instinct to howl, and the adolescent especially could not help the fact. So, the male threw his head back and parted his jaws, letting out a lone cry to the night sky, [glow=black,1,400]"Awoooooooooo!"[/glow] It lasted for quite a few seconds, as August compressed the air in his lungs to the fullest extent. A whisp of hot breath had lolled out of his maw, drifting clearly above his silhouetted figure.

August sat silent for a moment, tilting his head and perking his ears. Nothing but the rustling of the trees and the distant hoots of owls could be heard. He huffed softly, and another couple of moments later, he repeated his actions, [glow=black,1,400]"Arh-Awooooo!"[/glow] Being a youngster, his voice was not yet haunting enough to send chills down a spine, nor was it melodic enough to be considered beautiful. However, it was clear that he was passionate about whatever he was trying to accomplish, and it was clear that there was something of panging, longing, emotion in his howls.

The young wolf sat for a few minutes, maybe more, singing his song to the heavens above.

Re: ◜ . blue shadows on the trail ┊ open . ◞ - Fairylights - 12-06-2018

―――― He woke her up. It was the first sentiment of annoyance that Fairylights could conjure up to hear the howling of one lone August nearby somewhere in the territory. She knew it was not a wolf, for it was too high pitched, but it still took her a few sleepy moments to register it as her friend instead. Rubbing at her eyes with a bleary paw, she pushed herself up to her feet, made her way out of her little house, and into the colder night air with a shiver. What did he think he was doing, howling at this hour? Did he want to attract actual beasts? Fairylights.. admittedly doubted some that he actually could, but still! He might! And that was bad enough! It took her some while longer of trudging through the still-slightly muddy territory, blindly following after Augusts' scent and his howling before she found him somewhere near the forests. For a moment, she paused, her brows metaphorically raising as she watched him, head thrown back, howling to the heavens as if it was calling his very spirit itself. Why did he feel the need to howl? It was not.. sorrow within the note that raised his voice up to the sky, but there was something familiar about it, something that, now that she was closer, sent a pang running down her heart.

Fairylights would feel guilty if she spoke up and interrupted his howling, but it did not stop the older girl from moving forward and sitting slowly near to August's side, her head gently turning to watch him for a moment before a slow, soft smile tugged up at her lips. She doubted she would be able to howl anything near to how he was, yet there was something inspiring in his longing howls. Only should August pause, she told herself, would she speak up and ask the lingering questions upon her mind, eventually drawing in a soft breath as she whispered, as if not wanting to break the sound that filled the air in the slightest. "What are you hoping for?"

Re: ◜ . blue shadows on the trail ┊ open . ◞ - AUGUST - 12-06-2018

The sudden presence beside him was unexpected, but it did not make him jump. He turned to see who it was, after he had concluded a mediocre melody, and he found that it was none other than Fairylights. He was glad that it was someone that he knew, someone that he could possibly trust. It was easier to trust another youth, after all.

The young wolf pursed his lips only slightly, managing a half-hearted smile in return. He gave a small shrug and looked down at his paws for a moment, averting his gaze and wondering if she would think that his reason was foolish. Nevertheless, he answered her question, [glow=black,1,400]"To find my mom."[/glow] Silence, but only for a few moments. He looked up once more, this time at the v a s t stretch of territory that laid before their very eyes. [glow=black,1,400]"Maybe, if she's around here, she'll hear me and come find me. Then she can stay here with us."[/glow] It was possible that she had just gotten lost looking for him after the flood swept through the land, and she needed something to help guide her to him. If she knew that he was here, then she could follow his voice.

There was no reply, of course. Not a distant howl or even a bark, which was disappointing but did not entirely discourage him. August flicked an ear and glanced back at Fairylights, [glow=black,1,400]"... Did I wake you up?"[/glow] He now realized how late it must have been.