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FLESH AND BONE // MURDER - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]//the murder starts after the line, but all you really need to know is there's a heap of mangled/eaten bodies with the scent of The Ascendants

Pincher was supposed to fix him.

Reaper had waited, and waited, and waited, but he never came, and he wondered if betrayal felt like this, if abandonment could hollow him out so viciously while leaving him so hungry still. The anger returned slowly at first, and then all at once, the spite acid in his throat that burned every sound. Reaper had always known he was a tool, a means, death with a leash, but tools were valuable.

Pincher didn't seem to think so, and from what he'd manage through his splintering mind, he learned that the web he'd made had been taken by the wind, pulled to bits because they wanted to play nice with each other. People so quickly forgot death.

Maybe he should remind them why they raided The Ascendants in the night, why Marina had slavered with with unhinged fury. She had nearly finished Reaper's job for him. If she had, Reaper could be done with this, purpose fulfilled; he could rest, escape this savage hunger. But he knew now the road went ever on, and if there was a grave at its side for him to crawl into, he couldn't see one yet.

He had only his wrath and his famine, but they were all he needed to drag them all down with him.

The obsidian lion dragged himself onward, the many slitted mouths along his body desperate to fill their cavernous wounds with flesh. He would not deny them.

He did not.

The people who came to see him at the border died. Only three of them, but their numbers became indistinguishable when torn to bits and strewn across the ground. Gnawed to bone, and bone splintered, reddened fragments he licked his tongue raw on. The blood drew more, and his eyes now were a fierce alizarin; he had enough of himself left to set the Sunhaveners on each other, watch them succumb to the bloodlust in Reaper's skin. He chewed over the leftovers when they finished, soaked his fur and his throat with their crimson, delighted in the sweetness.

He lost awareness after that.

When it returned, bit by bit, the border reeked of split flesh and death, mangled and broken bodies overlapping, sharing distorted shapes. A sliver of bone slipped through his teeth, fell onto half a sunken head. He quivered with the demand for more, the eyes and mouths all along his silhouette seeking new skin to tear.

It was a challenge, but Reaper pulled himself back, and the air free of blood burned his lungs, sour in his mouth. He rumbled a growl, frustrated, but this- his work was done. The stench of bodies had The Ascendants' scent within claw marks and fang imprints, and they- they could not ignore this.

Reaper would finish what he started, no matter how long it took, and he blinked out of sight.

Re: FLESH AND BONE // MURDER - Fairylights - 12-06-2018

―――― How unfortuante, it seemed, for one so young to be the next to witness the scene. Of course, by all accounts, Fairy was not so young; she was, perhaps, nearly what many would call a young woman or an adult, but by all accounts still, she was stlil young. A child who had been allowed to remain a child, rather than being thrust into a dark, dark world where these situations were more than normal. But Fairylights, despite her small voice and her softness, had not been sheletered from everything. Her own parents had been murdered; she had been allowed to hear them scream as they died. She had watched them fall. She wasn't sure what had drawn her to the border. It was a strange smell, a strange sound, unlike anything that she could pinpoint for herself. At first, from afar, she had thought it to be no more than a few people struggling with some weird, potential spill from the cleanup. But as she drew closer, and the smell of blood, admist the mud and the smell of the Ascendants, became far more clear.

Then, she cleared the crest of the small hill that hid the sight from her vision, and her eyes went wide. Her breath caught in her throat in a strangled gasp as her gaze locked onto the sight of mangled bodies, covered in so much blood bone fragments, and heavens above she didn't even want to know. But the Ascendants? No, it didn't seem right! None of this was right! She felt the blood rush away from her body, suddenly light headed and pale as her paws forced herself a few steps back before she could even process, a scream tearing from her throat that she could not stop, pure terror in its note as her mind reacted to what it could not yet logically think through. Murder. This was murder.

Fairylights could only hope this was not how her parents had ended up too.

Re: FLESH AND BONE // MURDER - guts - 12-06-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
The scream rips through the air and into her ears. She freezes, a deathly chill running through her body. Something is wrong. No, not just wrong. There was something awful happening, and before she even has time to think, her legs are carrying her towards the sound, running faster than she ever had before. Dread holds fast in her stomach, not even bothering to stop and question why she even cares. All she knows in that moment is that she has to hurry, to get there and help.

When she finally reaches the scene, Ymir stops dead in her tracks, eyes growing wide at the sight. It reeked of blood and death, red staining the ground where the bodies lay. But above it all, the scent of the Ascendants lingered.

The pit in her stomach was suddenly replaced with boiling anger. It was hot and powerful, more than she had ever experienced before. Her jaw clenches, teeth grinding together. Her eyes seem to glow even more powerfully than before, the grey color of her irises almost completely disappearing behind the white glare, her lips curling in a snarl. How fucking dare they?

"THEY'VE DONE IT AGAIN!" she screams, stirring the air just after Fairylight's own. All she can see is red, red, red, both from her anger and the pile of corpses. They were monsters, they made their move just as they were weak--the fucking audacity--thoughts swirled in her mind, faster and faster, until they were all an enraged blur. If they wanted a damn war, then they could have it for all she cared. "character's speech."

Re: FLESH AND BONE // MURDER - buckingham barnes - 12-06-2018

[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]
Oh god, that whiff of blood was hauntingly familiar. Bucky's smelt it far too much in his lifetime, that it no longer smells disgusting and nauseating. But the maine coon knows when he smells it, something horrid happened to a clanmate, or perhaps a stranger at the border, seeking medical attention. When blood is split, lives are lost and people are grief stricken. So, the former assassin quickened his pace through the muddy territory, following the iron filled scent. And when Fairylight's scream echoed through the territory, the Helion began to run. Either Fairylights just came across a corpse, or she's being attacked! God, he hoped it wasn't the latter-- even though they feel more like strangers than family, he still holds responsibility of her!

Just as the maine coon came running into the scene, Ymir's furious howl screamed in his ears, flattening to his cranium. Now that he's at the scene, he can smell the Ascendants mixed in the blood scent. He looked at the three, mangled corpses for a moment, a frown making it's way onto his muzzle. God fucking dammit-- that mysterious murderer is back! Right after they become neutrals, just like last time! Except, things are a little different now. The Ascendants agreed with the neutrality, and Atticus even mentioned that this could be the first step to them becoming allies once again. Moonmade had no control over this mysterious killer, and Atticus certainly wouldn't try to pull a stunt like this. Someone is trying to keep them as enemies, and this time, it's not going to work. "It's that unknown murderer again," He hissed with a lash of his tail, tearing his gaze away from the mangled corpses, as he went over to Fairylights, and stood in front of her. Bucky doesn't want her to look at them anymore, she certainly hasn't seen anything as gruesome as this.

He looked over at Ymir, taking note of the anger that radiated off of the wolf's fur. It looked like she was ready to go to war with the Ascendants all over again. "Someone from the Ascendants is trying to sabotage our neutrality," He meowed, keeping his voice steady and to the point, "The Ascendants aren't sure who the murderer is, and they've set curfews in the past in attempts to fight this killer. Clearly, the killer stopped murdering when we became enemies, but the moment we agree on neutrality, they strike again."

"I will bring one of these corpses to the Ascendants to warn Atticus that the killer is back. We will not go to war over this, I will not allow this situation to turn into a larger mess again." He declared, with no room to argue with him, his eyes gleaming with seriousness, as if they were saying calm down to Ymir. "Once Atticus and the Ascendants are warned, I will bring the corpse back to be buried with the other two."

Re: FLESH AND BONE // MURDER - AUGUST - 12-06-2018

A shrill scream had torn through the air, alerting August immediately to a danger or a threat posed on the edge of the territory. He folded his ears, frowning and looking around in utter confusion. Did he run and confront the situation now that he was technically able? Did he stay put? At the sight of Ymir and Buckingham sprinting into the territory, an almost phantom tug pulled him in their direction. Maybe something bad had happened, maybe he could help in some way. So, the wolf pup quietly followed after the adults, heart beating within his chest and pounding in the depths of his ears.

He arrived onto the gory and bloody scene, and he immediately skidded to a stop. His amber eyes widened into saucers, a lump forming in his throat as the bone-chilling reality set in -- there were three dead bodies. August was not a stranger to blood and innards, seeing as his mother had hunted for him before and he had eaten meat. However, bodies of three Sunhaveners? Flesh strewn about and their forms ungracefully discarded like torn up ragdolls, the sight was harsh for young eyes.

August now wished that he had just stayed in camp. His paws itched to r u n , but his mind was overriding his actions and forcing him to stay planted to the ground. He took a few steps back, somewhat near Fairylights ( considering that he considered her a friend and was something of a support for him right now ). No tears came to his eyes, but boy, was he fighting them. August grimaced and averted his gaze to the best of ability, breathing hitching as the rank stench of blood invaded his senses.


[Image: dctm3er-18229b16-4f9b-48be-823e-e01020b0196d.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: 0px; background-color: white; padding: 6px; color:black;"]And to think, Bex had thought that they were long past this. Turns out that they weren't, and the timing couldn't have been any sort of coincidence. The collie felt her stomach drop and eyes widen in shock as she approached to see the torn up corpses of Sunhaveners. How could anyone do something so sickening like this? She didn't understand it, but she wasn't going to panic over it. Trying to remain as calm as possible, the collie placed herself near Fairylights and August, as if now trying to shield them from the terrible sight. This wasn't fair. They were so young and full of innocence. They didn't deserve to be exposed to this.

With her ears flattening against the back of her head, the woman spoke up. "Hey kids, how about we go back to the village while Bucky goes to the Ascendants to figure out what's going on," she offered, wanting to remove them from the situation. They didn't need to stand here and stare at it any longer. Bex just wanted them to be safe and happy, but that was becoming more and more difficult now. They were growing older, wandering around more, and experiencing all sorts of new things. Including murder. None of this felt right.

The entire situation was odd. How could the murders return directly after the Ascendants had agreed to neutrality? Bucky seemed right about someone trying to sabotage the entire thing. She had a feeling that Atticus wouldn't allow anyone to do this, or else he wouldn't have bothered to accept their request for neutrality in the first place. Nothing seemed to add up, and that only made Bex more worried about the situation. Still, she tried to keep herself calm, deciding to focus on getting Fairy and August back to camp.

" speech "

Re: FLESH AND BONE // MURDER - guts - 12-07-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
The trance of her anger is broken by Bucky's words, his calm tone somehow breaking through the fog in her brain. She tears her eyes away from the carnage to stare him down, the glow slowly dimming. What he was saying made sense, but there was still a part of her that was hesitant to believe it, a part that needed someone specific to blame. In case, the Ascendants were the brunt of it.

"You keep believing that, Buck," Ymir says, her tone dark as she turns around to fully face him, brows furrowed. "but be cautious. You never know who's your enemy and who's your friend." with that ominous warning, she pads off to let off some steam, her fur still bristling and tail waving behind her. "character's speech."