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make me better — o, hunting - Printable Version

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make me better — o, hunting - guts - 04-22-2018

Aizawa still wasn't used to being an animal, and it was taking a lot longer than he would have liked. He had only recently started to not be startled each time he woke up and found himself in his new body. It made his mornings a lot easier, not having to readjust to it all over again. But he still couldn't get used to not having hands or thumbs. These paws weren't good for anything, which he had found out quickly. He wondered how he would do a lot of the things he used to enjoy now.

He had been increasingly agitated lately, having to think about all these problems, his brain overwhelmed with it all. He wondered if Izuku had been through the same as him, and decided that he probably had. He was young, so maybe it just hadn't taken as long. But Aizawa was used to the life he had led. He was used to teaching and saving people--not to mention having fingers. He scowled down at his paws as he thought about it.

Standing up and shaking himself off, he had gotten tired of the cramped cave system, quickly trotting towards the exit after remembering where it was. The snow gave off a vibrant glow as he stepped outside. The chilly air hit him, drifting through his fur. He buried his nose in his scarf before walking out further, his steps crunching with snow. His dark pelt stuck out drastically against the white landscape.

The lion stops in his tracks, though. A smell unfamiliar to him hits his nose. It isn't like the usual one that the Snowbound members had, and it was close by. He was hesitant, unsure what the source was. He peered out, in case it was a hostile creature, but failed to see anything. There was a rumble in his stomach then, just as a part of the snow trembled. He watched as a small rodent poked his head out through and looked around.

His hunger unfolds, pangs raking over his sides. He takes a sniff again and the smell makes him lick his lips. He doesn't know why he's having this reaction, but his body suddenly crouches on it's own, hiding him from his prey's view. It's working on it's own, forcing him forward. He tries to stop himself, quickly figuring out what was about to happen, yet it's too late. A few more inches forward and he's there, lunging towards the unsuspecting lemming.

It tries to get away, burying itself back under the snow, but he's already clamped his paw over it. There's a faint squeal and a crack of it's bones. Aizawa loses himself, the smell of blood reaching his nose as he digs out the body, barely hanging onto life. It's barely the size of his paw, easily fitting into his mouth as he crushes it. Teeth grinding down onto muscles and meat, he can taste the rush of blood on his tongue, metallic in taste.

He doesn't want to do it. He doesn't want to eat the remains like an animal, but he does, unable to help himself as he digs in. A growl resonates in his chest, natural and warding off anyone who would try and steal his meal.


Re: make me better — o, hunting - melantha - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]what is it like to begin in one body and wake up in a new one? melantha would not know. she is an animal. always has, always will be. she is wonderfully plain and blissfully normal. and as far as humans go, she is not their biggest fan. melantha still sports the crescent scar where a farmer's hunting dog tore into her flesh. those were hungry times, and sometimes all she was strong enough to hunt were the docile ewes of human sheep herds. she does not understand the concept of owning other living creatures, but she sure learned quickly not to mess with animals corralled in a pen. they might be the slowest, dumbest creatures to walk the earth, but they were guarded by ferocious humans armed to the teeth with terrible weapons. mel is stronger now—healthier. she can now sustain herself on a more robust meal of deer and elk.

little does aizawa know, but another predator is watching him. "you're not gonna survive very long on a diet of those puny things," comments melantha dryly. she lounges atop a granite boulder, luminous olive orbs half-lidded from the nap she only just arose from. in all honesty, the girl is amazed that aizawa was able to catch anything at all. for an ambush predator like a lion, it does not do him any favors that his coal black pelt is in stark contrast to the wintry landscape in which he resides. not only that, but he is ridiculously loud and clumsy. her sagacious green gaze followed the entire fiasco from start to finish, and it was quite clear that the male was acting on instinct rather than any specific hunting skill. but it is also clear that the guy needs to eat something, so he is lucky that he even has a skimpy lemming to satiate his appetite. "a nice doe will probably keep you satisfied for a couple days..." the lionheart trails off, considering something. a pained expression flickers across her plain visage. "if..if you're really hungry, i can share some of my fresh kill with you. but just this once." melantha is ferociously territorial and she hates sharing, but she can tell that this mangy, emaciated lion could really use some sustenance.

Re: make me better — o, hunting - guts - 04-22-2018

Aizawa had long accepted the fact that none but Izuku would understand his burdens. Even then, he'd never let the feline know how he was suffering to fit into his new environment. He constantly felt out of place. Still, he held on to the hope that the feeling would pass soon enough. He wanted to do something, even if he didn't know what yet. There was an urge inside him, one that tugged him towards something he didn't yet know about.

His stomach is rolling, both from hunger and nausea. The scent and taste is almost too much for him. Of course, he had never eaten something he had just caught before, as it was unheard of. But he decided it was a natural thing now. But it didn't help much to ease the churning of his insides. He squints down at what little remains, only bones in the snow. Red coats both the white around him and his muzzle. Making a face, he licks at the stains on his face and paws, his attention quickly caught by the voice that speaks out to him.

The lion narrows his eyes, pushing himself up into a sitting position. He definitely hadn't been doing well lately in terms of eating. His diet had naturally changed with his new form, and while he wasn't an idiot and was well-aware of what large felines ate, he just wasn't sure how to catch anything. This had been his first time hunting anything. He had made some mistakes, sure, but he had caught something at least, if the small rodent counted for something.

"Keep it. I'll find something myself" he says, independent and stubborn as ever. Aizawa knows he's incompetent in finding food, but he would learn quickly enough. Or someone would teach him--if they could put up with his hard-headedness. He was only ever used to being the teacher, not the one being taught.


Re: make me better — o, hunting - jacob w.c. - 04-23-2018

Probably to no one's surprise, Jacob wasn't much of a hunter. He'd set up traps a few weeks ago and he just went around to those every once in awhile to get what he needed. His diet primarily consisted of pasta and baked goods but he needed meat to include in various sauces and dishes. Besides, he couldn't justify eating pasta every singe night. He already at too much of it as it was and he needed to rotate different things into his diet. Today, he was making his usual rounds to check on his traps. He'd decided on their location after watching the habits and patterns of the prey in the area. He'd then picked the optimal locations and he rotated them every few days so the prey wouldn't learn where it was and avoid the spot. He'd already grabbed a few rabbits from the day and he was getting ready to head back. Even if he wanted to bring back more, he knew he'd have to make another trip around to carry it all. Maybe he'd come back around later on in the day when he went for his evening walk. A change in routine wouldn't be so bad, he supposed.

He was pulled from the thoughts of his traps and diet when he heard two voices, one more familiar than the other but still recognizable. He made his way towards the pair with a light smile, setting down the prey he'd gathered. Despite the amount of prey, it hadn't been easy to learn how to get this much in one round, though. When his legs had first started to go bad, the first thing that was affected was his ability to find food. Even in the city, it got harder to chase mice around or to jump into the trash and look for the things that were perfectly good but humans just threw out. His Babbo had always provided for him, of course, but he knew he needed to learn how to do things his own way. One of the first things he'd done when he came to Snowbound was plan out his traps and devise a plan for catching enough prey to sustain himself. Even with all the other food he gathered and ate, he still had to eat meat. If he didn't have to, he would have likely stopped a long time ago except for the bits he liked to add in some of his sauces. 

"I could show ya' how ta' set up traps n' whatnot, if ya'd like. 'M pretty good at it. I ain't fast enough ta' catch the prey m'self, with my legs n' such so tha's what I use. Or, if ya' want, ya'll could jus' come over ta' dinner tonight. Jersey's still of travelin' n' whatever so I don' get no one ta' eat with anyway n' I always make too much for jus' myself," he offered, a light smile on his maw at the prospect of sharing a meal with someone tonight. He didn't like eating alone and he often forgot to eat at a decent time when no one was there to remind him. He'd always get wrapped up in books or music or a walk or some other activity. His focus always seemed to be either completely in one subject or on nothing at all. If he was thinking about one thing, it didn't even occur to him to try and think about what other things he should be doing or what he might be missing out on.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: make me better — o, hunting - guts - 04-25-2018

Aizawa definitely hadn't enjoyed tasting the iron taste of blood, which was why his stomach was gurgling awfully loudly. His body was used to digesting raw meat like that, but his mind was still screaming at him that it wasn't right. He grimaced slightly at the pain racking through his stomach, but any discomfort shown quickly disappeared as Jacob appeared, the lion quickly looking over at the other male. The taste in his mouth was only making it worse.

"That sounds a lot more...humane, yes" he says as he lays there, not trusting his body enough to get up without projectile vomiting all over the two. He wasn't used to eating things like that, his mind more-so than his body still used to the concept of human foods, though it probably wouldn't be good for his digestion. He didn't really care all that much, though. At long as he didn't have to eat another lemming or rodent like that again.

At the invitation to dinner, he perks a brow, mulling the idea over. Eventually he nods, intrigued by the idea of finally getting a proper meal. Izuku had. been..not a whole lot of help, honestly. He appreciated his presence, as it gave him a sense of comfort to have someone familiar there, but otherwise he didn't do much for him. He tried, though, but his attempts weren't as good as actually doing things. "I wouldn't mind getting an actual meal. Thank you," he then narrows his eyes at the canine. "But I'm only coming because I'm not in a good shape to catch anything. Don't expect me to accept again," he didn't want it to be seen as a sign of them being friends. It was the last thing he was interested in right now, making friends and all.


Re: make me better — o, hunting - jacob w.c. - 04-26-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — When the older male accept his offer, the husky's ears perked and his tail thumped against the ground in excitement while a wide smile stretched across his maw. Jacob stood soon enough, gathering up the rabbit that he'd set down only moments ago. Having someone to eat with him again would be a welcome change. He'd always hated eating alone, a habit he was sure originated with the large family meals he'd have with all his families. It just seemed wrong to eat alone. In fact, if he had to do it he'd often be seen sitting outside his den and eating, if only to get the impression that he was around others. Besides, Jacob had a tendency to forget about eating entirely or eat way too much at one time. Because of that, it was usually better for his health if he made specific meal plans so he didn't eat too little or too much. Having people there to keep him accountable was always helpful.

"No problem! 'M happy ta' have ya'!" Came his chipper response as he began to turn. He then glanced back as the man insisted that he wouldn't accept the offer again. Jacob would see about that. His pesto balls were pretty hard to resist, in his personal opinion. "Alright! I don' really mind how much ya' wanna' come over. It don' bother me none either way. Do ya' like pasta?" he asked, his smile never dropping. His eyes then went to Melantha. He knew that the girl didn't eat the foods that he adored but he was sure he could do something nice to the meat she ate. "I know tha' kinda' stuff makes ya' feel sick, Mel, but I can make some meat too with jus' some spices n' stuff ta' make it taste nice if ya' want," he offered. [color=# —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: make me better — o, hunting - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-27-2018

Learning how to hunt had never really been a priority for Killua while he was growing up. Sure, there were different factors that could say that he learned how to hunt at a young age, but did that pertain to someone that was a killer in the first place? He knew the clans taught their apprentices and their young fairly differently. Even to where some of them had special methods just to teach those that lived in the same environment that they did. There were even groups that taught their young at a very young age how to defend themselves. Killua thought that was a good method when it came to training someone that lived in a clan, but looking back at how miserable he was growing up, he realized that it probably wasn't for the best really in the long run. He didn't enjoy having to do anything but work and not having any fun while he was just a kitten, and having other groups teach their young at a young age wasn't the greatest method. Of course, it would eventually come out with amazing results, but the happiness that they should have felt by playing around and having no worries would have vanished. Just like what had happened to him in such a quick decision. Killua knew that some clans didn't even take training into remotely any sort of consideration. It was almost funny to watch as they were always confused as to whether or not they should train themselves to make them stronger, and wait too long before they were ultimately killed to really try and do anything. Clans sometimes had sparring sessions, which was great and all, but they never did any exercises that had one against at least two opponents. The clans rarely fought one on one with one another, and this could become an issue when they were faced with an actual battle. Killua had been trained at a very young age in a life or death situation, and it was in these situations that he was able to grow so much quicker because his life was on the line. The clans were too soft the majority of the time, not even remotely thinking about what would happen if they went at each other in a serious manner. They would realize how much progress they would go through if they actually wanted to hurt each other because they would be serious. He knows that others would complain that if they did that and a battle soon happened after that they would be weak. They could employ different tactics in order to avoid something like this, and they wouldn't run out of any herbs because so many animals were capable of conjuration. Killua was an avid fighter at a very young age and had seen death several times over the course of his short life. This meant that if he wanted to hunt something, he was going to make sure that he was successful. Failing a hunt wasn't something that was easy for the wildcat to do, as being a serval he had the highest catch rate of any other wildcat that actually existed. Serval's were extremely skilled when it came to hunting rodents and even birds. Capable of leaping to at least 10ft into the air made it easier for them to catch their prey, and their large ears made it impossible for anything to be quiet unless it wasn't moving. Killua could easily go out and catch anything really out on a hunt with ease, but it was extremely rare to see him hunt.

He had figured out easily over the course of time that hunting didn't really distract his mind. It was still killing something, and that usually brought unhappy memories for the young male in that regard. Killua didn't want to think about the methods that he used to kill on a daily basis. Thanks to his powers though, he didn't have to worry about hunting for himself as he could just as easily use his conjuration to simply conjure up a mouse every other day. Although recently he hadn't been eating like he should, so he was growing thinner and thinner by the day. It was impossible to see this transformation thanks to the density of his fur, the white fur covering his body fluffy enough that it was hard to see what his muscles and condition his body was actually either. One good thing though was that his wounds from around three weeks ago now were basically healed and he had no worries about if they weren't going to heal. The wounds weren't healed enough that he could remove the stitches, but maybe in a couple days, he could. Killua knew what it was like to be stubborn, and he had to say that the lion was being stubborn in all the wrong ways. He didn't think the only really knew what survival was basically at this point in time. The assassin had resorted back to some of his habits though, as he was perched on a branch that was above Jacob and the black lion, who he couldn't quite remember the name of but it would come back to him sooner or later. His air elementals made it impossible to catch his cent and almost impossible for something that didn't have good hearing to even hear his paws when he had leaped from branch to branch. A bored look was spread across his features as he looked at the kind nature that Jacob always seemed to regard others with. Killua wasn't jealous of course as he didn't know much about the male, but he didn't dislike Jacob in the slightest. He just thought that he was an idiot sometimes and that was that. He flicked one of his large white ears as he rolled his eyes at the lions words. "I don't think that attitude of yours will likely keep you alive for very long." Killua stated, albeit rudely. The young apprentice hadn't said anything rude to really anyone as of late, and it may strike other's as strange. Not his fault, he was exhausted and hadn't been sleeping thanks to his nightmares, so he had just decided that not sleeping was the best option for him. "If you can't hunt properly you'll probably die, and don't blame us even if we decide to offer food if you want to get yourself killed." It was the hard truth, and Killua wasn't upset to admit that. The other was either going to accept his help or starve. Unless Izuku decided to give the old man something to eat than the other would survive. But the maine coon was only capable of catching something so large. A neutral look spread across the assassin's face as he was laying on the tree branch, and wondered how the other would react to his words.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
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