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Finally baackk - Printable Version

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Finally baackk - Kodiie_ - 12-06-2018

Wowza okay I kinda disappeared for a few months, had some personal issues to take care of and a lot of stuff to deal with, bUT IM BACK NOW
Hopefully for good lol

Re: Finally baackk - toboggan - 12-06-2018

heyyy, welcome back!!

i don’t think i was around when you left so i’ll use this as a way to say hello! i’m toboggan, but if you want, you can call me tobo Smile)

i know you’ve been around before, but if you have ANY questions or concerns whatsoever, feel free to reach out to me! (or the staff, that’d probably be better)

but yeah, welcome welcome!

Re: Finally baackk - Orion - 12-06-2018

Ayy welcome back dude! If you need an update, let me know...? I'm definitely here to help. <3

Re: Finally baackk - guts - 12-06-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]hello + welcome back!! i'm prolly not v helpful but u can also hmu if u have any questions! or if u wld like to plot ofc wink

Re: Finally baackk - Kodiie_ - 12-10-2018

Thank you so much, loves! I'll definitely pm one of y'all if I need anything <33
also [member=332]guts[/member] I'm always down to plot, definitely hmuu

Re: Finally baackk - dreamiplier - 12-10-2018

hey, welcome back m'dude!! i don't believe we've met, but i'm imajinary, though i'm called dream <3
i'm glad you're doing better!!

i'm also open to plots or anythin', im gonna be p busy this month but that's alright lmao

Re: Finally baackk - Orion - 12-10-2018

Eee no problem! Hmu any time for plots too Wink)))