Beasts of Beyond
◜ . shoulder to shoulder ┊ six months . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . shoulder to shoulder ┊ six months . ◞ - AUGUST - 12-05-2018

August had been counting down the days. Even before he had stumbled across Sunhaven, he had done well to keep track of his own age ( with his mother's help, of course ). He had been born on the fifth of June, a sunny Tuesday in a den nestled against the frigid mountain pass. At least that was what mama had said. It was August's understanding that, once a pup was of age, they could become a spark. A trainee. A sunbearer-in-training. While only a mere few weeks ago he wouldn't have known or cared for such ranks based on his age, he was now integrated into Sunhaven. With this upgrade in rank, he would gain new privileges, surely, and would have more fun in learning the ways of clan life. How exciting!

So, bright and early, the wolf pup trotted out of his makeshift shelter and into the open. His tail was curled high and he held up his head, pure pride beaming from him. "Hello! Uhm, I didn't know when or where to say this, but I'm six months now!" August wondered if anything special happened when a ray became a spark. In the least, he'd be able to go out and explore the territory, right?

Re: ◜ . shoulder to shoulder ┊ six months . ◞ - Fairylights - 12-05-2018

―――― "Congratulations, August!" Fairylights would chime with a bright grin as she made her way forward at August's announcement. From the grin upon his face alone, and the fact that he had gone to the length to announce it himself, she had to imagine she was excited. While she was still a few months older than him, and she had not the pleasure of knowing what it was like to advance a rank, especially not one dictated by age, she still had to imagine it was a fun, noteworthy experience. Like that time that she had finally been allowed to make cookies on her own violition, and ended up losing that privilege a day later when there were ten dozen cookies to eat between the ten of them. But, that was another matter entirely. "We should do something special!" she suddenly perked up at the thought. Celebrations like this were supposed to be special, right? Sort of like a birthday party of sorts. "What do you think , August?"

Re: ◜ . shoulder to shoulder ┊ six months . ◞ - REBECCA MACK - 12-05-2018

[Image: dctm3er-18229b16-4f9b-48be-823e-e01020b0196d.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: 0px; background-color: white; padding: 6px; color:black;"]Six months? The kids here sure were growing up fast, huh? Bex wasn't sure how to exactly feel about it. She liked that they were small and innocent. Did they really have to grow up? She would do anything in her power to prevent that if it were possible, but unfortunately, there was no way around it. If there was, she likely would've made sure that she herself never grew up either, though at the same time being a kid always limited her freedom, and she didn't like that. She would have to go back to the days where she would sneak around and scheme and lie to adults so that she could have all the fun she wanted without getting busted. She liked being able to do whatever she wanted without anyone caring now, so perhaps she wouldn't want to be a kid again after all. Still, she didn't want these kids to be all grown up. Not yet, at least.

"Don't grow up; it's a trap," the collie stated her thoughts aloud as she made her appearance, understanding why August seemed so excited to be this particular age now. Growing up meant freedom, and he was certainly about to gain more of it now. Bex knew that her younger self would've been just as excited too. "But congratulations, kid," she quickly added with a small wink, her attention now drawing towards Fairylights at the mention of doing something 'special.' Like a celebration or party, of some sort? Bex did love parties. "That sounds fun, if August is up for it!" She wouldn't doubt that he likely would be, given that he was already so excited about becoming six months old.

" speech "

Re: ◜ . shoulder to shoulder ┊ six months . ◞ - guts - 12-05-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Her own childhood hadn't been full of fun and wonder like it should have been. Instead, she got the short end of the stick, abandoned on the streets to fend for herself. But she didn't ponder on it much. Rather, she decided that she was grateful for her rocky start, because it was a chance to prove to herself--and others--that your destiny wasn't proven from the moment you were born. She was herself and her past was a part of herself, no matter how painful it was.

The wolf trots up at August's call, a figurative brow quirked. Six months, huh? She pauses, trying to remember why that was such an important age. Then she eventually remembers. "Oh, right. That's real nice, kid. Do yourself proud." others would have said 'us,' but she didn't believe in that, not anymore. It was about making yourself proud, doing things you would look back on and not regret. "The world's your oyster and all that inspirational shit." "character's speech."

Re: ◜ . shoulder to shoulder ┊ six months . ◞ - AUGUST - 12-05-2018

August couldn't help but grin when Fairylights made her way over to congratulate him on his achievement of sorts. Glowing with glee, he chirped in response, [glow=black,1,400]"Thank you, Fairy."[/glow] At the mention of something "special", his pointed ears perked up and his gaze lit up a bright amber. [glow=black,1,400]"I'd like that."[/glow] Oh boy, now he could do stuff that younger kids couldn't!

The wolf pup turned to the older member, Bex, who he was admittedly growing to look up to. She wasn't a stone-cold warrior who was all work and no play; she was a perfect example of someone who was responsible and made time for fun. She was like the older sibling that he never had. [glow=black,1,400]"I can't wait to grow up. I'll be taller than you!"[/glow] He poked fun at Bex, harmlessly of course. Although, his words were likely true. At his age, he was half his adult height ( if not, more than half ). If he kept this up, he'd be a tall as a tree by the time he turned five years old. [glow=black,1,400]"What should we do?"[/glow] His tail began to wag back and forth in anticipation.

August glanced over at Ymir as well, and said sheepishly, [glow=black,1,400]"Thanks... whatever that means."[/glow] Hopefully that meant something good? He wasn't too sure.

Re: ◜ . shoulder to shoulder ┊ six months . ◞ - buckingham barnes - 12-07-2018

[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]
The maine coon silently made his way over, a small smirk on his features. It was nice seeing August quite excited about turning six months old-- Bucky remembered those good old days. He still had his parents, and remembered his older brother. There've been plenty of times in his life where he wished he could go back, as it all slipped through his paws too quickly. He can only hope that won't be the same fate with August. "Congratulations August!" The tom meowed with a nod of his head, glancing over at the young wolf. One perk of being a young member in Sunhaven is that you can have a mentor when training to become a Sunbearer. That was always something Bucky wished he had as a child, it certainly makes it more exciting! "What are you most excited about learning as a spark?" He questioned, with a flick of his tail.