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SUFFOCATION BLUES + STROKE - toboggan - 12-04-2018

tl;dr: leroy has just had a stroke. he can’t see out of his left eye, is numb in the face, stumbling, and has a serious migraine. brief mention of blood.

His face had a funny feeling running through it, like a stream of anaesthesia was currently trickling down his face in incalculable directions. Wounds , such as burning lacerations and bone fractures, had all made homes out of his figure before, and yet none of them gave off as large a hunch of certain demise as his current condition did. It rendered him in a contingency of discomfort, the numbness, for at times it felt like parts of his skin were dematerializing with each coming second, though he knew that not to be true. It was such a strange silence, losing total sensation of a body part; no itches, no awareness of blood, no motor response to touching yourself. Assuming that insensitivity had been the sole symptom of what he woke up to this morning, it would be very possible to handle the situation and live life normally as he always had. Unluckily for the guardsman, this was not so, and there was a slew of other unfortunate indications demonstrating just exactly how unwell the mongrel really was.

About an hour before dawn, a piercing headache forced its way into the hound’s skull, making an unwelcome guest of itself. It was as if a nail had been placed on the perimeter of his cranium, and someone picked up a cumbrous mallet, only to smash the little fucker as deep into his scalp as possible. For a while now had he been experiencing migraines all over the place, to which the guardsman dismissed as minor and insignificant. The one that quaked his mentality this early morning was latterly identified as something of a totally separate nature, on account of how long it lasted - the others ones prior reverberated painfully throughout his mind for about a half-an-hour to a full one, this particular one had been pulsating since around 5AM, and it was now approximately lunchtime.

Midst happenings comparable to today’s events, Leroy preferred to keep to himself, and just like him ignoring his early symptoms and avoiding medical attention, these actions would only ensure his undoing. By securing himself from his peers, the next few phases, which were possibly preventable with the correct medication, had been set in motion. Following the migraine, first came the aforementioned numbness, deadening all perception in his facial parts. At the precise moment of realization, Leroy scrambled to all fours and made a beeline for the door. From what he could see, something sure as shit wasn’t right. Unfortunately for him, it was too late.

Rather than strolling out the door, he stumbled. Aided by legs with the nerves of Jell-O, the canine transported himself out the door, but not without tumbling to the soggy ground. Everything was so strange - just yesterday, walking was an easy feat. Currently, it was everything but easy. As a consequence of his nose-dive into the freshly-moistened mud, the mutt’s chin collided fiercely with the ground and bolted upwards, trapping a wayward tongue in between yellowed fangs. Yesterday, artificial blood had plagued his taste buds with its excruciating twang; now, it was genuine blood, its metallic taste somewhat an old friend to Leroy.

As his face exited a wince, it was to the male’s unfortunate surprise that the final effect emerged. His left eye had gone blurry. No, this was not because of the violent crash with the swamp’s floor, as temporary vision loss sometimes was a symptom of it - no matter how much effort he put into it, the blurriness could not be shaken out. Dread swelled in the throat, which had run dry and went red. Sure, there was still one optic which saw the world in its complete, clear glory, but still - this was his vision, one of the five main senses.

"I... need someone!" Leroy cried whilst putting as much energy as he could into staying in a standing position, grateful that his speaking ability remained untouched by whatever just fucked over his body, ”A doctor - ‘r someone!”

For perhaps the first time, he was unsure.

And, for perhaps the first time, he was scared.

Re: SUFFOCATION BLUES + STROKE - guts - 12-05-2018

She had seen many things--the birth of new life, the passing of old. She had seen many untimely and unpleasant deaths, from peacefully going in your sleep, to being gouged on the battlefield. Sometimes all it took was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Along with death, however, she has seen many injuries.

Some were easy to fix, and then there were those that had their consequences, ones that would never allow you to live your life normally again. They happened and took pieces of you with them when they went away. It was unfair--but life was never fair.

Feverdream comes across him by chance, not attracted by the sounds. In fact, she was there before he even came stumbling from his home, his sudden exit catching her attention. She watches him crash to the ground, chin meeting the mud and sending a small splash her way. She quickly takes a step out of the droplets' path, tail lashing behind her. But she doesn't feel any concern for Leroy.

Maybe it was because she had run out of heartstrings to pull, or because of the wall she put up between herself and others--whatever the cause, she simply looked on with an unreadable face, studying the situation. The female wasn't quite sure what was wrong with him, only knew that something was definitely wrong. It didn't take a genius to see that.

She doesn't say anything, not even something reassuring, silence hanging over as she heads off. She wasn't heartless, however. She would go and get help.


Re: SUFFOCATION BLUES + STROKE - beck. - 12-10-2018

    Days no longer dragged their feet along as he drowned in boredom thicker than molasses, free time engulfing what little schedule of trap upkeep and hunting for a gluttonous plant he could manage. But now studying flooded the empty gaps of time in his twenty-four hour day, squeezing through his finicky motivation in order to prove his peers wrong. He wasn't dangerous, he wasn't irresponsible, he could help! Although, besides stocking up on herbs or stitching up one newcomer's wound, the boy hadn't yet snagged a chance to drastically help. The daily lives of Tanglewood were stagnant as always and cruel as it may be, Beck found himself staring up at the clouds, wishing injury and disease upon those vulnerable around him.

    He should've knocked on wood. When the moss-draped form of Feverdream approached as he sprawled on a wood-rotted porch, he assumed her arrival brought inspecting her gash for infection, not news of Leroy's collapse. Biting his tongue and clambering to his feet, Beck didn't wait to be lead, limping as fast as a crippled ankle allowed in the direction Feverdream arrived from. Collapsing could mean a lot of things. Bad, bad things. Low blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, seizure... three-fourths of which were not simple to fix without the modern devices he observed so long ago. Hell, it'd probably be downright impossible. From what he could see by the time he skidded up to Leroy's breathing side, the wolfhound wasn't seizing at least, crossing one diagnose off his mental checklist. "Ok-kay -- it's o-okay, Leroy, it's okay," he stammered, partially to calm his own panicking thoughts before repeating the assurance of "okay" under his breath as his amber eyes scanned the guardsman. Sucking in his unscathed cheek, Beck crouched in front of Leroy, freckles wrinkling as he scrutinized the canine's face for any signs of drooping, just in case. "D'ya hu-urt anywhere? Chest pain or, or a headache or anythin'?" the poltergeist rasped as he reached through his chest, allowing for his apparition to become translucent for a second before retrieving the washcloth he wisely began to carrying around for blood clean-up. Beck hesitated to wipe the crimson dribbling from Leroy's grizzled chin, shyly wadding up the old rag and sponging away the main trickle of blood draining from the wolfhound's tongue. Raising his head to ask the specifics of what happened, his focus redirected itself to stare into Leroy's eyes -- moreso one eye, to be exact. "Your pupil's di-dilated," mumbled the boy, moving a trembling paw to the periphery of his left eye as he continued, "Can ya see how many numbers I'm holdin' up?" Neglecting to fold down any of his digits instead, he patiently waited for a response despite his stomach threatening to coil around his intestines as suspicion grew. Beck didn't look away as he hissed out the remaining side of his muzzle to anyone nearby, most likely Feverdream if she lingered still, "Can ya go get, um, get Kiira?"


Re: SUFFOCATION BLUES + STROKE - suvi. - 12-13-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
kiira | tanglewood | medic
"I-I'm here," soft and sudden the presence of flickering paws, large, childlike eyes dancing from face to face but narrowing on Leroy.  Lately wandering thoughts demanded answers, sputtering and distraught at the new role the former chaser accepted.  Empty pages rapidly flipped through, muddled memories sought in vain yet somehow knowledge won out.

A stroke.  Sharp teeth nipped restlessly on the inside of her cheeks.  Stroke.  No cure for that.  Only treatment.  With flicked ears, she glanced at her ghosting paws, stomach twisting into knots.  What treats stroke? Bilberry? Garlic?  Is that right?  Gentle the crease of her brows as she returns her attention to Beck.  "W-what do you n-need?" Prepared and eager to move the young girl was, antsy to do something.

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