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stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - Printable Version

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stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - Suiteheart - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Weekly tasks. How long had it been since Suiteheart had hosted one of these? She thought back to all those months ago to her once beloved home. It had been a year and a few months, if her frame of time was correct. A year and a few months too long. It was time to begin again - or at least try to.

"Hey, Ascendants!" voice steady, commanding but not overly so. She stood tall from atop the meeting place, and she had an air of confidence about her she had not yet presented to her new group mates. She was comfortable here. This was natural.

"Gather 'round for some weekly tasks! You can have has many as you like," she finished, offering the group a small smile. She hoped the turn out would be huge. She hoped people would keep coming back for new tasks. Maybe activity would begin to soar.

Re: stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - ghostpact - 04-22-2018

Immortal looked over at the call. More tasks. At least it gave him things to keep his paws busy. He stretched as he stood and trotted over. "Gimme somethin'."

Re: stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - Character Graveyard. - 04-22-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
More weekly tasks, it appeared. At least these weekly tasks could encourage some of her Clanmates to get out and socialize with others. The white serval approached the scene, eyes focused on Hotelsuites. "I'll take one." Luna mewed.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - radeken - 04-22-2018

[color=#40bf40]Then I’ll have three. You can give ‘em to me now or wait for me to finish and come back.” Radeken stated, strutting forward. Was it biting off more than she could chew? Perhaps, but Radeken was nothing if not endowed with eyes bigger than her stomach, so to speak.

Re: stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - Margaery - 04-22-2018

[color=black]"I'll take a date with that weekly task," Purred Margaery as she approached, a smirk touching her lips. Playing incognito and lying blatantly to the faces of her new groupmates wasn't fun, but she did enjoy this little aspect of it. Sitting down, she wrapped her tail around her paws and waited. It had been sometime since she had done a daily task, she was excited to see what exactly she was going to get.

Re: stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - guts - 04-22-2018

Weekly tasks? Hughes wasn't sure what those were, but he could easily put two and two together. Plus, everyone else seemed pretty eager to get one. He needed something to do around here, anyway--or at least something to keep himself out of his mind and away from bitter thoughts. With a grin, he trots over and takes a seat. "I'll take one,"


Re: stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - Suiteheart - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Aaah, here were the first arrivals. ImmortalHD, Lunafreya, and Radeken. She had seen each of these characters around camp, but she had never truly interacted with them. She just hoped she gave them tasks that were suitable; she hoped they would not hate what she gave them.

"HD," Suiteheart began, deciding to use nicknames to keep things mellow, "How about you put on a tiny fireworks show. Nothing too big or too grand - unless you want it that way." She offered him a little grin, hoping he'd be able to pull this one off. It would be fucking sick if he could.

"Luna," the ivory feline started, turning to face the serval, "Host a painting class. Even if you don't know how to paint, just have fun with it." Painting was good. Everyone liked it, didn't they? Well, maybe. It was at least a nice creative outlet.

"Rad," the observer meowed, baby blues facing the third arrival, "Teach the group how to make jewelry. Any kind." Suiteheart had an affinity for that kind of stuff hence her three ear piercings and the locket around her throat. "Put on a blindfolded race. Have little prizes for the winner." Was it possibly dangerous? Yes. Did that make it more fun? Hell yes. "And lastly, prank someone. It can be anyone. I'll take the fall if you get in trouble."

Margaery was next on the scene, and at her words, Suiteheart blushed slightly. Despite being totally cool and collected (most of the time), she was never really prepared for flirtation like this. She was fine flirting with others and making a show out of it, but when it was directed at her, she did tend to get a little flustered. "Marg, we'll go on a date right after you plant a garden for your task. I like geraniums."

Hughes appeared next, and she offered him a grin as he presented one to her. "Hugh, why don't you start up a game of spin the bottle? Might be a bit PG-13, so make sure the kiddies don't get involved," she said with a light laugh. Spin the bottle had always been interesting, in her opinion. She was excited to see how it would fly here.

Re: stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - BASTILLEPAW - 04-22-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille wasn't particularly big on giving tasks, per se. He could and would do it as necessary, fulfilling the responsibilities asked of him, but that did not mean he liked having others stare at him expectantly. He had a general opposition to authority and preferred to stay away from it, thanks.

When he did give tasks, however, he tried to pick shit based on personality. As he ambled up after the others, listening idly to Suite give assignments, he decided that she had them figured out well enough. He stared a little too hard as she assigned the garden to Margy, and squinted at her. How did she know that the other femme had wanted to build a garden? Bast refused to believe it was chance, and he looked between them pointedly before clearing his throat and drawling, "Hi, Suite. I'll take one too."

Re: stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - Roy Mustang - 04-23-2018

The last task Roy had received hadn't been that bad. He didn't exactly ask for it, but what Bastillepaw assigned him, combat training, had gone along with him quite well. He had been up for that task, and he couldn't help it but wonder if Hotelsuites could live up to the task Bastillepaw assigned. The Flame Alchemist padded in, not shortly after Hughes, finding himself padding after the male and sitting down near him. His gaze quickly fell short onto Hotelsuites, ears drawing back to his skull. "I'll take a task," He commented, with that usual cocky, confident tone.

Re: stuck in the sunshine riptide ; weekly tasks 4/22-4/29 - Suiteheart - 04-23-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]As soon as she finished assigning her first few tasks, two more appeared. She gave them each a smile as she was happy to be doing this. She just hoped she would be able to pick suitable tasks.

Bast," Suiteheart began, giving him her full attention. "Host a clan-wide meet and greet. We've got a shit ton of new members, so this'll be a good way to meet everyone!" She knew the task was rather lame, but Bast was the first Ascendant she had ever met, and she would never forget him. He made good first impressions which was the reason she thought this task good for him.

The white feline then turned to look at Roy. She was not sure if she had ever met him, but he looked interesting. And he had fire powers. However, she was not entirely sure if any task she gave him would be good enough for him (since she didn't know him), but she hoped it would at least be decent enough. "Roy," she meowed, [color=#73B1B7][b]"why don't you use those cool fire powers of yours and make a big campfire? We can all sit around and tell stories or just chill. Bring snacks."