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THE SPACE AND EYELIDD WEDDING - pallid-i - 12-04-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:600px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height:13px;"]we're winging this wedding and we make shit up as we go, like men
[member=20]spacexual[/member] and i are getting married and this wedding is going to be the BEST. it has to be bc my bb deserves the best uvu//

i show up in my sparkly blue tuxedo, sweating and wiggling aggressively in my shoes that barely fit. my wedding is gonna start any minute now, and i F E A R.


I strut up in my best tuxedo with a bowtie around my throat, I had wrestled with it for several hours just to prepare for my favorite child's wedding. I end up knocking a few people to the side but I continue to waddle forward to the alter "I want to see my little boy... I want to see my little boy..." I mumble to myself knocking over the flower boy/girl "HERE HE COMES!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I have some snazzy "pants" on, of course, it can't contain my huge monster dong.


Re: THE SPACE AND EYELIDD WEDDING - spacexual - 12-04-2018

just moments after i got ready, wearing my fancy outfit, i hear a large footstep come up behind me. "h-hewwo...? who's there?" i call gently behind me, adjusting my bow tie. " should have aimed for the peeepee." i gasp and quickly turn, but it is too late. thanos has snapped. i feel myself fading from existence as each moment passes.... "bold of you to assume i can die." i whisper, somehow snapping even though i am an egg and have no arms. "MR. EGG I DON'T FEEL SO GOOD..." he fucking perishes. in his final moments, he snaps one last time, instantly teleporting me to the wedding room. oh god. oh fuck.

Re: THE SPACE AND EYELIDD WEDDING - pallid-i - 12-06-2018

I hear my dad and fight the urge to yell "OH HELL YEAH" at the top of my lungs. My dad is weird, but I love them nonetheless. They are the life of the party, after all. I hear a commotion and whip around, only to see my husband,,, my beloved egg. Space. I gasp and say, ""Wow dude u look fucking swaggy." In my moment of awe, I said swaggy. What the fuck.

Re: THE SPACE AND EYELIDD WEDDING - paroxysm. - 12-06-2018

I pull up the the wedding in a particular outfit and sit down at a table. I vacuum down all the food and the table and then give the ok_hand emoji. "Yum yum in my tum tum..." I whisper low.

Re: THE SPACE AND EYELIDD WEDDING - Cheeters - 12-06-2018

im here,,,no swat team can stop me
[Image: 727]

Re: THE SPACE AND EYELIDD WEDDING - spacey - 12-06-2018

I walk into the wedding hall with one Gucci flip flop missing and my weave is s n a t c h e d. I am dressed up as herobrine from Minecraft, pickaxe in hand. Im supposed to be dressed in something professional but I rushed to find the nearest thing in my closet and I was escorted quickly out of my luxurious suite by tumbler dot com staff for both being horny on main and under prepared for the wedding. My Eyes are milky white (the color of you know what haha :^) ) and my shirt is the color of limpid tears.

Today is the day pal is getting married. I am prouder than a gamer getting that victory royale. This special occasion should call for a fortnite dance, but I'll refrain from busting my devastating godlike moves until the reception. The last time I had gotten jiggy during the wrong time, nearly half of the universe had been destroyed