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DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - Printable Version

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DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - bubblegum - 12-03-2018

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - teef - 12-04-2018

ariside had been among some of the few when visiting her forge in sunhaven, to hear goldie's call. the tigress had become interested, the blacksmith bringing a form with her to deliver to the quartermaster of the typhoon. she set it down, clearing her throat with a polite nod, yawning slightly. the yawn wasn't meant to be rude, the tigress was exhausted from cleaning up the devastation the flood left in sunhaven, as well as making sure things were okay with her forge in the rosebloods as she packed that one up.

she knew that the rosebloods and the typhoon were at each other's throats but she held onto the motto that she would only be dragged in if it pertained to her life or livelihood. she came peacefully, having no other intention other than giving someone a Christmas gift.

ariside's form:

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - buckingham barnes - 12-05-2018

[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]
Bucky generally wasn't big on celebrating holiday traditions. For months now, he didn't have a family to celebrate it with. His parents are dead, and he had no idea he had a living brother and niece miles and miles away. It made him feel like he didn't have a point to celebrate it then, but things are little different now. It's hard to accept, but he does have a family now. He doesn't know anything about Fairylights or what her father was like. He can only hope they'll eventually grow close as most families do- as he didn't want to seem like he wants nothing to do with her. The maine coon shook his head, getting the thoughts out of his mind as he lead his group into the Typhoon territory.

The Helion read up on one of the flyers Goldenluxury included in the basket earlier. He knew what a secret santa was all about, but he wanted to make sure he wasn't missing on any important details. With a swish of his bushy tail, the former assassin filled out a form.

Bucky's form:

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - AUGUST - 12-05-2018

August had never heard of a "secret santa" event. In fact, this would be his first Christmas, so August needed to be taught all of the traditions that took place during this time of year. The concept was somewhat easy to grasp, though - you give a gift, you get a gift. That sounded fun enough! Hopefully August would be creative enough to be able to create someone's present.

He had taken a form from Goldenluxury's invite as well, and he scribbled in his childlike writing:

august's form:

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - Fairylights - 12-05-2018

――――  The only time Fairylights had played Secret Santa was back in her village, and she was more than thrilled to get the opportunity to do it again. Sure, things were different now, now that her parents weren't here with her, and sure it made her sad, but she was trying her hardest to look forward, rather than back. With a new uncle- well, not new, but perhaps newly acquainted with one another- there was a lot that was going to be different about this season. Still, with her spirits, and her excitement, high, she did not hesitate to grab a flyer and fill it out with the neatest handwriting that she could.

Fairylights' Form:

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - Sympathy - 12-05-2018

This would be Leonidas's very first experience with the holidays. He didn't know what a "secret santa" was, but he wanted to participate nonetheless. With the help of a few of the older members of the Typhoon, he managed to get his own flyer in order.

leo's form:
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #be9b7f; font-size: 24px;"]— LEONIDAS Ó FAOLÁIN

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - stella - 12-07-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]christmas was a wonderfully festive time of the year that stella had come to enjoy from their minor experience - supposed it was her favourite, but it was the only major event stella had been alive long enough to experience. nevertheless, the airy atmosphere, joyous cheer and merry personalities that arose from the significant event were something not entirely despised by the typically gruff kitten. it was just bittersweet. from what the child had gathered christmas was a time where families banded together for intimate meals and exchanged gifts - something the ragdoll hybrid now lacked. stella would be happy to have kaisa around, but she mostly spent her days in sunhaven, and pater and dad, they still haven't arisen. they wouldn't arise. it seemed as if this joyous and merry occasion would be something stella would miss out on, downing her spirit just a smidgen to say the least.

catching wind of this "secret santa", at first the bewildered child was perplexed by the idea of 'santa', and why he was such a secret. with the help of a few amiable typhoon members, the idea was explained to the child, filling her chest with a renewed sense of purpose. of course the child still mourned for the loss of her family, but it would be nice to imagine they were still around for a bit. exchanging gifts would hopefully fill that void.


Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - Keona. - 12-08-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]— blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly —
Odd words touched lightly perked ears, promise of strange holiday traditions.  A soft frown dusted the tiny feline's maw.  Christmas.  A family time... Supposedly.  Wariness seeped into the striker, thoughts drifting towards her own kin, whose number had rather increased more than comfort permitted.  Pale hues flickered, imagination unable to hold onto the concept of the entire family bonding.  Not the way it was.  Maybe if ma...

A long tail flicked behind her, morose features prominent on the youth.  Assistance she sought from her uncle this time around, unwilling to seek either of her fathers.

Keona's Form:
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - bubblegum - 12-08-2018

PAIRS SO FAR (updating first post with them)

Re: DECK THE HALLS / secret santa sign-up - pallid-i - 12-12-2018

He still didn't know shit about the holidays, but hearing the word "gifts" made him stalk over. His dad had given him a gift once. It was shitty, and he told him it was, and he was promptly smacked on the snout. After that, he never got a gift, and Skeleton Key was to blame for it.

Standing there, he fiddled with his claws before writing down in messy handwriting on the flyer.

NAME: skeleton key hyde
LIKES: meat, friends, dolls
GROUP: typhoon