Beasts of Beyond
— may i? stand unshaken ; introduction - Printable Version

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— may i? stand unshaken ; introduction - kilgore - 12-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px COLOR solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: COLOR;"]Kilgore had grown up in the desert, had seen it for the first time upon crawling out of his mother's den as a snot-nosed pup; to go from a dusty, dry cave to a warmer climate with a bright glare shining directly on a pelt full of thick fur was unpleasant, but he quickly got accustomed to it. How he could he not? He would have nowhere else to go, no outside contacts to retreat to for relief. His family lived in The Pitt, had died in The Pitt. He could faintly recall a large figure staring down at him, how Kilgore had put his paws directly on this stranger's muzzle and yipped, wagging his tail as a breeze of excitement passed through his very core. Who that wolf had been — where he had gone — the growing dire-wolf had not a clue. His memories were a blur, and his past days had been spent surviving off of the scraps of a passerby and keeping his head down so as not to catch the attention of someone he'd regret running into.

He was older now, so much older, and it was his time to learn, adapt, and overcome. The poor conditions of his life would grow still, and he would take the reigns and turn it around himself. The pride of what was assumed to be upcoming achievements swelled in his chest, stirring restlessly until it sent shock waves down his spine. Older characters oft yearned for the ignorance of their younger years, but being apart of the youth all Kilgore could do was hope for the future and for the unexpected to happen spinning his life all the way around on its axis.

The young dire-wolf would start by introducing himself and making a name. It should be relatively easy. The Pitt was not a subtle group, and it would not be hard to be heard over the moans and groans of slaves and the low growl of the common folk. He stood squarely in the busiest spot he could find in the Ancient City, paws and legs spread out beneath a robust body and a determined glint in his mint-green eyes. "My name is Kilgore." he announced. When nobody came up to him the first time, residents passing by him without a backwards glance, he stated louder, "My name is Kilgore!" it was a pitiful shout, naivety wafting off of him in droves. His thick southern accent, awkward and high-pitched, only enhanced the hilarity of the situation and his lack of self-awareness.

Re: — may i? stand unshaken ; introduction - ninazu - 12-04-2018

© lexasperated
The desert attracted the oddest of creatures – the strangest looked like some beast got confused and fucked a different species. When she saw the antlered, stocky wolf, Ninazu hardly batted an eye. He fit right in, in their mottled group of mutated freaks – and she doubted anyone would think him too strange, with Stryker’s antlers and the weirdest species that came and went through the wastes.

The lioness, with fire in her neck and sparks flying from her tail-tip, flicked her ears at his little shouts. She turned towards him, taking a moment to think through his accent. Without experience from Southerners, his voice sounded as though his vocal cords spasmed into a warble. “Well, Kilgore, welcome to the Pitt. I’m Ninazu, resident medic with a penchant for torching territory,” she spoke, thinking it best to introduce herself. She hated it when people used their ranks to try and win influence, so she left that nonsense out.

“You’re new here, hm? Do you have any questions? Or would you like to get right into training for the fun stuff?” She meant the violence their group was known for – he seemed young enough to need some practice.

Re: — may i? stand unshaken ; introduction - Stryker - 12-04-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center][img width=690][/img]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Kilgore.

The name rolled off the tongue, catching the ardent's attention. Neon eyes flickered over to the shouting buffoon with a smile slowly crawling onto his maw. He could already tell this one was interesting. Perhaps even an attention seeker like him, but Stryker wasn't too interested in psychoanalyzing any Pittian when they were introducing themselves. That was for later. No one liked a rude awakening as their first impression.

Gigantic paws lead their way over towards Ninazu, stopping at her side eventually. "My name is Stryker if we're introducing ourselves," he enthused. "It's quite the pleasure, Kilgore." Having someone named 'kill-gore' was ironic for a warbound clan, but he absolutely adored the name. It almost reminded him of 'Kilgrave'. For gods sake, his name was Stryker.... He couldn't judge. In the meantime, his gaze shifted towards Ninazu. She seemed to cover all of his points and questions he wanted to ask, seeing that Kilgore seemed unfamiliar to the two of them.

Re: — may i? stand unshaken ; introduction - kilgore - 12-08-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px COLOR solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: COLOR;"]It was unbeknownst to him that the first people he'd be meeting were the most powerful individuals in The Pitt's group; which, in hindsight, explained the blatant ignorance in which he addressed them, his younger mind not having yet recognized what a hierarchy was, nonetheless where he belonged in it. His tail wagged slightly, mint-green eyes regarding the two with unfiltered enthusiasm. "Well, nice to meet you too, ma'am." Ninazu. That was a weird name. Just like her appearance - she was very small in comparison to him, but undoubtedly older, and a healer, too? "I mean no offense, but what d'ya got to teach me besides all them plant stuffs? A big wolf like me ain't gonna have much use for that, I think, 'specially in a place like this." he'd much rather leave the cleanup to the smaller animals. Kilgore was convinced that it would be a waste for him to even approach such a field. To Stryker, his eyes would brighten slightly, interest evident in their gleam. "Stryker! I reckon I like that name very much, mister. Are you one of those big lions? I haven't seen one much up close and personal before. You're mighty hairy."

Re: — may i? stand unshaken ; introduction - ninazu - 12-15-2018

© lexasperated
Quirking a brow at his response, the lioness found herself amused. People seemed all too quick to downplay the importance of healers -- right up until the moment they needed one. "You'll have use for it precisely because of the Pitt being the way it is. Some people don't like coming to a healer after every damn spar they get into, and then I have to deal with their infected wounds well after they would've healed if they simply saw me first. Whether or not you pick up the skill, don't be one of those idiots," Ninazu told the Southerner with a slight grin.