Beasts of Beyond
◜ . new americana ┊ introduction . ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ . new americana ┊ introduction . ◞ - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-02-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
// hi yes joining threads are currently the Bane Of My Existence so i skipped straight to an intro/m&g sort of deal!! :>

Glistening metal ground against the even surface of a stone, and although both were relatively smooth in texture, a rough and grating noise was produced from every grind. A wolf — a very large wolf, at that — clenched the handle of the dagger in his jaws, currently craning his neck downward so that the edge of the knife would meet the stone in an attempt to sharpen it. What use was a blade if it was not effective? Lucky had simply found the weapon lying in the open, and was now making do so that the quality of it would be as good as new.

He was new to the Pitt, a new face found among the ranks of outcasts and thugs. While unfamiliar to the customs of this particular group, he was not a stranger to the scene of criminal activity. The hellhound had been something of a gangster for the whole of his adult ( and most of his adolescent ) life. The metallic stench of blood had been engrained into his senses, his veins accustomed to the pumping of adrenaline, his mantra "kill or be killed". Having dwelled in the shadowy depths of a city sprawling with threats, he could not let himself become the victim. There were people that wouldn't hesitate to snap his neck in less than a second.

The hulking hellhound was currently minding his own business on the grounds of one of the trio of towering pyramids. He had to admit that their stature was incredible, though he doubted that he would be peeking inside of them anytime soon. For now, he had taken up a small bachelor residence in the city; somewhere to rest his head while he fixed his grip onto "clan life".

Re: ◜ . new americana ┊ introduction . ◞ - kilgore - 12-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px COLOR solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: COLOR;"]It was not unusual to see a flood of unfamiliar faces in The Pitt, but it was particularly easy for one to pick out the Newbies from the Nobodies. The Nobodies were far more socially aware — they knew their place, respected the hierarchy, stayed clean out of sight and away — but the new animals had a habit of showing up in odd places with their odd manners and in general just doin' odd things. Kilgore thought they were interesting and kept an eye on them, though he also did it just so he could get the chance to snap at 'em if things went awry. His wide-eyed face seemed stuck in a temporary conflict as he debated on whether or not he should approach this unnamed creature, or walk clean away. Eventually, his strong sense of curiosity won out and he decided to promptly start a rusty attempt at small talk. He was good at small talk. How was your day, missus? Aw, shucks ma'am, I'd reee-ally like tha' thing ya got there, where'd ya find it?

"Oooo-e," he would smartly exclaim, paws smacking the barren earth lousily as he pursued the hellhound, craning his neck upwards. "What are ya, mister? I reckon I haven't seen such a large specimen as yo'self 'round these parts much, 'specially one that kinda looks like me." part of him would revel in the idea of there being another dire-wolf around, but he figured it was too good to be true. Besides, he wasn't the type to complain, was he? Naw. Maybe on occasion, perhaps, but ain't nobody speaking of it so he wouldn't pay much heed either. "My name is Kilgore. 'Wuss yours?"

Re: ◜ . new americana ┊ introduction . ◞ - Stryker - 12-04-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center][img width=690][/img]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Two unfamiliar faces in one spot. Stryker had found himself meeting Kilgore earlier, finding the direwolf to be a pleasure around. The other hound was not someone he knew. His mere size and hulking figure did not intimidate Stryker, since he was also large himself, but the ardent would be lying if he didn't say he was deeply intrigued in their original and out-of-this-world appearance. Hell, even the direwolf interested him. The Pitt may be the clan of outsiders wanting to redeem themselves, but he had yet to see the world's mutated creatures. Figured though... Snowbound never had such an peculiar flare. Obviously interested, the ardent allowed his paws to lead over towards the two mingling.

Kilgore, to no surprise, was mumbling on about their being. Admittedly, the lion had to try and keep from adding on mid-way through the conversation, but did jump on the hype train once he finished. "Yes, it is interesting. You must have some interesting stories to tell," he enthused. With such an outgoing and well-built figure, there had to be something to say. After all, who kept their fur so untangled? The maned cat couldn't imagine the trouble of doing such a thing. "Aye, not important if you don't want to share your life story, but it would be good to know." Nosy, as per usual... "Name's Stryker, I suggest you don't forget it, sweets," came his teasing tone.