Beasts of Beyond
I'LL BE NEEDING STITCHES / joining - Printable Version

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I'LL BE NEEDING STITCHES / joining - Character Graveyard. - 12-01-2018

It had been a while since he had given birth to his and Izuku's children, then left the Typhoon. Bakugou had disappeared off the face of the damn earth without saying one word, which had hurt Kirishima, so he had nobody left in the Typhoon. He had no idea where one of his children were, but he had a feeling in his gut that she would be alright. Plus, he'd taken Hiroto to Izuku already. The large dragon, who was carrying three creatures on his back, was obviously worn-out. Carmen was much bigger now and Harue and Haruaki were kinda heavy.

"Alright, Harue, Haruaki, can you both get down onto the ground? We've made it to our new home." Kirishima slowly lowered his body to the muddy ground and he let his wings fall down to his sides. "It's not as nice as the Typhoon, but it'll have to do." He attempted to reassure them.

Re: I'LL BE NEEDING STITCHES / joining - arcy - 12-01-2018

In all honesty, Harue hadn't cared about the Typhoon one bit. They weren't heroic. They were bloody and cruel and Harue hated them. She hadn't seen anything with her own eyes, of course -- but she knew. The kitten put a little too much credence in rumors, as it seemed.
The kitten snorts, scrabbling off of her father's back. "Okay!" Harue doesn't voice her opinions, landing in the mud with a soft splat. She doesn't mind being dirty, but she still regards the mud that coats her wings near immediately with some disdain as she shakes it out fruitlessly. ... Whatever. "They'll be here soon, right?" She looks up at her father, tail swishing through the mud. She didn't want to wait long. She wanted to explore. She wanted to see just who these people thought they were. They could never be as heroic as her, of course, but she had some standards, at least.
"very selfish ghosts" —-- harue / tanglewood / misc.

Re: I'LL BE NEEDING STITCHES / joining - suvi. - 12-02-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
kiira | tanglewood | medic
"Y-yes, w-we will," soft-spoken words answered.  Petite the form the voice belonged to and quite unintentionally she had arrived as oft the case when the body one resides in seemed constantly in flux.  The little arctic fox could barely maintain a fully solid form, let alone a constant location.  For the moment her glitches settled into simple erratic 'ghosting', snow white paws turning translucent one second, to reappear the next.

Dancing mitchmatched hues flickered from each face.  Lightly, pointed teeth caught on the inside of her cheek.  "I-I'm K-Kiira." What's a Typhoon again?  "A m-medic h-here." At least I already know why they're here... Rude to compare us like that though. Thoughts and feelings the vixen kept to herself, a private child.  Gently, her brows crease as she regards the rude one, blinking.

"C-can I h-help in someway? I-I know a f-few herbal t-teas that can r-restore strength." Though sleep worked just as well, insomnia plagued the vulpine for too long to recall.  Both certainly never hurt.  "T-there's f-food an' water in t-town too."

[ Mobile c: ]

Re: I'LL BE NEEDING STITCHES / joining - miss ririchiyo - 12-02-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]I'LL BUILD YOU A WALL, GIVE YOU A BALL AND CHAIN — 。+゚.[/glow]
"Be careful getting down.." Haruaki chirped up as he slid down his father's body, shaking out his unruly fur as he landed. Fluffy wings folded at his sides, dragging against the ground from the large size. It annoyed him, but he tolerated it- he'd get big enough some day. "Harue." Aki meowed to his sister, his side brushing up against her own in futile attempts to calm himself despite seeming stiff on the outside. Worry filled his gut, but with a glance back towards his tired father, green eyes seemed to calm at the sight. Papa was right there- if something happened, he'd eat whoever went after them. For sure.

When he noticed a girl come, he tilted his head at bit at her. "What's wrong with her..?" Haruaki whispered to his sister curiously, his ears pricking up. When she spoke, he visibly jumped a bit, his fur fluffing up. Unlike his sister, he didn't have as much of a drive to prove himself to anyone other than his family members. He always had to be the tough one- the manly one. Men didn't cry, after all. Not in front of others.

Sitting down now, the feline smiled towards the female. His teeth were sharp, shark-like almost, similar to his father's own. "My name is Haruaki!" He introduced himself, pointing a paw towards his chest.
[glow=black,1,400]JUST LET ME HOLD YOU LIKE A HOSTAGE[/glow]

Re: I'LL BE NEEDING STITCHES / joining - toboggan - 12-03-2018

"Nah, we’re WAYYY nicer than th’ Typhoon, see," he’d quip heartily, overemphasizing his wording on account of the presence of children in the vicinity. His resumé didn’t exactly have great with kids finely printed on it, nor did he ever want it to, but inasmuch as Morgan’s recent inclinations for a much more welcoming environment, the mutt reluctantly obliged. Amber hues uneagerly viewed the total package; one big guy, and a couple of guttersnipes, presumably his own. Great, it was bad enough that a bunch of nimrods were aimlessly sauntering around town, now there would be some kids doing it along with them as well.

Luckily for him, that stuttering medic-girl had said almost all that was necessary, sparing Leroy from actually putting effort into something for once. Almost all that was necessary.

”In these parts, we’re Tanglewood,” the tall hound explained coolly, ”and ‘m Leroy, a guardsman. If you have any questions, direct them t’ me or someone else, maybe.”. Jesus, he nearly sounded like one of those electronic constructs- a robot, if he may. At least he wasn’t tossing profanities left right and centre as he most times did.

”I hope your stay here isn’t complete trash,” his bedraggled lips spouted reassuringly, Haruaki, and whatever the rest of you call yourselves.”