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late at night -- reforging pendant - Printable Version

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late at night -- reforging pendant - Warringkingdoms - 12-01-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Her surroundings were drowned out by snow.

  The chill of the outside air seeped in through the walls, trickling through her thick fur. She paid it no mind, not even a shiver to indicate that she felt any of it. It was no worse than the weather had been coming back here.

  Her neck was uncovered for once, her scarf removed and set by her feet. The thin scars lining her throat had faded, and were covered by fur- indeed, she had only discovered them under thorough self-examination once she had returned home, and only because she now remembered there being wounds on her neck.

  When using the forge, having additional flammable materials on her person was not the best idea.

  The inverted question mark had suited her once. Though she had initially regarded the design of her pendant with wry bemusement, there was no denying that it did represent her. She did not know who she was, and hadn't the faintest idea who she would eventually be.

  Both of those questions had been answered. She knew who she was now, and why she was alive.

  The pendant that now lay before her was a silver arrow, the fletching finely detailed and the head sharp as a fang. An arrow had only one target, and it would be reused again and again until it finally hit that target. No matter what was in her way, she would get up again and again until it was safe to finally stop.

  Adelaine and Miyuki were counting on her.

  Taking the pendant's chain and stringing it around her neck, she did not shudder at the feeling of the cold metal. That she could still feel something, painful as it may have been, was a reminder to her that she was alive. Once you ceased to feel anything, it became that much easier to give up, and she could not give up.

  For their sake, she would keep going.

  /this is kinda rambly, don't feel the need to match muse
  /tl;dr: she made a new pendant for herself
  /if anyone wants to ask about the pendant, she can talk about the traditions behind it? maybe she can even make some for people

Re: late at night -- reforging pendant - clarence a. - 12-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"] Clarence wasn't sure where he was going when he set out that day. Honestly, he never knew where he was going around here. He'd gone suddenly from a life of boredom, but structured boredom, to a life that was filled with boredom where he had to decide what to do. It was maddening. He wasn't even sure if there were any books here, which had been his main source of entertainment on the Queen Charlotte. That or playing card or board games with the other men on board, although that quickly dissolved into chaos once the others had gotten rather drunk. He wasn't a big drinker himself, but he had to admit he'd done it once or twice. He had to admit at least distracted them from the never ending ocean and the gentle sway of the sea and the fact there was nothing to do aboard the ship other than play games, read books, exercise, and clean. It was a dull existence. Although he shouldn't have complained as much as he did. The few battles they got in weren't pleasant and that last one had been terrible, concluding with his own fate.

Now, though, he had all the freedom he wanted to do just about anything, and yet he fell into the same habits. He always rose early in the morning to follow the same workout routine and then followed it by cleaning up the small space he called his own. He would then wash up and eat something. The rest of his day was more open but his mornings were just as they'd been when he was aboard the old navy ships. Today, he decided to poke around this new home of his. Well, he wasn't sure it was a home, but he did assume it'd be a good idea to get well acquainted with the area. It was through his exploration that he came across a stranger who seemed to be working over some sort of forge. He wasn't even sure how it was possible for an animal to have a forge, let alone effectively use it, but in his days since his arrival, he had learned to stop asking questions about the logic of this new world. If he were to believe this was his own subconscious creating a world for him, he couldn't help but think his mind was even stranger than he thought it was.

Then the being put on some sort of necklace and that was when he realized he was just lurking in the doorway without saying anything, an action that probably wasn't the most comforting. Even if he was rather dissociated with this world and confused by nearly everything in it, that wasn't a good reason to be rude. So, he cleared his throat and spoke, "Hello. I don't believe we've met. My name is Sur- sorry, my name is Clarence Aston." It felt strange to not introduce himself with his old navy title, although he supposed it wasn't much use here. After that, his eyes fluttered to the metal hanging around the feline's neck. "What's that for, if you don't mind me asking?"