Beasts of Beyond

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[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Darkcub → Darkpaw → Darkprince. No nicknames; he kinda needs them lmfao.
Cisgender Male [He/Him]; Unknown sexuality, likely bisexual. Single & uninterested.
Birthday unknown. Around one year old. Mental age undetermined; seems mature.
—— No important events as of yet, this will be updated when he has something.

—— Fur is shortly longer than average for a lion, with a rather thick, almost silky texture.
—— Softly patterned with black, grays, white, and some very pale blues. crisp markings.
—— Eyes are a pale, stormy blue ; mane is still growing, but is also thick and very fluffy.
First and foremost, Darkprince looks and is exhausted. Icy blue eyes are always a little too dull, with an unblinking, half-lidded stare that still manages to dart between every important part of the world around him without fail. There are times when his attention can be unsettling, though whether that is due to the pale blue color of his eyes or the unwavering nature of it remains to be seen. His body language and posture certainly don't help. Though there may be some times that you find the lion in a relaxed state, for the most part he seems... stony. It matches the color of his pelt: a subtle, almost marbled blend of grey, black, and greyish blue. It's complicated, but not all that important; his appearance seems designed to not stand out. Typically his build seems more important, with a precise, controlled strength. Though he's clearly still young, he manages to look fully grown to people who don't pay too much attention to the still-growing mane.

—— Adaptable, clear-headed, dedicated, focused, hardworking, loyal, observant, patient.
—— Complex, deceptive, enigmatic, intense, moralistic, private, sarcastic, unpredictable.
—— Aloof, cautious, confused, cynical, difficult, domineering, obsessive, secretive, steely.
For someone of Dark's demeanor, it can be surprising to find the layers of his personality that reside underneath the obvious. At first, he seems aloof and distant, with a faintly icy way of carrying himself. Not necessarily awkward, simply quiet and professional. It's clear that he has some difficulties allowing people close to him — possibly because he's paranoid, maybe because he's just an unlikable asshole. He can at times be gruff or plain cruel, or bossy and domineering to the point of being overbearing. But that's where everything else begins. Underneath all of his irritability, Dark is a surprisingly good conversational partner. With a light, intelligent sense of humor and plenty of sass, he can hold a conversation well enough to make some semblance of a friend — if they share the same sense of humor, at least. However, that tends to be a rare thing to share from him, and people are far more likely to run into spikes trying to talk to him. There are many other traits that currently aren't prominent enough for me to discuss them here, but maybe one day lmao.

Very difficult opponent; highly trained combat pragmatist. Spent his life training for this.
Somewhat peaceful right now, but will react to violence with violence. Has strong morals.
Unafraid of fighting dirty and will use his surroundings to his advantage whenever he can.
Attack in bold black or @ his account, please make sure the actions are visible and clear.
Please PM for serious injuries, capturing, or any combat plots you might want to plan out.
Peaceful actions may be powerplayed, but will likely not be appreciated from most others.
—— Uses weapons as necessary and is surprisingly skilled with some. He has no powers.

* IMPORTANT: Dark can at times be difficult to engage, either due to his own disinterest or his wandering attention. If he doesn't care for the conversation, he'll likely find a quick way to end it and leave. This is not intended to be interpreted as an OOC opinion on the situation, my character is just an asshole. I am sorry for that.