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SPUTNIK // MEETING 11.30 - Printable Version

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SPUTNIK // MEETING 11.30 - buckingham barnes - 11-30-2018

[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]
It felt strange, padding over to the fountain, where Marina used to host meetings. Bucky got so used to being apart of the crowd, it doesn't feel right now that it's his job. He let out a sigh, as he sat down, straightening his back to give himself a little more height. "Sunhaven! Gather around for a meeting!" He called out with a yowl, wrapping his bushy tail around his paws. It felt a little too soon to host a meeting after announcing to the clan he was the new leader, but he had a lot to discuss. And he couldn't wait very much longer.

"To begin the meeting, in case anyone didn't hear, I'm Helion now. Marina's fine, as some of you asked yesterday." He began, once a decent crowd sat down before him. "In the few recent weeks, we've had a lot of joiners. I'd like to welcome Tao, Asteria, Aphrodesiac, Paxton, Kade, Tomie, Kaisa, Todoroki, Izuku, Mirio, Tamaki, August, Althea, Leigh, and Fairylights to our home."

"Next, Ymir's hosting weekly tasks for the week. You're all encouraged to participate," He continued on, knowing that he has to get a task soon as well. "We're back in our village, but the floods have devastated several homes and our territory. We need to start working together to fix our village back to what it used to be, as well as cleaning up the territory." He moved on, to a more difficult topic. The floods affected everyone, someone lost something in one way or another. It could have been their home, some personal items, or something they held dear to them. "Speaking of the territory, the wooden barricades around the border washed away during the flood," He mentioned, which might be the only good aspect of the flood- the barricades had to go. They were put up when they had a raptor problem with the Typhoon, but now that isn't a problem anymore.

"Recently, I traveled to the Ascendants with Gordon and Bex. I apologized for the fighting and drama we caused, and asked if we could try being neutrals again. The Ascendants haven't given us an answer yet, as they're deciding as a clan," He said, remembering how Agathe laughed at his apology, and spat it back in his face. While he didn't like the way she made it seem like only he and Sunhaven were at fault, he certainly knows more about the situation than her, he knew better to not say a word. If he tried to say everything what Ascendants did wrong to them, or tried to explain himself for his action, it would have sounded like excuses. He just wants this feud to be over with, he made the decision to go out and apologize when he could have easily expected her to. He can only hope that the Ascendants members will decide with neutrality, unlike their stubborn leader.

"Leona, Ichigo, and Mot: you're all demoted to Sunbearers. Wendell, you're demoted down to Hearthkeeper. Infirmaryward and Crypticwhisper stepped down," He added on, frowning slightly at the long list, "You all may earn your positions back if you work hard." He knew the list was huge, considering the tiny team they already had, but it had to be done. "Also, I'm merging the position of Dawnguard into Goldenblood." There isn't enough people to fill that rank, so it'd be best if it's gone for now. He can always bring the rank back later on, if needed. "Ymir, I'd like you to step up to Hearthkeeper," He meowed, as his eyes scanned the crowd for the wolf momentarily.

"Finally, there's a new choice awards up and running. Make sure to participate, and try not to forget about it," He concluded as he stood up, unwrapping his tail, "Meeting dismissed!"

[ tl;dr:
- bucky's helion, marina stepped down
- welcome [member=2964]TAO[/member] , [member=2985]ASTERIA[/member] , [member=2983]aphrodesiac[/member] , [member=2982]paxton![/member] , [member=1077]kade .[/member] , [member=2969]TOMIE[/member] , @kaisa. , @TODOROKI. , [member=183]izuku[/member] , @MIRIO! , @Tamaki , @AUGUST , @althea , @Leigh , and @Fairylights !! Sorry if this welcome is a little overdue for some of you!! Hope you guys like it here in Sunhaven!
- Ymir's hosting weekly tasks here, go grab one:
- Sunhaven's back in the village! Though, the floods left their home and territory destroyed. The village has to be rebuilt and the territory's gotta get cleaned up.
- The wooden barricades got washed away in the flood
- Bucky, Gordon, and Bex went to the Ascendants to apologize and ask to be neutrals. Waiting to see what the Ascendants decide as an answer
- [member=2426]Leona Arcanium[/member] , [member=2635]| ICHIGO KUROSAKI |[/member] , [member=2687]mot[/member] are fully demoted to Sunbearers. [member=1787]WENDELL[/member] is demoted to Hearthkeeper. [member=2520]CRYPTICWHISPER[/member] and @Infirmaryward stepped down. Positions can be earned back with hard work
- Dawnguards are merged into Goldenbloods
- [member=2398]YMIR[/member] is promoted to Hearthkeeper
- Make sure to go vote in the choice awards: ]

Re: SPUTNIK // MEETING 11.30 - toboggan - 11-30-2018

He’d frown at the news of his demotion, but it wasn’t something completely unexpected. Yes, he had been a little away from it all, and that was mainly because he had been split up from the rest of Sunhaven during the whole flooding crisis. However, he had been reunited with the bunch, and was ready to become more involved.

Marina’s sudden disappearance greatly saddened the mustelid. Of course, she had been a key role in the now-dwindling conflict between the Ascendants and the clan which she ruled, but behind that was a brilliant woman guided by a devoted heart. It was quite the shame that he never got the chance to really interact with the hellhound, and it now seemed that he never would get the pleasure of conversing with her. Wherever she vanished to, he hoped she was okay. It would be a definite shame if something horrible became of her.

Parts of the territory which needed fixing up, news on inter-clan relations his mind glossed over it all. Instead, it fixated on the paths in which he could pursue next. In a way, his demotion was not a curse, but a blessing; it brought him down from that assertive stance which he oh-so-irked. Now, he could pursue a path in which he could truly aid others, maybe in becoming a medic. That is, if his motivation allowed so. He had been rather quiet recently, and getting involved became more and more of a challenge with each rising sun.

Maybe he needed a break, perhaps a vacation was required. He did not know. All he knew was that Marina was out of the picture, Bucky was in charge, the world was changing, and he was uncomfortable.

"You’ll do good, Bucky!", he’d cry at the fluffy feline’s ceasing remarks.

Re: SPUTNIK // MEETING 11.30 - Leigh - 12-01-2018

leigh was there in a track.

Re: SPUTNIK // MEETING 11.30 - AUGUST - 12-01-2018

It was strange to see someone other than Marina making any announcements. For the short time he had been here, only she had been the leader, but now she had stepped down so suddenly. Hopefully she was alright. But, for now, Buckingham was at the head of Sunhaven and he had to show him the same respect he had shown Marina. He seemed to know what he was doing, so perhaps things would go smoothly.

He still didn't understand a few of the more political announcements, but he managed a small grin at the promotions and such.

Re: SPUTNIK // MEETING 11.30 - guts - 12-01-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Ymir took a seat towards the back, barely listening as her mind drifted off towards other things. That is, until her name was mentioned, though it was only to announce weekly tasks. But then he spoke about her again, asking her to step up to Hearthkeeper. Oh boy, now she'd be expected to actually do shit. Still, maybe it would be better than doing nothing and being bored. "Thanks, big boss man. I'll try my best or whatever." she said halfheartedly with a shrug of her shoulders. No reason to decline. "character's speech."

Re: SPUTNIK // MEETING 11.30 - REBECCA MACK - 12-03-2018

[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]It was odd not seeing Marina be the one standing up there by the fountain. Everything was changing. Bex supposed that the only thing she could do now was get used to it. The woman tried to keep a positive attitude on the situation, deciding not to focus on the fact that Marina had stepped down. Bucky already seemed to be doing fine anyways, so she knew they would be alright. Right? Listening carefully to the announcements, the collie nodded as Bucky mentioned the flooding and the need to tidy things up because of it. Fixing the village was going to take a while, but Bex believed that someday they'd get it done if they worked hard enough. Maybe it will look even better than before.

Then the situation with the Ascendants was brought up, and Bex flattened her ears in response to Bucky's explanation. Agathe certainly wasn't the most reasonable person she had ever met, so much as she had put full blame for the conflict on Sunhaven, which Bex knew wasn't true. Yes, they may have been partly to blame, which they had apologized for, but the Ascendants weren't perfect saints. They too had fueled the fire, and they didn't even have the decency to own up to it. Still, even though the group left her bitter, Bex still wanted neutrality. There was no need to continue fighting like this, and she just hoped that Ascendants would make the right decision.

Next came the demotions, and Bex was rather concerned to hear so many names listed. Things had been slow around the group lately, but hopefully it would get better. She assumed that everyone was just tired by all the flooding, and she couldn't blame them. In fact, she had been feeling rather exhausted by it all, but did her best to drag herself out of her slumber every single morning to help out with rebuilding and her other duties. At least there had been one promotion - Ymir - who had been around plenty lately. "Noted, and congratulations, Ymir!"

Re: SPUTNIK // MEETING 11.30 - venus - 12-03-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]

there would probably come a time where venus would be able to see bucky at the head oo sunhaven and not want to immediately hurl. probably be a time where the solbinder could forgive the now helion for his mistakes, and perhaps maybe the man could learn to accept venus' own flaws as well. probably. an unlikely outcome for the feud between the two that spanned lifetimes, years, miles between the two that separated them so that the juxtaposition between them was so stark and frightening - it was becoming harder and harder to believe in "probably".

should that day come, should there be a time where venus could push aside their petty shortcomings to accept their new leader, it would not be today - miles from their wrecked home and trying to keep a sickening group alive. today, when venus turned their gaze to the man at the head of the meeting, the one in charge of protecting so many lives, venus felt their stomach churn. sickening indeed.

as quickly as the kitsune arrived to the meeting, they were gone. there was no use in sticking around, it only served to heighten venus' nausea.
