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Bright Lights || Wish Stones - Printable Version

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Bright Lights || Wish Stones - Fairylights - 11-30-2018

―――― While Fairy had to admit things were looking a little grim lately, what with the rubble that was Sunhaven and the mass clean up they had to do, to discovering that she had an uncle that didn't know about her existance, her last living relative that she was now more than required to listen to at all times because  he was the leader, her dead parents, and, well, just about everything else. Yet, despite all that, she was trying to ensure that it wasn't going to dampen her spirits. It was hard to not linger in the past, yet she knew that she had to start accepting it and looking ahead. Her parents would have wanted that for her, and what was more, if her uncle really was here, and really was leading them, she'd have to do her part now too. Because he was family. While she spent much of her mornings helping to clean up the rubble and the rabble from the floods in Sunhaven, her eyes had become caught on some of the smooth, nicely polished rocks (or perhaps small stones), that had been upturned by the flood waters. It made her linger on something that her mother had once done as an afternoon craft.

It was then that Fairy's task of cleaning up had turned more into a wide rock collection. While she was mindful, of course, she soon had a small area of clean, little polished stones at her disposal, and some fine-tipped paint pens she had found in a random drawer of her house. Wish stones, while they could sometimes be considered the rocks with the white stripe around them that you made a wish on, could also be like these; small stones that you wrote a wish, a hope, or something you needed to remind yourself of, a hope for the future, that sort of thing, that you then carried with you, or kept in your house as a wish that it would come true. And as it was, they could all use a bit of cheering up. Yet for a while she still found herself lingering upon her own, a small, smooth white stone in her palm and a blue paint-pen in the other. What more could she wish for? What was most important? Strength. Love, too, but strength, at the present moment, was what she needed most.

"Everyone!" she called, trying to make her little voice carry as far as it could- which still wasn't very far. "Come take a break and make a wish stone, write down something you hope for, wish for, need a reminder of, or whatever, and take a bit of luck with you into the future."

Re: Bright Lights || Wish Stones - AUGUST - 11-30-2018

All day, August had been aiding in the effort of cleaning up rubble and gathering piles of miscellaneous items found in the wreckage. His paws were dirtied and muddied and scratched and roughed, and expectedly so, but August wanted to do anything he could to help the members of Sunhaven. They had been good to him in the short time he had been here, so he would return the favor. Besides, it wouldn't be good if everybody had to brave the [sub]dropping[/sub] winter temperatures without a roof over their heads.

He had kicked a rock over into a pile, managing a huff and staring down at the assortment of splintered wood and broken concrete. A familiar, soft voice had piqued his attention and he craned his neck to gaze over his shoulder. Fairylights seemed to have gathered up a bunch of rocks and was now hosting some sort of activity. Naturally, the childlike mentality he possessed had brought him walking over to make a "wish stone".

Hm, what to wish for? August pursed his lips, and looked up at the older female once before taking a stone for himself as well as a pen. He could not write so well as much as he could read, but there was a simple word he knew how to spell — Mom. He wrote it in large, shaky lettes to the best of his ability. The wolf pup stared down at the smooth rock, a sigh escaping his nostrils. He only wished that she would come looking for him here soon.

Re: Bright Lights || Wish Stones - Leigh - 11-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Wish Stones. Leigh had never heard of them before but they sounded rather sweet. Being reminded to care or to love or to hope welled up a warmth in his heart. He had quite a lot that he could wish for. He had a lot that he prayed for too. Regardless, the male perked up at the idea and wandered on over, taking one of the tiny stones with a small "Thank you." and sat down, quietly mulling over what he would write. There was so much to wish for; that the stars would guide his parents safely, or that his siblings were warm and safe from the Winter's cold, or that the survivors from the fire were also happy and healthy somewhere. He could wish for his own health and prosperity, or those of Sunhaven. He could also wish for the safety of his best friend; wish that wherever William was, he was loved by someone deserving of the man. So much. So much. It really was hard to decide and it took him several minutes before he came to a good answer and carefully wrote on the stone he had chosen.


Love for his family. Love for all of his friends, old and new. Love for William. Call him cliché, but he was satisfied. Leigh always had love to give and he would do his best to give love to everyone for as long as he lived. Happy and smiling, he held the stone close and passed the marker back to Fairylights.

Re: Bright Lights || Wish Stones - toboggan - 12-01-2018

Fresh off of exerting rubble and debris around to new positions in an attempt to reconstitute his tribe’s conditions, the broken-in recently-demoted Wendell stumbled upon a bouquet of fellow Sunhavenfolk dillydallying about. Such groups did not form naturally, and thus, his interest peaked. He absolutely adored shindigs and other get-togethers, as they were perhaps the only genre of activity he felt no shame for partaking in. On his approach, the mustelid got an eyeful of the assemblage’s intent, each of those involved succeeding the individual before them in meekly scribbling pint-sized prints unto an assortment of stones; when closer, he believed himself to have heard someone utter the phrase “wish stone”. Striking as being simple enough, the hearthkeeper persisted, and allowed himself to enter the fray of hopes and fantasies.

As callow as one may see this endeavour, not an ounce of pudency emanated from his cores whilst he gently corralled a particularly spherical rock, drawing the stone closer towards his downy torso, marker in grip. No hindrance was found in the process of brainstorming a word, and messily scrawled his word upon the price of earth’s cool surface. Unity. Something the Brit had pushed for quite a few times. His disapproval of Sunhaven’s fracas with the Ascendants had been shared with the likes of Ichigo and Atbash, and it was clearly displayed at the meaningless border skirmish they had a whiles back. Once each word finished being written, as the black-tinged marker carefully lift off the surface, clearer and clearer became the Utopia of peace between, not only the Ascendants and Sunhaven, but every dynasty and society to pester the planet. His chocolate eyes lacked the capability to recount a place and time where people weren’t harming others for a vague reason, or showering pain onto others by the orders of some heartless tyrant. There was not a given reason why tranquility ceased to exist anymore, nor was there a certain location where it could be discovered. To such a degree, Wendell wished for unity.

Finished, the marker slid across the ground towards its owner, to whom he’d nod his noggin in appreciation. With hope, it would not be long until his word could be found once more; however, judging by his new Helion’s statement at the meeting regarding the Ascendants’ relucatance to reinstate a neutrality between the groups, it became clear that peace wasn’t exactly on the horizon.

Not just yet.

Re: Bright Lights || Wish Stones - guts - 12-01-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She had spent enough time wishing. She wished for a home, a family, when she was young, and then she wished that she was like all the other kids when she was finally taken in--just not in the way she had expected. She wanted freedom to roam, to play and laugh like other kids. But she was kept inside, and eventually she stopped wishing.

Then she wished for her life. She foolishly prayed to that goddess, her 'ancestor.' She prayed like it would save her, or it would save her people. But it didn't. Then she was here and she was stuck with all these people, all these animals. She never wanted any of it. Her own wishful thinking had killed her.

Now it was her chance to remake herself. It was her second chance at life. She'd be damned if she gave it all to sitting around and wishing--and yet, as she came over, looking down on Fairylights as she handed the rocks out, she couldn't find it in herself to say no. Besides, what harm would it do? She wasn't as enthusiastic as some of the others, but she would at least humor them.

"I'll take one, kid." she says, taking one of the stones from her and the marker. bUt what would she wish for? She paused, thinking, then wrote on the rock to the best of her ability. Not having hands was frustrating sometimes. Then she gave the marker back.

On the stone was messily written the word, Freedom. "character's speech."

Re: Bright Lights || Wish Stones - buckingham barnes - 12-02-2018

[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]
If you asked Bucky what he would wish for at two major moments of his life, his answer wouldn't be the same. If you asked him when he was seven months, he'd wish his parents were alive. One year, no Winter Soldier brainwashing. At those times, the wishes seem reasonable and make sense. For the first one, he'd gain back two parents he loved deeply, and be able to smell their fur again. The second one, he'd never turn into that machine. But now, months and months have passed on- Bucky knew if either of those wishes came true, his life wouldn't be the same. As bad as both of them were, they played in part of leading Bucky to where he is today- Helion of Sunhaven.

The former assassin made his way over, each step made gently, as if the ground below him was thin ice. He looked over at his niece, which by the way still sounds foreign in his mind. He liked the idea she came up with the polished stones. Not only was it a cute and motivational, but it helped getting their territory closer to being back to normal. He reached forward with his metal paw, claws gripping onto a stone. He picked up the stone, looking at it for a moment. It's easy to say that his life has been rather hectic lately. He discovered he had a niece and a brother that he had no idea of, and shortly after, became Helion. He wasn't going to wish he'd be a good leader- it'd sound like he has no confidence in himself at all. While he does feel anxious at times, he doesn't let it stop him completely from making the decision he believes is right. Instead, he began to etch a name into the stone with one of his metal claws.

He didn't write it in with the marker; markers can eventually be washed away and forgotten. He doesn't want his to fade away, as it almost felt like a goal.


His brother that he can't remember. He wishes he could imagine Loxley's face, remember his voice, what the older tom was like! Plus he wished he could remember for Fairylights, as she wasn't expecting her Uncle to have no recollection of his brother. Fairylights probably wouldn't feel as much as a stranger, if they had a person that connected the two. They are family, yet it feels like they are so far apart from each other. He wants to be the family member Fairylights was expecting at the border. He wished his mind would cooperate and begin to remember Loxley, even if it's just tiny little pieces.