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welcome to the end of eras | clan vote - Printable Version

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welcome to the end of eras | clan vote - agathe. - 11-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]What initially spurred Agathe to entertain the idea of a vote, she did not know. If it had been up to her - and it had been up to her - she would have shut Bucky down and sent him on the way, perhaps even raiding him and his little clan at a later date to show just how unpleasant the idea of neutrality sounded. But the voice of her people was also something she at least valued enough to partly put the decision in their hands. She had decided that they would determine whether or not Sunhaven was worthy with a vote, and so a vote is what they would have.

Agathe had gone out and collected all of the rocks herself, dumping pile after pile of them into the great hall until she figured they had enough. Then, she went and found two different colored bowls, situating them at her feet. "Ascendants!" The snow leopard called after settling, golden eyes bright, "Today, we will be voting on whether or not we grant Sunhaven neutrality after they raided us, kidnapped one of our children, and failed to listen to peace negotiations. Please place a stone in the black bowl if you wish to see us as neutrals, please place a stone in the red bowl if you wish to continue being enemies." To emphasize the process, Agathe grafefully reached forward and then dropped a stone right in the red bowl. The sound echoed. "Votes will be counted and recounted before the decision is announced. Please, no great speeches in favor of one option or the other. Simply place your stone in the bowl and sit down and permit others to do the same."

She reared back upon her own haunches at that, rounded ears perked and eyes still bright with intrigue. She wondered who would approach her first; she wondered what decision the clan ultimately would make. Admittedly, Agathe was well-aware of the fact that it could go either way. And she was fine with that- if her people desired neutrality, they desired neutrality. If they didn't, then being enemies would gladly be reinforced. It was up to them now. So Agathe simply waited to see the outcome.

Re: welcome to the end of eras | clan vote - ATTICUS - 11-29-2018

----- Atticus had to bite his tongue from speaking up at Agathe's insistance nothing be said for the other side. Despite being trusted enough to offer his council to her, even he knew that there were boundaries that he could not step over; and more so, there were decisions that she would make that neither of them might ultimately agree with. But her leading words, prompting Ascendants members to vote for war based on the notion of raids, kidnappings, and failed peace talks, without considering the fact that there was both a new leader, who apologized and was extending the olive branch, bit at his fur. He strode forward slowly, picking up a stone as he paused before the bowls, daring to look up into Agathe's eyes as he quietly extended it to drop it into the black bowl in front of them. The time for making enemies was over, and even though Ascendants were strong on their own, maintaining an enemy status when Neutrals did nothing more than give them a stronger sense of security, was not going to help them one bit. Once his stone was placed, he quietly stepped away and sat nearby, waiting to see what would happen, yet he could not stop himself from saying one thing; no long rant or argument, simply a warning. "Do not sway this vote, Agathe. You have stated your opinions. Now let us make our own with new facts presented before us. There is a new Helion of Sunhaven, one who extended this olive branch to us with a full apology. Nor are we not at fault for what has occurred." Would it get him in trouble? Likely, but he was willing to accept that.


Re: welcome to the end of eras | clan vote - sybil. - 11-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"New leader, old tricks," Sybil replied, face without emotion, save for the coolness in her eyes. The black panther had sauntered over at Agathe's call and listened quietly to her speech.  Even if she wasn't honor-bound to present her leader with undying loyalty, the Starstruck Guardian still would have agreed. Yes, Sunhaven did make a mistake. They keep paying for that - or so she hoped. Forgiving and forgetting weren't options. At least, they weren't in this case. She didn't trust Sunhaven. Hell, she didn't trust anyone, but the stories fed to her by those present cemented her decision in her mind.

"The Sun falsely shines," The wildcat went on, ignoring Agathe's request to not make a long speech. Atticus had spoken, so that meant everyone else was free to speak as well. And so she would. "Your praised Sun attacks - Bastilleprisoner. Stole a star - Harland. Eclipsed our moon." She couldn't fathom for what reasons Atticus trusted Buckingham. He had attacked one of their former leaders and kidnapped a child. And Sunhaven had caused Moonmade's death. "Peace was ours first, yet the Sun scorched it. Why accept now? After everything?" Her words were bitter and frigid like the mountains of her home. "History repeats. The Sun, unchanging. It rises to burn us still."

The Starstruck Guardian stepped forward, picking up a stone and dropping it in the red bowl. She turned to face Atticus, staring directly at him as she moved to return to her seat. "Before will be again. Foolish to think otherwise." As the obsidian creature fell into a sitting position, she added, "Your job... protection. Thought you would understand. Thought you would be better."

Re: welcome to the end of eras | clan vote - tikki - 11-29-2018

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.60; color:black; font-size: 12px; padding-top: 2px;"]Papercrown had not been in the ascendants when the aformentioned raids and kidnappings had happened, nor had he heard of them before this day when he was at the border and Agathe spoke her own thoughts while Bucky apologized. The decision of whether or not there would be a new neutral group, although not left alone to Paper, was something that he was now a part of. Although he did not like the idea of another clan that had kidnapped his own clanmates, and one that had fought with them, he did have to take into consideration the facts that were presented to him at present.

There had been a different leader then, and, although the new leader now is the one that kidnapped the child - and unknown to Paper had lead the raid on the ascendants - he had been at the border, apologizing for the actions of himself and his clan from before, and had not been here to raid them or harm them in any way, simply ask for forgiveness. Besides, what Kit said was true - the ascendants likely had something to do with why they were raided and such in the first place as well. There were always three sides to every story - one persons, the other, and the truth.

With the knowledge that he possessed - and simply for the fact that he'd rather have less enemies than more - Paper pad forward, grabbing one of the rocks that lie at Agathe's feet, and placed one in the black bowl before backing up and sitting next to Atticus.

Re: welcome to the end of eras | clan vote - clarence a. - 12-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]Admittedly, Clarence knew nothing about this situation at all. He hadn't arrived until very recently, and therefore the names and locations didn't make much sense to him. He settled among the crowd and listened as those more knowledgeable on the history spoke. He'd never met Agathe but she sounded angry. Filled, bubbling over with anger and hatred. Maybe it was well placed, but he had no way of knowing that. What she spewed was the same furious rhetoric he'd heard his own people use against the likes of the newly founded Americans and the natives of the land of the same name. The same words that spurred so many people into battle, the same words that forced him into the situation that lead to his death. If this new leader was as Atticus described, he didn't see the reason for further conflict. War didn't get anyone anywhere. All it ended with was a broken ship, hundreds of needless deaths, and a history twisted by those who seized victory. Clarence was thoroughly tired of fighting and of war itself. He'd been in it for far too long. If this world was indeed a product of his fragmented mental state, then at least it would be one with peace; something his past world could never achieve. He picked up a rock and moved forward, dropping it in the black bowl before stepping aside and settling back down. It was time for a new beginning, he reasoned, one with less death and destruction. That would be nice.