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I JUST WANNA RUN -- open; ascendants ambassador - Printable Version

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I JUST WANNA RUN -- open; ascendants ambassador - tikki - 11-29-2018

A yawn escaped the serval as he came over to the border, sluggish feet picking themselves up and down with every step before suddenly stopping, back paws coming closer to the front suddenly as Paper sat down, scanning the territory around him for a moment before looking forward. He had nothing to give the Rosebloods at the moment, just his own words and thoughts. He wanted to inform them of their new ambassador - himself of course - and wanted to see how they were fairing, as he was sure it had been a while since they had last seen an ascendant at the border.

Re: I JUST WANNA RUN -- open; ascendants ambassador - teef - 11-29-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi had been nearby, the guard out on a patrol, their gaze following the serval as he first appeared and then sat down. the dragon would revert to their fox form, the large platinum and gold fox padding over from the canyon direction. "hello. ascendant?" they hummed, tipping their head. they re-adjusted the bag on their hip, making sure to cover the jian that they always carried for protection and as a gift from a family member. they cleared their throat, pale blue eyes focusing more clearly on the serval rather than noticing what was around him for the territory. "I advise you keep well away from the canyon walls, visitor. they are keen to give way at the slightest breeze after... the fire." they rumbled in friendly fore-warning to papercrown.

Re: I JUST WANNA RUN -- open; ascendants ambassador - tikki - 11-29-2018

Paper had noticed the tall cliffs previously, but had chosen to ignore them, for usually cliffs were at least semi-stable. Upon hearing the words that the other spoke to him, he would take a small step back, making sure to stay further away than he had previously, though would turn his head to look at Bai before dipping it, offering a smile as soon as he had done so. "My name is Papercrown, an Ascendant, yes, also the new ambassador for your clan. I have not brought anything with me this time around, as I do not know if there is anything that would be needed for your clan, or what kind of things you guys like in general." Some liked stuffed animals, and some liked knives, and he was unsure what kind of clan this one was.

"Though I was also curious as to how Rosebloods were doing, to see if there was anything that needed help." He made sure his voice sounded interested and refined, though, in all honesty, he was so sleep deprived he didn't really care, not that much anyway. There was a small spark that did, but it was buried in the feeling of wanting to sleep for three weeks.

Re: I JUST WANNA RUN -- open; ascendants ambassador - teef - 11-29-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi would dip their head, noticing that he moved away from where he was. giving a smile they chuckled, "ni hao. i am bai shi, guard of the rosebloods. that is fine for this visit i would suppose." they answered with an aire of amusement.

"to be truthfully honest with you, we could seriously use hunting rights. the fire wasnt a normal fire and it either burnt all of our food past charcoal, or it drove it off and out of the territory out to the wastes. ah. would you like any water?" they asked, realizing he likely would have had to cross the wastes to reach their border. they reached into their bag, pulling out a medium sized canteen and offered it to him, "clean lake water."

Re: I JUST WANNA RUN -- open; ascendants ambassador - tikki - 11-29-2018

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.60; color:black; font-size: 12px; padding-top: 2px;"]Listening to her words, Paper would gratefully accept the water, thinking for a moment as he took a small drink before passing it back. He never really was super thirsty, though the water would help him make it back to the clan in order to talk to Agathe. "Hunting rights is not something, I, personally can give your clan, though I can make a promise that I will speak to Agathe about it. I do not think she would mind, though I also do not know her too terribly well." he hoped that he knew her well enough that she would accept the offer, even if it was just to give a small portion of the territory to the other clan, or even to bring food to them. "Though no promise can be made, I can assure you that the next visit I make, I will bring some food with me." A basket full, considering he liked this clan already and had only met one member.

Re: I JUST WANNA RUN -- open; ascendants ambassador - teef - 11-29-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi let out a breath, relaxing more than they had before. "thank you papercrown. it is very much appreciated by us. we do have younger and smaller members that need the food. some didnt make it through unscraped. some bandages would be appreciated as well, if we can ask for it." they admitted softly, returning the canteen to their bag. he was a good conversationalist regardless.

Re: I JUST WANNA RUN -- open; ascendants ambassador - tikki - 11-30-2018

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.60; color:black; font-size: 12px; padding-top: 2px;"][[ Agathe's roleplayer gave permission for the Rosebloods to have hunting rights in the Ascendants territory, wasn't sure how to write it in, so letting you know! Paper could have come back the next day to find Bai and let them know ~ ]]

"Of course things can be asked for," Paper would speak once more, nodding his head slightly. Bandages were definitely something that they could do, whether it be bandages made from moss and such around the territory, or the kind that he knew that humans used at times. "The next time I come, I will make sure to bring bandages, and, hopefully, good news about hunting."

Re: I JUST WANNA RUN -- open; ascendants ambassador - teef - 11-30-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


awesome~ just let everyone know haha -- I'm totally down for that too! //

bai shi gave a tender smile and nod, "thank you greatly, papercrown. once we have resources that are not failing, we will return the generosity. if the ascendants have need of metal work, we have a blacksmith among our ranks. fret not if you need to call upon us for aid in battle -- you will have aided us as we needed it." they tell him with a graceful half-bow, one of gratitude.