Beasts of Beyond
from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - Printable Version

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from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - lup - 04-21-2018

do not stand at my grave and weep
i am not there, i do not sleep
lup taaco ✦ phantasmal & resplendent ✦ the ascendants ✦ tags
Lup's entrance had been a grand once, certainly, but it wasn't her fault that people pissed her off! She was a relatively chill person, but certain things -- certain kinds of people -- just set her off. But now she needed to make some friends, because she was getting pretty fucking lonely and that majorly sucked. In a perfect world, some of her crew would've arrived already, but it seemed that, wherever the rest of the IPRE was, it wasn't anywhere around here. They weren't exactly a quiet bunch, so she would've likely noticed them if they were in the area. Lup had been planning on going to other clans to check and see if they'd shown up there, but she'd heard something about alliances and enemies and since that she wasn't here to fuck everything up, she decided it would be best to get more information before action.

So now that left Lup here, waiting for something that wasn't guaranteed to come anytime soon (or ever, but she didn't like to think about that). So it was time to make some friends!
"Hey! Anyone wanna chat? I'm mega bored and low on friends, so come ask questions! I've got loads of stories to tell for anyone who's interested!" She called out, her loud request a picture perfect reflection of who she was and how she acted. Loud and proud, baby-- she wouldn't have it any other way.

Re: from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - Character Graveyard. - 04-21-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna hadn't met Lup when she had joined- so when her Clanmate announced that she was having a meet-and-greet, the snowy feline headed over and took a seat.

"Nice to meet you, Lup." The Observer said. "Name's Lunafreya, but Luna is okay."
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - Suiteheart - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]To say Suiteheart was tense about this was an understatement. Lup and Margaery did not get along. At all. And Suite knew Margy would possibly be angry about this, but she needed to try to set things right. She needed to try.

The ivory feline took a breath and stepped forward, following Luna's lead. She would remain composed, and she would not insight any sort of problems. Instead, she offered Lup a gentle nod. She wanted to smile, but she was sure Lup would take it as a form a mockery.

"You probably remember me. I'm Hotelsuites," she began. "Anyway, I wanted to apologize for getting off on the wrong foot. And for that girl - Margaret. I'm sorry she like, stormed off." It cut Suiteheart up to refer to Margaery in this way. [color=#73B1B7][b]"And if it's not too much, I'd really like to hear one of your stories. Maybe I'll tell you one of mine in exchange."

Re: from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - Starrynight ! - 04-23-2018


Oh, this was someone he didn’t recognize! A pang of guilt pricked athis heart. He hadn’t been there at the joining. Could he make up for it here, maybe? Starrynight was third to arrive, grinning as he eyed the newcomer. ”Well hello there! I don’t believe we’ve met! My name’s Starrynight, the leader of this place. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” His purple-dusted tail tip swished gently from side to side in a gesture of excitement. A spark flashed between the auras emanating from his forepaws. ”Can I have your name please? I would love to hear a story also! Do you think you could tell one about how you came to find us here?” He would absolutely love to hear that. ”Oh- but if it’s something you’re not willing to share then don’t worry about it! You can tell whatever you’re happy to share, of course!” His pearly grin only widened, eager gaze resting on the stranger.


Re: from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - lup - 04-23-2018

do not stand at my grave and weep
i am not there, i do not sleep
lup taaco ✦ phantasmal & resplendent ✦ the ascendants ✦ tags
"Pleasure to meet all of ya!" Lup said cheerily, smiling widely. A part of her wanted to throw some snark Suite's way, but she had thought about everything and began to wonder if fate was just really, really cruel. To put two people so similar in the same group, with such similar names, and appearances, but not the people you're searching for was beyond fucked up and absolutely something she expected from this stink planet. "Sorry we got off on the wrong foot-- I think I confused you two with some others. I'm assuming Margaret's a bit of a hothead like myself, so we just went at it, huh?"

As far as her stories went, she knew that they would sound more like folklore to this community, but a story was a story nonetheless.
"On our last day on our home planet, my crew and I went to a bar. I think Magnus wanted to see if there were any unfair fights going on -- he's always been one to defend the underdog -- but my twin and I were quick to jump into a game of billiards. We wiped 'em clean, but since that we were leaving the planet we had no need for their cash. We took their shoes instead." Lup grinned at the memory, a small pang of sadness reminding her that she was so, so far away from the people she knew and loved.

"I'm Lup. Lup Taaco." The ragdoll said, voice as warm as the hue of her eyes as she spoke to Starry. "My group travels across many lands, but we've never really gotten separated before. We explored universes that transcending anything we could've ever imagined, so I think my arrival here has to do with that some. I wandered around just looking for them, and then I wound up here. Due to the fact that we're so connected to space, I figured that if we were to be drawn to some place, it'd likely be this one, so I decided to crash here for a while."

Re: from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - Margaery - 04-23-2018

Though Margaery typically did not feel much remorse for her social outbursts anymore, her most recent one had been lingering in the back of her mind for sometime now. It was no lie that she had been on edge since arriving in the Ascendants, distressed only because her daughters remained alone in a world that was much too big for a creature such as herself. She wanted to find them and bring them home, repairing her damaged family and salvaging that fragile happiness that they once had had. It was a seemingly impossible task though and she was getting discouraged.

Lup's arrival had been no help  either and the comments that seemed too convenient had rattled her to her core. She hadn't meant to get so angry, especially considering that that was not her- she was level-headed, civil, a polite and well versed lady - but she had lost herself regardless. She presumed that that was her father's temper in her. But she wanted to right things no matter what, even if it meant swallowing both her pride and her tongue.

It was by chance that she stumbled upon the small group, electing this time to sit as far away from Suiteheart as possible. It was nothing against her wife, she just assumed that perhaps it would be better this way, with them truly playing the parts they were cast as. [color=black]"I want to apologize for earlier," She began in a quiet voice, tail swishing anxiously, [color=black]"I've been terribly upset because of the loss of my daughters and it just boiled over. I hope you can accept my apology and, if you're willing, I'd love to be friends."

She would give Lup one thing- she was damn interesting. Having her as an ally, a friend, would be much better than as an enemy.

Re: from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - lup - 04-24-2018

do not stand at my grave and weep
i am not there, i do not sleep
lup taaco ✦ phantasmal & resplendent ✦ the ascendants ✦ tags
So Margaret had lost daughters. That was unfortunate, no matter if she was the Margaery that Lil spoke of or otherwise. Plus, if she was one of the missing mothers, then at least she still was concerned for the nomad healer. That much gave Lup some faith.
"Don't sweat it, homie." Lup said, pausing for a moment almost immediately afterwards. "Oh god now Taako's got me saying that too-- and he's not even here to see it. Bullshit if I've ever seen it." She grumbled, finding herself falling back to the conversation of her brother out of habit. It wasn't that she was less interesting or anything -- she was the cool twin after all -- but Taako was her comfort. Taako was her twin and best friend through everything and... being away from him with no clues as to where he was was so fucking hard.

"Let me know if I'm prying too much, but did they pass away, or have you two just been separated?" Lup asked softly, looking to subtly get information while also not setting Margaery off. "I traveled around a lot before I came here-- met a lot of people searching for a lot more people. Maybe I ran into them? I'd love to hear more about them, if you're comfortable with sharing. The only thing that truly confused Lup about the situation was that Margaery said daughters. Plural.
Lil was only one creature.

"I accept your apology, and I owe you one too. I... I've been separated from my crew, and they're the closest thing to family I've got outside of Taako-- but he's on the crew too. I miss them really terribly, and being in an entirely new universe and facing a situation I've never seen the likes of before, with nobody I knew by my side... It sucks. This place is cool and all, but everything's so foreign. The world didn't seem this big when I was exploring it with the IPRE." Lup explained, sighing softly. Perhaps it was a mistake to open up to Margaret, but then again the ragdoll didn't spill her whole life story. Outside of a few low blows, this really wasn't information Marg could use to hurt Lup, so she bartered the information. Give some and get some, baby.

Re: from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - BASTILLEPAW - 04-24-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #dedfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille wasn't too big on social activity, particularly not when his mood was so quick to sour. Ordinarily, he would at least force himself to attend and keep track of his Clanmates. He didn't particularly care for them all -- he was still learning something other than apathy -- but he could at least make an effort. "Bonding" was far from his favorite activity, but he would participate on a surface level.

Today, however, he was more interested in avoidance. He saw the group gathering and would have bailed the fuck out if not for Grimm's insistence that they draw closer, latching onto the word "story." So, Lup had stories to share, and Grimm wanted them. Groaning to himself, Bastille slunk over to the group and settled down with a vaguely sullen look, gaze flickering over the others very briefly. Rather than introduce himself or offer pleasantries, he seemed content to wait and listen to what else Lup had to share.

(Grimm was quite intrigued by tales of the galaxy, something he didn't have that much stored away about. Bastille ignored his prodding requests that Bast inquire for more details.)

Re: from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - Margaery - 04-24-2018

It was nice to hear Lup talk about her brother for, it prompted Margaery to think about her own. Loras had been sweet and kind, her knight in shining armor, her best friend. A twisted fate took him away from her though, and now, she was left with nothing save the few fond memories they shared. She had heard on the wind from a lucky source that he was somewhere, his life endangered by the very religion he worshiped, but she doubted the validity of that claim. There were too many details left out- too many thing that were far too vague for her to actually buy. And so she rested knowing that he could hold his own and that, if it came down to it, he would want her here, looking for her children rather than him.

It was on that thought that she dismissed him from her mind, finding that a subtle ache had begun in her chest. If she lingered any longer on Loras, she was sure that she was going to begin to cry and that wouldn't do. Instead, she focused on the question that Lup asked her, realizing that crying may almost inevitable at this point. [color=black]"We were separated a long time ago and I searched, I searched so long for them... I finally found this place because my health was deteriorating and my breathing was getting bad again- I needed to rest," It didn't occur to her that she hadn't exactly shared this with anyone (including Suite) before, [color=black]"I'm still set on finding them though, even if that means visiting each corner of this earth of traversing through hell. I... I love the three of them so much... they're the reason why I plant lilies in my garden."

Tears had collected at the corners of her eyes and it only took a few blinks to cause them to spill over her cheeks. Margaery made no effort to wipe away, instead continuing, [color=black]"One was a little hothead, the other quite possibly the nicest gal I've ever come across in my entire life and the third, a mix of the two with her own uniqueness splashed in. Truth be told, they aren't my biological daughters, but I adopted them and look at them no different than I would my own flesh and blood. My mother and father deemed our family words to be 'always and forever'... And... And I vow to look for them forever if I need to. I want them home, I want them hear with u- me."

As Lup first apologized and then explained her own situation, Margaery felt a sympathetic frown blossom upon her lips. [color=black]"I'm so sorry, love... I know what it's like to be all alone in a new place- granted, I've never had to start over in a new universe like you have," She offered in a faint voice. Her life had been challenging, yes, but she could never deal with the crushing loneliness that Lup might be facing. Everything was probably entirely new to the other female and new was scary. Very, very scary.

Re: from dirty paws & the creatures of snow ✦ open, meet and greet - lup - 04-26-2018

do not stand at my grave and weep
i am not there, i do not sleep
lup taaco ✦ phantasmal & resplendent ✦ the ascendants ✦ tags
Lup felt her heart sink as Margaery talked about her health deteriorating -- the reason why she had settled down here -- and could only mentally berate herself for not thinking about that as a potential factor. The spitfire herself would trudge through hell and back to find Taako-- but she was also a fucking lich for a good portion of her life.
"I... I'm so sorry to hear that." The ragdoll murmured, listening as Margaery spoke of her love for her daughters. Lil didn't mention having any sisters, but that didn't mean that it was completely out of the question. Lup only was with her for a few days, and they didn't exactly exchange life stories in that time.

"They're the reason why I plant lilies in my garden."

Wait, what. Lilies and three daughters... it had to be a coincidence... it had--
A hothead, a sweetheart, and a mix of the two.

Lup could only stare in shock as Margaery described her daughters, but as soon as she realized that might've sent the wrong message -- she didn't know where they were, but Lup knew these daughters whether Lilyspoise was one of them or not -- and she was horrified because Margaery didn't know. She didn't know but she likely knew that Lup knew something and now Lup had to fucking explain this.

"I... believe I've heard of your daughters. I don't know where they are currently, but..." Lup paused, suddenly making a connection. These people had been so much like the mothers Lilyspoise described, and the fact that Margaery planted lilies in her garden pointed to the relation between the two being true, but... Margaery's daughters-- the ones she described... "Wherever they are..." What had happened to the other two daughters? "Your daughters are... folklore. I'm a storyteller, and in my amount of travel time I've shared a lot and heard a lot but... the stories of your daughters aren't... good, and not for the reason you might be fearing."

"They're known by a lot of names, the most frequent is The Lilies. Though, people call them chimeras, people call them revenants, people call them beasts. I don't know what they were like under your care but..." This was the worst part. Lup braced herself, as if she was the one being hit with the news. "They were well known serial killers. I don't know the full story, or if this is even true, but I've been warned of them during my travels. I've been told that if you see the beast with black eyes, run. If you see the red eyes of a warm hearted soul to know that those eyes are stained in blood. I've been told that if I see the lilac hues of lilies, that it's already too late."

"But... during my travels, I met someone. I was injured, and she offered to treat me. To protect me. Her eyes were a dull lilac -- I didn't even think it could be the same person at the time -- and those eyes were... so, so tired. She patched me up and watched over me for a couple days, and I thanked her. I asked if there was anything I could do to repay her, but she insisted that I didn't. She said she was a bad person, that her reputation probably preceded her, and that she was surprised I hadn't run yet. I told her that I couldn't run -- I  was searching, I would do anything for Taako -- and she said she had a way for me to repay her. She told me that if I saw her mothers on my travels, to send them in her direction." Lup looked up at Margaret, scared yet hopeful yet heartbroken. She was alone.

Lup took a deep breath, feeling herself shaking despite not being scared. It was more-so a guilt, a guilt that wracked her because there were so many factors-- so many ways that this could go wrong.
"Their names-- what were your daughter's names?"