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i can show you the devil / hp meeting - Printable Version

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i can show you the devil / hp meeting - sephiroth - 11-28-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]There were finally more high positions to speak of in the clan, so having these meetings finally made sense once more.  Sephiroth had left little notes at the dens of his higher ups, summoning them to his private quarters to gather and speak.  There was certainly a lot to discuss with all the events going on the group at the moment.  The loss of the territory, the attacks, it all weighed down on the Pharaoh especially without the lingering presence of Mother in his head to console.  Perhaps with the input of others in his ranking, things could work out.  The male lion sat in his den with the door cracked slightly, head lowered as he awaited the arrival of his chosen higher ups.

[member=1696]Jiyu Simul Stamus[/member] [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] [member=2728]eddie,[/member] [member=2039]bai shi.[/member]

Re: i can show you the devil / hp meeting - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 11-28-2018

Well, the note had actually been several feet outside of her den in the rubble that blocked the entrance to her secluded den that required someone intangible or capable of teleportation to get into. Still the goal of informing the calico who was on a very short break from the hunting trips she had been running was accomplished. Jiyu chose to teleport into the meeting even though she had walked to the last few, agony spread across her spine causing anything she did to consume more energy than it would otherwise, but walking would have made it feel worse whereas teleporting just secretly exhausted her. The calico needed what energy she had to hunt for the group, her reserves even more precious since the days without food for herself ticked up, the food from her last personal hunt having run out a few days before the territory was wrecked.

Jiyu laid out on the ground a few feet away from Sepiroths side, resting for the moment as they waited for the others to arrive. Normally? She would be sitting in her normal posture, but she had been going with much less sleep than normal, pushing her body further than before, it added up she needed the few seconds this provided there was no way around that. "Wake me up when the other's show up." her monotone voice made it seem like this was some simple nap, but the truth was she hadn't slept in two days now! She would be relatively easy to wake thought in spite of the fact she was already fast asleep the calico was an incredibly light sleeper due to the nightmares she had suffered her whole life.

It didn't take but a few moments after she feel into slumber to awaken into what she already knew was some nightmare. Jiyu knew how to shut off her past, turned off her emotions completely while she was awake, but sleep was another matter, the brain still needed to process what it had endured. The result of her brains need to process everything she had ever been through due to her inability to deal with it in healthy way? Had always been to slice different points in her life together. On the mental film reel today was Sepiroth being subbed in for her father, a mix of her adoptive siblings playing the litter she was raised in, other figures from the past and present filing in neatly for a calm start that quickly went wrong with death, mutilation, and terror at every turn. Jiyu was adjusted to sleeping through this, her body not betraying the struggle. However, her aura was different, color flared everywhere within it, the fog being colored light in so many different shades most of them negative the largest portion of the time.

(Aura description included for Rosemary)

Re: i can show you the devil / hp meeting - teef - 11-29-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi had been out at the canyons, working on creating themselves a den in the destroyed canyon wall. maybe they were a little inclined to danger and disaster, but hey, it was in the family blood. the apple never fell far from the tree.

they appeared with a soft noise of greeting. they were in their fox body, more easy to navigate smaller spaces than with their dragon form. "present." the shifter would announce gently, coming in to sit, exuding more heat than they did normally, a result of their basking out in the sun. the note had been a slight touch of surprise, but they had come regardless.

they wanted to get to know more about the rosebloods, and now that they were in a higher position than they initially were, it meant that they were now able to protect the group better than before.

Re: i can show you the devil / hp meeting - arcy - 12-01-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
Needless to say, Eddie was very glad he wasn't the only present high position. Eddie couldn't give less of a shit about this place, except he kind of did, and why else would he be here? The fact he cared was mildly upsetting, considering what Sephiroth was like.
"Let's just get this over with," Eddie didn't sleep last night. This was, of course, better off than Jiyu, but Eddie spent the whole night writing, like a moron, no matter what his bodymate tried. Short of physically forcing Eddie to pass out, of course. This was a mistake, obviously, but Eddie didn't have any regrets. None.
This being said, though, the raccoon curls up on the ground, putting his head into his paws. He's not a slacker by any shot, but he had a shit sleeping schedule. It'd been getting better, but Eddie was still wildly resistant to any attempts of Venom's at .. anything. Now, unlike Jiyu, he wasn't actually going to sleep, since only Rosemary had yet to arrive, but Eddie was at least going to try and collect his thoughts first, thanks.

Re: i can show you the devil / hp meeting - ROSEMARY - 12-02-2018

Sour about arriving late, the young physician walked in on quite pawsteps. Those odd eyes of hers took in the three higher ups already in attendance, noting the gloom around Sephiroth and Eddie’s unusual aura stability. The ocelot, having visited the leader’s chambers once before, took her seat on an odd pillow lying about on the floor – putting her at the edge of the little group. The healer never managed well around crowds, especially in enclosed spaces such as these.

Her ears flicked as she stared at Jiyu for a few moments; the aura of the vizier troubled her more than most other members, and Rosemary found it odd how nobody appeared to notice the obvious turmoil that bothered the calico. Of course, only Rosemary and others with clairvoyance had such a convenient look into other’s emotional state. But given her social isolation and the coven she grew up in, the witch assumed everyone else saw auras with the same ease that one saw colors.

Attempting to use her mental abilities to nudge Jiyu’s mental state towards a soft pea green happiness, she narrowed her eyes in concentration. But she soon enough turned back to Sephiroth, supposing the meeting would start soon now that all the higher ups came.