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there's blood on the crown / storage - Printable Version

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there's blood on the crown / storage - aema - 11-28-2018

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tags / summary ♡ ♡ ♡ - aema - 11-28-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"][color=#7c6d90]GENERAL
— AEMA [ EY – EM – AH ] | “TINY”
— non-binary fem / accepts any pronouns
— tanglewood / allegiance to herself / will often travel around
— physically 8 months / spiritually 3 years

— originally a mortal whose blood eventually became demonic. death would not allow her body to pass so she has spent her time being a part of different lives and bodies. she made many contracts with other mortals, giving them power but, in doing so, leaked fragments of her soul into their body until she could consume their soul. she therefore betrayed those she made contracts with.
— ‘aema’ is actually her surname from her mortal life that has now replaced her first name. her birth name is unknown.
— she is representative in gluttony. In the past, she enjoyed absorbing the souls of mortals and immortals alike. along with her over-indulgent behaviour in satiating her intense boredom of the world around her, longing to be entertained, she can take things to unhealthy extremes.
— she is a shapeshifter who enjoys playing tricks by pretending to be others or mimicking another’s voice. one way to tell if someone is actually aema is to look into her eyes. if the reflection appears upside-down, it is aema.
— while unphased by the sight of gore, torture and death, she has a low tolerance for pain and being injured. she often evades attacks with her powers.
— her faceclaims include kohina from black bullet, and q from bungo stray dogs

— psychosis x masked / originally born 2015 / newly-blooded demon
— asexual, aromantic / noncommittal / not open to romance
— high chance of betraying those she meets, even friends

— a serval x chameleon hybrid with bat characteristics, goat ears and paralytic fangs.
— 1.3 ft at the shoulder, 6 kg in weight, 2.7 ft in length, wingspan variable
— her blood is orange and tastes similar to a mango smoothie
— the base of her body is that of a melanistic serval with a grey underbelly. as she is a serval with the traits of other animals, she has elongated legs.
— from her muzzle, beneath her eyes, back and outer-legs she has green chameleon scales. these scales continue down from her back to her lizard-like tail. The tail is not a chameleon’s tail but the patterns are similar.
— the patterns appearing on her scales are orange in colour and can range from stripes to circles, appearing more tribal than natural
— she has orange retractable spines where the scales on her back begins all the way down to the tip of her tail. their retractable nature comes from the fact that they can be raised or lowered against her body.
—she has two set of ears. the first set of ears are bat-like, the inner ear being orange due to the colour of her blood. her second set of ears are goat-like and are positioned below the bat ears.
— bright red eyes that gently glow. they glow brighter when she is feral or suffering from intense blood lust. the reflection one can see in her eyes are always seen upside-down.
— she has bat wings that she can dismiss at any time (disappearing or appearing when she needs them). sometimes they will be tiny and incapable of flight, appearing only as accessory. other times, they will be large enough for flight or not present at all.

— an eternal child with a youthful, energetic nature. she prefers to take the shape of children and adores the idea that adults often let their guard down around children. one can also say she suffers from peter pan syndrome, a fear of growing old, as she is obsessed with staying young.
— cheeky and mischievous. she is a demon of trickery, betrayal and unpredictability. likes to play dumb, enjoys teasing and often has unknown motives. she may either help or hinder strangers, doing whatever the spur of the moment tells her.
— longs to be entertained, seeker of beauty, adores contradictions and paradoxes. ironically hates riddles because she doesn’t like being on the other side of a joke.
— easily bored. if she is not entertained, her bloodlust and aggression will increase, causing her to become more violent. that being said, she can still be aggressive for the fun of it but is less likely to take peaceful routes when she is suffering from boredom.
— adores secrets, rumors and juicy information. will willingly sell her knowledge for other kinds of knowledge that she doesn't have and thus acts like an information broker.

— [POWERS] earth elementals, fire elementals, enhanced senses, intangibility, mental manipulation, shapeshifting, telekinesis, teleportation, water elementals
— physically easy-medium without powers / hard with powers
— mentally hard / cannot be mindread
— will telekinetically wield poisoned knives / poison comes from her paralytic venom
— peaceful powerplay allowed / tag aema if needed