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THIS ANTIGRAVITY // stargazing - Printable Version

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THIS ANTIGRAVITY // stargazing - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-28-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
With Atbash being from another Dimension, of course she would find a connection to the night sky. Perhaps if she knew The Ascendants had once been known for their affinity with the stars, she would have joined them before Snowbound. Even so, Snowbound was much more of a home to her than here, mostly due to its chilling temperatures. Luckily though, with winter approaching, even The Ascendants's territory was starting to get colder. That would only be temporary but Atbash knew that she would slowly get used to The Ascendants and think of them as fondly as she does with Snowbound.

As with everyone else, Atbash had a room in the Observatory which would allow her to see the sky at night. However, she knew that her room wasn't the only place where she could view the stars and made her way towards the Grand Circle, the largest area in the Observatory. It was a typical gathering place, she learned, and knew it wouldn't be long before somebody joined her. Assuming they wanted to, of course. The savannah laid down with her back on the ground, looking up at the stars as they shined above her.
bio | female | lunar lieutenant [hp] of the ascendants
© madi

Re: THIS ANTIGRAVITY // stargazing - sybil. - 11-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Sybil, too, had an affinity for the night sky. When she was younger, before she came to fully realize her ability to converse with the dead, she used to think it was the stars that were whispering to her. It made her feel special. And though that dream had long since been shot down, the night sky would always be enchanting to her. It was numinous. It made her feel one with Asteria.

Much like Atbash, Sybil's home was lost to her. Granted, Sybil's home wasn't a place - her tribe were wanderers -, but it was in the individuals whom she considered family. The elders, the mothers, the children. If she closed her eyes, she could still picture their roaming cavalcade. If she thought about it deeply enough, she could still smell the burning incense and the great fields of lavender. Though her heart was weighted by the distance between she and her home, she would never allude to it. The inaction only made things more painful.

"Bright night," the black panther commented, telepathically, saddling up beside Atbash, cloudy eyes lingering on the other female for a fraction of a second; she was more interested in the constellations in the sky rather than the ones on the Lunar Lieutenant's fur. She took a seat and lifted her head skyward, golden circlet tinkling gently at the movement. A breath escaped the wildcat. It was almost like home.

Re: THIS ANTIGRAVITY // stargazing - ATTICUS - 11-29-2018

-------- Atticus did not have a particular affinity for the night sky, but there was something soothing about the dark depths and the bright stars that hung like a curtain within the sky. However, when he walked into the observatory that night, after a quick sweep of the border, his paws paused briefly at the sight of Atbash and Sybil, considering the way they lay before his gaze turned upwards to the bright night sky with an understanding exhale, acknowledging what they were doing silently as he carefully pad his way forward to sit nearby the two others. He acknowledged Sybil's words with an idle hum as his gaze turned upwards. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to tarry a while before bed. After all, the winter time always seemed to have the best stars and the best constellations hanging within the sky.

/rushed sorry


Re: THIS ANTIGRAVITY // stargazing - ATBASH CIPHER. - 12-01-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
If Atbash could hear Sybil's thoughts, she would agree that 'home' was with the ones you loved and cared about, not the physical place. Snowbound, despite the tribe not existing anymore and its members gone, was still a home to her. The Ascendants, Atbash knew, would become like that to her eventually. "It is," The savannah responded out loud to Sybil's telepathic comment. She let out a sigh at her words, a hum slowly escaping her lips as she breathed out. "Do you ever wonder what's out there?"

That was a loaded question, Atbash knew, and the question was directed towards both Sybil and Atticus, whom had decided to join her and Sybil. Of course, the short-tailed she-cat knew there were things outside of Earth, but she was curious if anybody else truly believed that. After all, one could just claim they were from anywhere, could they not?
bio | female | lunar lieutenant [hp] of the ascendants
© madi