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beginning to succumb // joining - Printable Version

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beginning to succumb // joining - teef - 11-27-2018

a tigress moved around the base of the canyon silently, her head turning left and right. she had come out to the rainforest out of her own boredom, hoping to come and find a little bit of peace after all that she had been through.

she didnt mind the desert, it masked her scent with the scent of hot fur and her trail. she knew that groups were in the area, but the border scents had been wiped away in her opinion by the fire that had ravaged the place. she sought a place to build her life over once again. she had ... failed in the last group that she had settled with.

she was similar to a mercenary in her career while she traveled, selling her sword's services for certain things she could not find on her own. she had been a human once, years ago now. she had lost the grip of her earth and was sent into this one by her own stupidity. maybe it was a bit of favour shown by whatever powers might be out there. maybe it was the preservance of her soul that had guided her to this existence, unable to give up her search for the one that had destroyed her former life and family.

years ago, though it felt like centuries, had the mansion she had lived in, gone up in flame. she had been away on a mission as set out by the den-father, at the time of the fire. the police called it accidental arson, but the corpses recovered in the burnt out husk of the building? they were not regular. she had always been sensitive to the supernatural worlds that co-existed with their own reality, but she had been forced to embrace the darker portion of the worlds. she had been hunting as a means of making a little coin to set aside for the future.

she had been in a courtship with another who had called the mansion his home. their romance wasnt some brilliant blazing love that shook the ground and felled trees. their love was more quiet, more patient, more like the waiting tiger in the reeds. they had been engaged, to be married at some undetermined time in the future. but the fire had stripped that all away from them. she had found his body locked in combat with one of the unknown and unnatural corpses. she heard the last of his breaths, held his hand as the darkness took him. she had killed the monster that had been fighting him, soon burying everyone she had called family in a massive grave.

she had been lost for months, couch-surfing with friends she had made in her profession. after grieving long enough, she got back into the game. she started learning about the demons and the supernatural. she started hunting with more of a clear intent. she started killing for the reprieve and sense of satisfaction it gave her. she had started over and she had rose, she had rose to the top of the most known hunters in the world! she had been at the top, where she couldn't be hurt, but then it had happened.

she died.

she had worked so hard, for it all to work. she had been doing well, but she hadnt been paying attention to her body. it had been her downfall. such a stupid reason. she had been violent, and bitter, stuck now in a tiger's body. but she never ever gave up on her career once. she had found metals and made her sword over once again. she wasn't going to go down so easily this time. she was going to fight tooth and nail.

and so her journey had begun. she had joined a small group, tracking down a mediocre demon in the forests, and she had loved it there despite their hatred for outsiders. it reminded her of home, of her lost family and last happy memories. maybe they had been brought to this strange world, she no longer knew, and frankly, could not find it within herself to care any longer. in this group she had quickly raised up to the third rank of power, and had protected her groupmates. she had taken up a second position as the first in power's bodyguard, but she could not defend against illness. illness took the woman that she had secretly begun to care for, and it had ravaged the rest of the group. she alone was left alive, having fought with the virus years before. the illness had taken most of her voice, and it still plagued her to this day.

it had been weeks since the group had fallen. she had been traveling out without a destination since then, bringing with her old scars and a broken heart. she needed a place to settle down, to pursue a second, more quiet life. she needed the room to set up her forge and use as a home base, she needed people to call family. she needed a new home.

ariside could only hope that this new place would be here, where she could sense life brewing and moving deep in the rainforest.

Re: beginning to succumb // joining - sephiroth - 11-28-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]With the lack of cover granted by the fire Sephiroth couldn't exactly mysteriously emerge from shadow was if he was made from them when it came to greeting joiners.  So there was no surprise when the pale wildcat came close after a typical patrol about the territory.  there was very little food, but gods above he was stubborn enough to hunt here anyways.  Jiyu had a hunting party out tracking down larger game, either way they would be fine when it came to food despite his efforts.  But he did it anyways, and apparently that was a good move because he could investigate this stranger.

The lion huffed softly as he approached the tigress, padding in her direction before he halted a good two or three yards away.  Sephiroth looked her up and down, flicking a silver tufted tail as he started to speak.  "Now, what business do you have here if you don't mind me asking?"  The silver Pharaoh would rumble, tilting his framed head ever so slightly as he addressed the stranger, watching unblinkingly as he awaited a response.

Re: beginning to succumb // joining - teef - 11-29-2018

she would raise her head, looking him over in return, "my business? well. anything, really. looking for new work even, a new home. a place to base myself out of, some place to put my head at night and be surrounded by others who arent going to kill me soon as they get the chance. name's ariside laneces, former scryer of recondite realm, and a merc as well as a demon-hunter. a good asset for everyone. I do a lot of dirty work, but killing off youngsters and kids ain't part of it." she responded, voice rough and hard on the ears, raspy and slightly wet?

the wetness would come from the scar that kept re-opening under her chest, leaking blood down her throat primarily and making it a ... fun experience. for that very reason, she hated speaking. it was a very painful old scar, the initial scar made by an old enemy long dead but re-opened by coughing and hacking from the illness that had swept the recondite realm and had ultimately wiped it off the map.