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golbins + open, birthing - Printable Version

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golbins + open, birthing - Guru - 04-21-2018


After an hour of painful birthing, she had finally had the children. Still, she did not appreciate their presence, as they were rather loud and all she wanted to do was simply sleep. Now she had a responsibility. Guru did not like that, but kept that to herself. Pincher would have the opportunity to have these children dumped on him later, but for now, it was her responsibility to provide them with their needs, even if it meant the infinite torture of their whining.

"Shut up, sweetie."

The grumbles could be heard within the catacombs, along with various meowing noises that were prominently loud. "Oh my fucking GOD!" More meowing and licking. "PINCHER!" Growing close to the scene, Guru would be found within the corner of a jail cell with two kittens cuddled by her side. "YOUR CHILDREN ARE ACTUALLY HERE." An expression of distasteful tiredness was spread across her face as she licked them repeatedly in hopes that they would be quiet for one moment, but her efforts were so far not working. If only their father was here to help...

Licking them up and down, she paused. Their names were not chosen yet. Seeing that she didn't want Pincher to have the grateful opportunity, the female chose to do so. The first Bengal was sprightly as ever and was a dark golden brown. Hence, she was named 'Goldenluxury,' which Guru thoroughly enjoyed. The other, who was lighter, was named 'Coldblue' for their striking gaze. Truthfully, she could of been more creative, but their names reflected the beauty of their outside qualities, just like their mother's had. Guru, after all, had to make her influence on them.

Finally, a sigh left her. Their whines had not subsided, but she relaxed her warm body into theirs and closed her eyes. Things were about to get rough.

[member=469]coldblue[/member] [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] [member=66]PINCHER[/member]

Re: golbins + open, birthing - coldblue - 04-21-2018

no stranger to the danger
it is the rasping of his mother's tongue across his pelt which stimulates the beating of his tiny heart after being disconnected from the lifeline that is the umbilical cord. ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump. the transition from the warmth of the womb to the chill of the outside world is shocking. while the child cannot see his surroundings, he can feel it, and it is terrifying. it is cold and he is hungry and he can no longer feel the comforting thunder of his mother's heart. because of his deafness and blindness, all the boy can do is cry. the noise is high-pitched and cacophonous; its meaning to both convey his discomfort and to get his mother's attention. it is a cry for help; a plea. he is not yet self-aware enough to understand the gravity of the situation. he is not aware of his thoughts, only how he feels in the moment. driven by hunger, several more mewls resound from his tiny maw as he clumsily maneuvers his body towards the scent of milk.

what guru is not yet aware of is that her son will be impacted by her in more ways than just his superficial name. detached, hedonistic, intelligent, and more concerned with looks than necessary. just like mommy dearest, only with daddy's cold blue gaze.

Re: golbins + open, birthing - lilyspoise - 04-21-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
How exactly Lil had found herself in the cemetery was a long story, the short version being that she wanted to see if she could find any ghosts-- any connections to her twin souls. However, since that Guru wasn't exactly a quiet individual, when she began to scream for Pincher, Lil was quick to take notice. She was yelling about... children being- Oh!

Lil quickly ran to her own home, moving herbs through pouches and gathering everything she needed. It wasn't as quick as she liked it to be, and she felt rather guilty despite not having the ability to carry herbs on her. The entire ordeal was a bit of a blur, but it definitely was a good amount of time before she made it back to Guru.

"How are you feeling?" Lil inquired as she entered, voice slightly muffled as she carried the pouches. She was quick to get to work, opening the, and pulling out borage leaves, chervil root, and some raspberry leaves. "Here, the borage leaves will help you produce milk, chervil will help your stomach -- I'm assuming it's hurting, please correct me if I'm mistaken -- and the raspberry leaves will help stop bleeding." She explained the use of each herb to ease any anxiety that may come from a relatively-new clanmate suddenly offering medicine. "I'm Lilyspoise, by the way. I wish we could've met when pain did not plague you, but I hope I can provide some assistance."

Re: golbins + open, birthing - Luciferr - 04-22-2018

/Track for now.

Re: golbins + open, birthing - bubblegum - 04-23-2018

goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon
The warm and comforting feeling had suddenly been stripped away, and now she was in an entirely different world. It was much less cramped, she would notice near immediately, and take this opportunity to attempt weak flails with her paws. The air was much colder and she felt exposed, and hungry. Very, very hungry. suddenly the thought of hunger entering her tiny mind sent her into a sort of panic. She needed food!

The golden kitten let out a loud, demanding mew as she realized this, not knowing what else to do. Milk was near and she had to get towards it. The tiny kitten followed her brother towards the scent, her paws already seeming too big for her tiny, fuzzy body. They pushed her towards the milk in a very odd, clumsy fashion. She'd no idea how to use them yet. But that didn't stop her. She mewed and mewed until she could get close enough to feed, knowing no other goal.

Re: golbins + open, birthing - Guru - 04-23-2018

Her eyes opened slowly, letting out a sigh as she did so. Lilyspoise was not familiar, but anyone that showed her some gratitude was well welcomed currently. Guru ran her paw over Coldblue and Goldenluxury as she wiggled herself to a more comfortable position that would appear like she was giving a care about Lily's comments. With that finished, a smirk crawled upon her lips. "Like hell, Sweets," the female grumbled immediately. The other guest kept speaking about other remedies which appeared to be herbs. The other stuff like producing milk or stopping the bleeding was the least of her worries. Pain was her remedy. Instead of grabbing what she needed, a playful purr left the back of her throat and her eyes squinted a few as she let out a cackle. "Just make sure I don't die in my sleep, okay?"

Lilyspoise seemed to be her name. The stranger, or rather acquaintance at this point, was then apologizing for such bad timing. How unfortunate. "You just caught me in the best mood," Guru joked on. "Name's Guru..." Her words trailed off as Goldenlucury mewed and crawled towards her stomach. Promptly, her ears flattened. If only this could end quicker. 

Re: golbins + open, birthing - lilyspoise - 04-23-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
"The chances of this encounter turning fatal are low from what I can tell. Are there any injuries or complications I should know about?" Lil said, not understanding that Guru had an affinity for pain rather than having a severe injury warranting such a comment. The creme tabby quickly inspected Guru once again, trying to see if there was anything she missed-- anything she'd somehow overlooked. If she missed something important and Guru died because of it...
No, she couldn't let that happen.

"Just stay awake and keep talking to me, okay? Let me know what's going on. What are the kit's names?" Lil asked, trying to encourage conversation. She couldn't find any injuries, so she supposed the caracal was stable, but she didn't mean that she wasn't keeping her eyes out for any other complications. Turning to inspect the kits, she helped them forward towards Guru, hoping that the mother didn't mind Lily helping the kittens along. Everything she did was in good intent, but she knew how parents got sometimes, especially around their first children. Leaning forward, she would try and give each kit a few gentle licks, hoping to soothe them. Their entry into the world was abrupt, and a prison cell wasn't exactly the most suitable environment to keep them safe and warm, but they would make do. Lil didn't know if anyone else had heard Guru as she yelled, but hopefully someone would stop by soon. It'd be good to have a bit of help, even if it was to just fetch some supplies.