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with the hounds of hell coming after you / sacrifice - Printable Version

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with the hounds of hell coming after you / sacrifice - sephiroth - 11-27-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Despite everything that had happened when he introduced this concept, Sephiroth was still going through with it.  He was confident and stubborn with the belief that was better than everybody else, a dangerous combo.  With all those traits combined, he was unstoppable when it came to what he intended on doing today, despite protest from his groupmates.  In this time of strife, the Pharaoh saw no better time than now to send tribute to the Aspects, to offer up life in exchange for their blessing.

The lion had travelled to the Wastes just as he had intended, the sprawling part of inhospitable land, save for the monstrous serpents that prowled the depths of the sand.  He managed to find a smooth stone outcrop just at the edge between tame and feral land, so Sephiroth climbed up it with a less than willing participant.  This time around it was a loner wolf, all matted fur and struggling limbs and battered form from where the lion had done a number on it.  It’s hind legs were twisted at an odd angle, broken by Sephiroth himself to prevent his catch from escaping into the sandy environment.  The canine still struggled though, whimpering and panicking.

The rogue beast would speak in a scared tone as the great lion hauled him onto the ledge.  ”L-Look, I don’t know who you are, just let me go and I’ll never come back here again, I promise, I-“

Sephiroth would slam the wolf onto the stone, smashing a paw down on his muzzle to keep him quiet.  A growl escaped the lion, his eyes moving from the would-be sacrifice to the Wastes beyond.  He could see long shapes moving through the sand, swirling about as they eagerly awaited tribute.  The male would lift his head up, speaking low and deep.  ”Ignis demands sacrifice.  With the event of the destruction of our territory, the Aspects must stay by our side through this time of our lives.  If that is to be, they must be satisfied.”

The wolf’s eyes would widen as heard the Pharaoh’s words, and would let out a stifled yelp as the lion hauled him up the scruff.  With a great heave, Sephiroth would shove the wolf into the Wastes below, watching the skinny and beaten form crumble into the sands.  The dust and debris of the Wastes made it difficult to see what was going on, but he heard a loud and startled yelp from the sands below him and the shifting of serpentine muscles swarming their prey.  Silence soon followed.

Sephiroth would huff and lift his body into a proper standing position, looking behind him and over his pale and powerful shoulder to address anybody that had followed him and gathered behind him.  ”If you wish to appease the gods that rule this land…do what I did.  If you have the strong stomach and a proper sacrifice of course; rogues and loners do fine, they mean nothing to us.”  The male would rumble, keeping his position on the stone above the ruins and desert beyond him.

If they got angry at him, so be it.  He could always throw them to the snakes from this position as well.

Re: with the hounds of hell coming after you / sacrifice - teef - 12-02-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi watched in grave silence, taking in the events before them, wearing a mask devoid of expression. they did not approve of this, of the sacrifice. they did not like the path that sephiroth spiraled down. it reminded them of another situation of another time. they needed to change the outcome in time.

sighing softly they would flick their ears, the guard sitting in the shadows, part of the darker forms of the world. madness ... it was a curse, a pretty lie. a nightmare dressed like a day dream. they were all too familiar with the coursing of insanity, the intensity of the courtship. nothing could stop it once it started, not even when the entire soul was corrupted.

Re: with the hounds of hell coming after you / sacrifice - rainier - 12-06-2018

Holy shit. Amparo watched with eyes the size of saucers, flinching back when the floor of the wastes came alive with something writhing and horrible. Does it just do that with flesh offerings? she wondered. If I dropped a coin in, do I get a dance, too? The wildcat scampered close to the edge of the outcropping, peering downward to search for any evidence of what remained.

[color=#6babb3]Yo-You got any, uh, a-any more? C-Can you do, do, do it uh, aga-gain?” She asked. Whatever ceremonial weight this occasion carried was lost on her, as was the tragedy. Amparo wasn’t in the business of appeasing gods or anything, but watching whatever that thing was that consumed the poor sap was cool.

Re: with the hounds of hell coming after you / sacrifice - J. ADALGAR - 12-07-2018

this would be hebi's first accounts of his clan's "gods" as it were. grey eyes shifted from figure to figure as he passed to get a closer look. the leader had already claimed a place, and an offering. squirming wolf between the lion's jaws was payed no consideration. Hebi lost little sleep for wolves a... personal vendetta, and one so clearly damned already- there wasn't anything that could be done. instead, he watched the spectacle with little interest, assura making it's way from between folded wings to get a closer view.

He wasn't too surprised to see that they were feeding a snake, but rather how big it was. interest sparked in the panther's eyes, and he cast a side eyed look towards the leader before he too spoke up. "say, how often to you feed that thing?" any less than once a day would be enough to hunger it. with the size of normal prey animals... the size that they sacrificed to it- maybe once it was spoiled, over-fed, but when you fed a snake it grows at much as it eats. whatever distance to the bottom of that pit wouldn't be enough to keep it from coming out either.

he felt a shiver go down his spine slightly at the retreat of it, a glimmer of large scales between the clouds of the waste. he stretched his wings, instead choosing not to speak despite the obvious danger something that big could do to a place like this. If there was one thing he knew, it was not to attempt to point out the flaws in a religion. what is worse, is that this "ignis" obviously posed a threat, and was a very real- very dangerous threat