Beasts of Beyond
「 LOST IN THE DEEP END┊JOINING 」 - Printable Version

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/ please wait for rev to post with candyfloss !! :^)

* ・゚♰ — The journey from the familiar securities and grassy plains of home to here ( wherever here happened to be ) is an exceptionally long and gruelling one, he notes. The sun is particularly unforgiving this evening, harsh rays beating down on his charcoal back, leaving behind red, angry blisters and a burning discomfort that makes him clamp down forcefully on his own tongue. Golden grains of sand lodge themselves between awkwardly large paws, the lack of necessary friction with each, heavy step leaving him a blungering mess as he slides down the dunes with little to no grace. Everything feels hot, dry, and morbidly uncomfortable — a truly dreadful combination, and therefore the abrupt change in scenery comes as somewhat of a relief as the pair grow closer to their destination.

Dark clouds begin to roll overhead, their ominous depths illuminated by the bright crackle and snap of lightning — the obnoxiously loud noise accompanied by a steady drizzle. The atmosphere is unusually humid against the luscious, green thicket, and the lion makes a point of openly grumbling as the ends of his mane steadily begin to curl inward. Not too far behind him he can hear his friend’s — should he even bother to call him that? He was more of a nuisance, really — incessant squawking. Something about the rain and an unnecessary diss on his disheveled appearance, no doubt. He obviously can’t be bothered with the commentary right this moment, and gives a mere chuff of response in place of his usual, irritated retort.

It’s strangely out of character for him to be even the slightest bit tolerant of Candyfloss’ behavior, however he has other things on his mind — vastly more important things — as they trudge through the dense jungle. He wonders for a moment how his adoptive mother is fairing without him, how their beloved King had reacted upon discovering his disappearance. Had the pair who so selflessly raised him after the cruel massacre of his original pride shed tears for him? Had they been completely overcome with grief, thinking something unspeakable had happened to their most treasured child? What about her — the gorgeous lioness with the kind, reassuring eyes and the galaxy splattered across her pelt — did she miss him? It’s enough to leave a knot forming in his throat, the lean muscles beneath his blackened fur tensing with every step, an all too familiar hollowness creaking in his bones, crying out for home. He aches for the familiarity of the savanna, for his people — and yet he can never return, for deep down he knows he is a coward unfit to rule.

He’s quickly pulled out of his own self deprecating cycle by the foreign scent that clings to the muggy air, scattered across the towering trees and soaked along the trodden grounds. A borderline. [color=#354D59]“We’re here.”
Cold, seafoam eyes survey the area, ears pricked forward as he comes to a halt behind their markers. Long claws stretch forward, digging into the soil, mildly impatient.

Re: 「 LOST IN THE DEEP END┊JOINING 」 - aureate - 11-27-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Candyfloss, on the other hand (paw?), looks completely and entirely perfect. Though there's some sand all over, it doesn't drown out the glitter sticking in his mane, and the sunshine makes the colors of his fur pop. Splattered patterns of white, gold dancing off pink and purple. Though he spent the same time in grassy plains, his area of the world got hot every summer. Dry and burning, with wildfires springing up and dying, water drying up. His skin is used to the heat, and it doesn't blister so easily these days. Hard paws skip through the sand fast enough to keep him level with Deimos, if not even ahead of him. Even jumping down the slope that leads to the jungle is done with a comfortable ease and low hum that jumps and drops in pitch. He turns back, occasionally, now just in time to see the other lion's mane beginning to curl.

Really now, it's not his fault that he's going to make fun of Deimos for that. If anything, blame the rain. He barks out a laugh and grins, the silver of his piercings glinting harshly with the tip of his head. That's what slows him down long enough for the other to pass him. The lack of a response doesn't bother him, and soon enough he's caught up. This time the pink lion stays mostly behind him, his shoulder level with the other's hip. His expression and attitude remain carefree and happy, like he's got some song playing in his head. Something that nobody else can hear or understand.

Unlike Deimos, his mind stays far away from his past. For good reason, too. His father is dead, killed by another lion. His sister stuck there, his mother — he doesn't know, and he doesn't ask. Doesn't dare to ponder. He had spent too long running away from his past to fall into that trap now. The truth was... he didn't want to know. Candyfloss could only own this moment, wrapped up so thoroughly in the threads of the present that the past couldn't push through. So he owns this instead, and everything he touches. He owns very little and has lost way too much. It'll be alright, though. He's headed somewhere new, with someone interesting. Candy isn't naive or too airheaded: he knows that Deimos isn't really a fan. But he'd needed some kind of company, and an adventure sounded like just the right thing. [color=#a08386]"Well no shit," he snickers, colorful eyes on the other lion's claws. [color=#a08386]"Just where I wanted to be, huh?"

Re: 「 LOST IN THE DEEP END┊JOINING 」 - teef - 11-27-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a large serpentine body watched the two lions approaching and sitting at the border. breathing out, they decided to come greet ththe newcomers. they seemed like a duo, traveling by whichever means. not a pair, no, not a pair. but definitely used to each other to some degree.

emerging from the remains of the burned rainforest around them, bai shi showed themselves, carrying a gust of fresh air with themselves. stopping before the two, the eastern dragon would merely yawn, having been woken from a light nap.

they crouched, softening their voice with the air, "hello, friends. you have come to the territory of the rosebloods. my name is bai shi, and may i ask your names? and yes, before you panic, i am a dragon and no, i am not going to eat you and no, i don't breathe fire. i also do not have the wings that my western cousins do. are you intending on joining our ranks?" the newly appointed guard would ask cautiously and optimistically.