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i'm uncontrollable, emotional / MEETING 11/26 - Printable Version

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i'm uncontrollable, emotional / MEETING 11/26 - sephiroth - 11-26-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth wasn’t well, that much was clear.  He hadn’t been well for a while now, but now it was bare and clear if not before.  He roared out his usual call to gathering but other than that skulked through the ruins towards the main room.  Muscles were tight underneath his body, his eyes were tired but intense with some form of negative emotion.  He was angry and lost and certainly out of it, but still did his usual schedule despite how unhealthy it was.  The male stepped onto his platform and stood over a no doubt un-approving crowd; he didn’t seem to have the support of a lot of the newer members.  With the destruction of the territory, the raids, the cracks were starting to show the foundation he had built with the sudden hand he was dealt, and they most likely didn’t have faith in him.  Not that his mind was stable enough to care.  Mother was not with him, he had no guidance, and without that he was volatile.

”First I want to welcome our newcomers.”  Sephiroth would start right away without much waiting or fanfare.  ”Tsuyu, Jerisidie, Alluka, Doublet, Vincent, and Amparo.  I also want to welcome Sola back to the group.  Pleasure to have you all.”  Now the male’s tone was tired enough that he didn’t exactly sounded enthusiastic about the whole thing, but he might as well fake it.  He twitched an ear slightly as he sat down on stage, hindquarters settling behind him quietly.  The lion’s shoulders were hunched, lips turned to a small frown.  He’s feeling cheery this time around.

”Bai Shi and Rimmy are both Guards.  Goldenboy gets a shout out.  I want everybody to keep up activity, we need other ranks filled up and I want to see potential in everybody here.  Simply participate, and you shall be rewarded.”  The male desperately wanted ranks filled should something happen, and generally wanted to keep up usual duties and a sense of normalcy to the Rosebloods despite the fact that hell was raining down on them.

”I want hell rained down on the Typhoon for what they have done to us.  They believe they can strike at us without consequence; I want to show them we won’t take them and their idiotic attacks lying down.”  Sephiroth’s voice dropped to a snarl full of cold fury and fangs bared, his eyes narrowing at the mere thought of the enemy.  He blamed many outside forces for the wreckage of the territory, so they were solely to blame for the raid.  His mind wasn’t thinking rationally of the fact that his clan was vulnerable and most likely not in a good position to fight.  He was cruel like that, and just unstable enough to throw his violence at whoever stood in his path.  ”Capture them, torture them, I want them to suffer for it.  Promotions to whoever can get their paws on a high position.  Deliver to them the same savagery they gave us ten fold.”  Sephiroth was angry and irrational, questioning his decisions right now would most likely end up with a fight.

And here he was, ready to say something else possibly controversial.  The silver lion would stand up to his full height at this, looking down the sharpness of his muzzle at the animals beneath him.  ”I also demand proper behavior from my Rosebloods.”  He would rumble deeply, his tone unamused.  ”Fighting within our ranks will only make us weak; we are all above every other group, mighty among the pathetic dullards of the world.  That cannot be if we are going at each other’s throats for petty reasons.  I for one am getting tired of having to discipline you all like petulant children, we all have better things to do.  So behave yourselves; the other groups must take us seriously.  Save your aggression for the enemy.”

”On the subject of the territory…”  The male’s voice caught for a second, averting his eyes from the audience.  The jungle beyond the ruins was a wasteland for sure; any prey there would’ve surely been killed or driven off, there was little cover, the desert beyond was unforgiving…it generally a wreck.  That didn’t stop Sephiroth from continuing his stubborn behavior and believing he was right.  ”...I believe we can survive it.  We’re staying for now, we must not let this weaken us.    Travel if you need to hunt, steal from enemies if you must.  We are stronger than this.”

Sephiroth’s icy gaze settled back onto the crowd directly.  ”That should be it.  The Aspects have not spoken to me this time around about who to directly worship, but I shall be found at the Wastes offering lives to Ignis if you wish to join me.”  Oh yes, despite everything he was still going through with the sacrifices.  Fun.  ”If there is nothing to add, dismissed.”


- welcome to [member=1262]TSUYU.[/member] [member=1929]jerisidie.[/member] [member=2941]Alluka[/member] [member=2497]DOUBLECLICK[/member] [member=2895]Vincent[/member] [member=982]amparo[/member] and welcome back to [member=2634]SOLA[/member]
- [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] and [member=2839]RIMMY[/member] are Guards, Goldenboy gets a shout out!  seph is looking to fill up other ranks, so keep up the activity!
- seph wants violence aimed at the typhoon!!!
- he's also demanding proper behavior from the rosebloods
- he's also said that for the time being they're not moving despite the destruction of the territory
- no official aspect to worship this week, but seph is gonna head to the wastes after this thread to sacrifice somebody

sorry for the day late thread!!  things got busy and ran late ldfhlahfa)

Re: i'm uncontrollable, emotional / MEETING 11/26 - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 11-26-2018

The pharaoh had not been right since the day he took charge, even Jiyu was not blind enough to have not realize such, but when balanced out he could be functional and the group needed the stability of a consistent leader after the rounds of before. Upon hearing that roar echo around the halls of the ruins, the calico teleported to her normal perch of the step right beneath his sitting there with her tail laid over her paws. Nothing could be done expect for managing what she could and considering her own inability there was not much management that she could do in order to restore the scales the pharaoh tipped so drastically. Honestly, there was plenty that she could do which lay right outside of the traumatized females mind eye, but clearly all those options were never ones that would be followed because their consequences would only worsen the heart desperately trying to keep itself in that protected frozen state.

Her silence was absolute even as her mind questioned things, so far it was nothing she had not expected. Putting the pride of striking back strongly over the wellfare of the group? Jiyu had expected nothing less of the pharoah, but he wasn't leading a raid, he wasn't forcing anyone and that was the important part, it kept him from actually putting the now weakened members in direct danger. Anyone who chose to follow his proclomation of raining hell down on the other group before they recovered, was equally as mad as him, especially since they had so much more to worry about. However, she briefly wondered what he would do if she were to go and capture a high position, by his logic there would need to be two pharoahs at that point. Two, two, two, why did that number ring so strongly in her mind, it echoed around threatening to madden her and pushed at her trying to force some realization that she just couldn't remember. What was it about two?

His normal maddness reigned supreme and he finally spoke the speech that she had actually constructed full counter plans towards. Actually surviving within the ruined territory? Was impossible the calico knew this very well it was not the first time she had seen the appearance of a hopeless territory, but she also knew Sepiroths pride would stall the move they needed. "On the subject of traveling to hunt, those travels will be small patrols organized and headed by myself. We will be targeting larger prey. I need three willing volunteers, at least one of which needs to have access to a large form to help carry the food back. This way our defenses are stronger than if we all went hunting out of the territory for ourselves." there was no way they would last without carefully planned hunts to bring in large enough prey to feed all of them, it was just impossible otherwise. She'd have to starve for a while, this needed her attention first. "Whenever you can preserve energy, with so much of the forest gone the days will become hotter so try to stay inside the ruins or around bodies of water during them as much as possible." the rain forest had been heated but without it the miserable blaze of the wastes would slowly creep down the canyon until it infected them.

Re: i'm uncontrollable, emotional / MEETING 11/26 - rainier - 11-26-2018

The little beast's chest puffed up with all her egoism and glee at having her name called out. Like, yeah, that was definitely just a normal checking boxes sort of thing, for a leader to list off newcomers, but, still. Amparo subscribed to her own worldview, and in that, this was a big deal. So she sat, soft around the edges with her elation, beaming through the rest of the meeting.

Bat Shit and...Rimmy...(What's a good dig, there? she decided she'd have to work on insults because she only had one for him after some consideration, and though it was particularly yucky, she liked having a full arsenal) were guards? Amparo decided she'd have to ask around about the ranking system here, later. Or, more likely, play it by ear until she had enough context clues to place things on her own, considering how loathe she was to ask for help. What she did know, now, was that promotions hinged on activity. Cool.

Going on was some nonsense about the Typhoon, another name that had popped up maybe once or twice during her run for cover. With a twitch of her ear, Amparo began scheming ways she could pitch in, there. As much as she liked picking fights around here, she wanted to be able to prove that there was more she was capable of than stirring the pot. That much was made clear to her with Sephiroth's behavior warning. Amparo couldn't help but laugh, but feel proud of herself. Oh, but just wait. Just wait. She wriggled in place and remained as hyperactive for the rest of the meeting, rocking on her black-bottomed paws.

Amparo was drawn from her trembling brainstorm by Jiyu's input, and she would've offered her help had Jiyu not made it clear that she was hoping on help from larger animals, or animals who could become larger. Neither of which are me. She snorted half-bitterly, but Amparo understood that she was mostly suited to hunting just for herself. "[color=#6babb3]Be-Be-Better bring ba-, uh, b-bring back someth-th-thing tasty."

Re: i'm uncontrollable, emotional / MEETING 11/26 - teef - 11-27-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_onnkcbpKQg1viiyyio1_500.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi observed silently, having decided on taking their true form once more. the dragon merely poked their head into the hall, rumbling slightly as they used their air element to soften the volume of their voice which remained deep and loud. "thank you. i volunteer to go hunting, jiyu. i have a large enough body to even carry the group to the area in which we will hunt." they did their best not to let their voice echo. they didn't want to hurt their clanmates.

the thought of going into battle was a welcome prospect to them. they enjoyed the thought of attacking the typhoon for what they had done, but bai shi had garnered enough knowledge in their younger eons, to not rely on their bloodlust for anything. the group was suffering, and they did not like to see them all suffer. one thing they had been doing recently though, was flying solo and hovering above the group to let their body provide extra shade, basking in the sun themselves.

Re: i'm uncontrollable, emotional / MEETING 11/26 - TSUYU. - 11-28-2018

"Offerings? That sounds nice, ribbit." She meowed as she arrived, limp back legs dragging behind her as she pulled herself over to sit and listen to the meeting. "I'll fuck around with the Typhoon- there's enough water there for Tsuyu to cause a mess, ribbit." She meowed again, a sickeningly sweet smile on her face.


Re: i'm uncontrollable, emotional / MEETING 11/26 - arcy - 12-01-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]UNDERNEATH THIS BLACK, BLACK SKY — 。+゚.[/glow]
This meeting was awful. Just the epitome of everything Eddie despised about this place. The joiners and promotions weren't awful, but Eddie was bitter about everything else for sure. Typhoon -- yeah, the Typhoon was just as awful, but there was also that poor guy that was tortured.
".. Got it," Eddie grumbles, sounding almost sulky. He wasn't planning on watching the sacrifice -- for however much Venom insisted they could take a god if they so wished, Eddie didn't want to try their luck. Even if Sephiroth wasn't actually a god.
"I'll go. I also have a large form," He calls to Jiyu. Venom, while a little annoyed Eddie didn't ask first, or even really think as warning, is partly gleeful that he's agreeing to be .. them. Eddie does not, in fact, acknowledge this.