Beasts of Beyond
BRING IT TO LIFE | O; SWEATERS (+ 100TH POST!) - Printable Version

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[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px;"]They had been on the mountain for several days now, and while Bex did her best to stay optimistic and not worry about their current condition, she was starting to grow sick of the cold. The snow was fun and all, but it was beginning to grow boring rather quickly, and the group didn't have much to help keep them warm. Fortunately, the collie had an idea that would solve both her boredom problem as well as warm her, and perhaps some of her other clanmates, up. That is, if she actually managed to pull it off. She knew that she could easily mess this up, and if she did, then she would just decide to forget about it.

So far, she seemed to be doing just fine, though. The goldenblood was no master at arts and crafts. In fact, that was more of her daughter's thing. It was good that she had managed to learn some tricks from her before they had parted. And even though she didn't know much about art, she was easily able to figure out how to do certain things since she had been a professional in a field that could be considered art. Well, she liked to consider it art, but knew that others might disagree with that statement.

Knitting certainly wasn't the easiest task Bex had ever tackled, especially when she had paws, but she was managing just fine as she lied down outside her stone house, busying herself with her leisurely work. She had jabbed herself with the needles a few times, which she knew was unavoidable for her. If she was anyone else, she'd probably be a little more careful, but she didn't care. It wasn't like it was that painful, anyways. She was much more careful about how she stitched the yarn together than she was about her own safety at this point. She had to make it look good enough to her to be satisfied with it, which was difficult since she could be rather critical of herself.

It took a little while, but Bex managed to finish the first sweater, and she was actually pretty proud of it. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough. The sweater was light blue in color, with what seemed to be the shape of a white coffee mug in the center of the front side. It just seemed like something that would fit her so well. The canine happily slipped the sweater on, feeling much warmer already. She glanced over at all the many colors of yarn that she had, knowing that she could put it all to use, now that she knew she could do it. "Hey, I'm making sweaters if anyone wants one!" She called out, hoping some would be interested. They took a bit of time to make, but she wasn't spending that time doing anything else, anyways.

Re: BRING IT TO LIFE | O; SWEATERS (+ 100TH POST!) - GARRETT - 11-26-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Garrett's fur was blessedly thick. Though it wasn't the softest, or the longest, or even the prettiest, it did its job well enough. Even though everyone suffered up here in some way or another, at least he didn't have to worry about that too much. Still, he finds himself longing for the floating town that he had joined a little too late. If he had left The Typhoon earlier, maybe he would have found himself enjoying at least a little bit of paradise. At leas the cold suited him better than a tropical island, right? Maybe. He found himself unsettled here as well, unsure if he could find it in himself to stay. That same pressure in his chest tells him to keep trying to head home. He's too young, he's lost, he'll never find it on his own — he knows that, he just doesn't want to admit it.

So maybe that thought had left him a little sour lately. There's something sulky about the way that the canine walks around. His head stays low, brow furrowed and eyes narrowed in tired concentration. Though he didn't talk to many people, it wouldn't surprise him if the word had gotten around a little bit. "Watch out for that grey dog, he's being moody." Or maybe he's just... worried. About people talking about him, or whatever. Curiosity eventually shoves that out of the way when he hears Bex's call. For the first time in a while, his expression clears, his headache soon following. It's amazing what tension could do, and what occupying himself could fix.

The young dog shuffles his paws for a moment, grayish eyes softening as he looks at the sweater she had put on herself. It reminds him of stuff his mother would make, though she weaved with wires instead of thread. And nobody ever wore that. (Hey, the important part is that it makes sense to him, right?) "How'd you do that?" he asks quietly, timidly curious. Working with his paws was a way to keep himself busy, so maybe it was another thing he could learn. If he kept giving away his mom's old mechanical parts, he'd run out soon anyway.

Re: BRING IT TO LIFE | O; SWEATERS (+ 100TH POST!) - AUGUST - 11-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width:490px; font-family:arial; font-size:9pt; text-align:justify"]This was going to be August's first ever winter, and already the temperatures were proving to be quite chilly. The fact that Sunhaven had taken refuge from the flooded town on the top of a mountain didn't help the case, and the nights were only worse. He had a blanket to help keep himself warm, but it sure would've helped if his mom were here to keep him warm instead. Perhaps one of Bex's sweaters would aid him in not freezing to death.

Trotting up by Garrett, the wolf pup would angle his pointed ears in the direction of the Border Collie. "I'll take one." Said the younger pup with a growing, sheepish grin stretching across his maw.

Re: BRING IT TO LIFE | O; SWEATERS (+ 100TH POST!) - arcy - 11-27-2018

Izuku had been, for lack of better words, been hiding after joining Sunhaven. It was just kind of .. stressful. He wasn't ready to bond with more clanmates and dedicate himself to them. He's tired. At the least, Izuku liked the cold. He was used to temperatures like this, as a former Snowbounder. He liked it, even.
.. It takes a little while to will himslf to go out and interact with his clanmates. The maine coon had sighed as he pushed himself to his paws and wandered from his hiding spot.
He regards the border collie almost wearily as he comes upon them. Nostalgic. He remembers when Jacob had been giving out sweaters. This .. seems more personal, to be honest. There's no piles of clothing next to the collie. He feels .. bad, asking for one without knowing her. He doesn't need one, but ...
His ears flatten, eyes wide as he regards Bex. "Y -- you don't need to, but I wouldn't ... mind one. Yellow." He says. Its awfully generous of her -- this stuff takes time. Izuku offers a hesitant, crooked grin as he seats himself stiffly, tail curling tight around his paws. "How long did it take you to learn?" Izuku asks, tail flicking. He'd always wondered -- picking up hobbies wasn't easy. He admired Bex for it, though he's not sure if this is a new thing or not. He .. didn't know her well enough to know.

Re: BRING IT TO LIFE | O; SWEATERS (+ 100TH POST!) - rhosmari - 11-28-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Sweaters, oh boy, she really did want one and to be fair she would at least try to give Bex something in return for all of her hard work but at the same time she also knew that it would be a tough job attempting to make a sweater for someone of her rather massive size. The large hell creature paused as she saw the group and her eyes focused on them, a soft smile upon her muzzle. They needed a community day or something, something that would be fun for all of them to do. Lightly she began to tap her paw against the ground as she lightly though about something the whole group could participate in and she then made her way over to the area. Lightly the female sat her rump upon the ground and she looked over the already made sweater, eyes glimmering a little bit because she could appreciate the work that had went into making it and really she wished she could do something like that. But the most she could do was create necklaces and other things that naturally came from the sea. Slowly her tails curled around herself and she gave a light nod of her head before glancing over to Bex. "It's rather nice. Ya have a good way with knitting." She didn't express her want of one but more her appreciation than anything else as she looked toward the others who asked for one to be created for them.

Re: BRING IT TO LIFE | O; SWEATERS (+ 100TH POST!) - guts - 11-28-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Her fur wasn't too thick, but it provided just enough protection. Plus she had her bear skin draped over her shoulders to keep her extra warm. She needed it in such frigid temperatures. She felt bad for those who didn't have such things to keep the cold away, but not bad enough to really help out. She still had that 'every man for himself' lifestyle embedded in her brain. It was the best way for her to live, after all, without the burdens and hurts of other people's misery. It was lonely but in the long run, it was easier.

She studied the sweater Bex now wore for a moment, peering at the way it was knitted together, all the strands connected to form the comfy shirt. It didn't look awful, but she couldn't see herself wearing one. So she just shook her head, took a seat in the freezing snow. "I'll pass, thanks." Ymir states blankly, deciding watching her knit would be more interesting than whatever else she could be doing in this shithole. "character's speech."

Re: BRING IT TO LIFE | O; SWEATERS (+ 100TH POST!) - Fairylights - 11-29-2018

―――― Despite Fairy's longer pelt, she had still been feeling the chill of the recent days. Perhaps it was her unfinished house, her small size, or simply the change in weather, or perhaps a bit of all three, but it was cold. And, perhaps, the idea of something homemade and soft appealed to the girl as some sort of comfort in the confusing world. Her paws carried her forward at Bex's call and the chatter of a few of her other clanmates, her soft gray eyes staring up for a moment as she considered what Bex was doing, and the offer that she made. "Oh.. I'd like one!" she whispered softly, a small little smile pulling at her maw as she stepped a bit closer. "Cream, with flowers!.. If you can, misses," she spoke quickly her request, albeit still politely and mindful of her words as she blinked hopefully up at Bex, a soft cheer within her eyes. Of course, she wasn't sure if it would be possible, but it didn't hurt to ask, right? If all worked out, Fairylights would end up with her perfect little sweater to fight away the winter chill, and she would be proud to say, perhaps, that it had been made just for her by a very, very nice lady.