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the bones of what you believe // rosebloods invite - Printable Version

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the bones of what you believe // rosebloods invite - GOLDENBOY. - 11-25-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"] The Ascendants. This would be his second trip to the rolling plains, his first on official terms. It was odd traveling back here in open daylight, to be unafraid of being discovered - in fact, he was supposed to be discovered. He was supposed to converse openly with these other animals. The concept of entire other functioning societies was still intriguing to Goldenboy - surely they worked similarly to countries, considering the petty matters they warred over and how "loyalty" was little more than a word for the many that drifted from home to home without complaint from the groups. How were they faring without one of their rulers? Ah, what were they called again? It really didn't matter for now, Goldenboy was sure he would eventually find out through whoever showed up to take his message. He knew her name was Agathe, however, that was about the limit of his knowledge. She had led alongside Titan, and now she was the sole - Astral Seraph! Hah, there it was. Vagabond had picked a few members of his own from the Ascendants, if Goldenboy recalled correctly - it was difficult to properly keep up with what murderface was up to at any given time, least of all the origins of his victims. But that was far from the intent of this visit. Had Titan been to visit at all, or had he heeded Goldenboy's words and stayed to the forests on his own? He supposed he was going to find out.

The border smacked him on the nose far before he could see any visual landmarks that would identify it as such, lifting a tawny paw to cover his nose briefly. Woah, that was a strong smell. Way stronger than the last time he had been here. What was up with that? Sand scraping over the dunes in the wind as he departed the Rosebloods had more irritating to his ears than he would have preferred to admit as well. Sure, he wasn't still fully adapted to his sensitive senses, but this was getting ridiculous. Slowly lowering his paw back to the soil, the caracal's lips curled upward in a smile at the sensation of grass brushing against his legs. He certainly preferred this territory over the Hell the Rosebloods called home. Emerald eyes shining with mirth, the caracal cocked his head to the side and called out his arrival blindly - he couldn't see anyone, but someone was sure to show up. That was how it always worked. "Hello, I'm here with an invite from the Rosebloods." Further information could wait until he actually knew someone was listening.

Re: the bones of what you believe // rosebloods invite - ATTICUS - 11-25-2018

▹▹▹▹ It was unusual for one of their allies to show up on the border, when so frequently it was instead some new joiner or face that might only be passing through. Nonetheless, Kit would be the first one to answer the call, the large jaguar quietly stepping up towards the border where the man called, drawing an easy breath inwards as he sat his haunches down upon the ground, offering a polite dip of his head towards Goldenboy. "Welcome to the Ascendants. An ally's face is always a welcome sight," he would greet quietly, his voice barely lifting above the sound of the swaying grass and the deep timbre of his voice. "What is Rosebloods hosting on this occasion?" he'd continue a little louder, his head tilting softly in question as his golden eyes stared upon the man

/rushed <3


Re: the bones of what you believe // rosebloods invite - ATBASH CIPHER. - 11-25-2018

somebody make me alive,
and shatter me !
At one point, Atbash would have been on the other side of the border, inviting The Ascendants to an event in Snowbound. But with the tribe being disbanded and destroyed, that was no longer the case. Atbash pushed away those thoughts as she made her way over, standing next to Atticus and giving The Rosebloods member a smile. "I'm sure we'll be able to attend, whatever it is." She added to Atticus's words with a small dip of her head.
bio | female | lunar lieutenant [hp] of the ascendants
© madi

Re: the bones of what you believe // rosebloods invite - sybil. - 11-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Rosebloods. That was the group Agathe had mentioned during the meeting, wasn't it? It was this group that needed an ambassador as they were an ally. Sybil mentally recorded the information more thoroughly. It seemed politics were important in these parts. She could have curled her lip; she was not used to nor fond of these sorts of things though she supposed that was because of her tribe's vagabond lifestyle. The soothsayer didn't dwell on the differences of her former home compared to this one - it was too great of a headache.

Slipping up beside Atbash and Atticus, wordlessly, the black panther allowed her cloudy blue gaze to sweep over Goldenboy. Though she was surrounded on all sides by the smell of the Ascendants, his stench wafted over the scent markers with great ease. Rosebloods. She could have rolled her eyes at the irony of it all, for the group smelled nothing of roses or blood. Then again, perhaps that was just Gavin. With a flick of her tail, she banished those trivial thoughts from her mind.

Her eyes flickered to Kit and Atbash as they spoke, but she remained silent. All the important words had already been spoken.