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ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - Printable Version

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ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - bubblegum - 11-25-2018

Re: ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - teef - 11-25-2018

[align=center][Image: PertinentHollowGander-size_restricted.gif]


" i dont dare let darkness have it's way with me "


a small ball of grey appeared not far away, the molly hearing the other femme's call. she walked slowly, navigating her way through. "awrite lass. yoo've brooght mince fur us? och. yoo're frae th' typhoon?"(hello lass. you've brought stuff for us? oh. you're from the typhoon?) her accent was getting thicker by the day, likely from her interactions with her own adopted son.

finally coming close enough she smiled warmly, fighting with her accent to be more understandable to those who weren't used to her gaelic accent. "tis a nice day, better than what we have had recently. my name's finnloch, one of the regulars around here." she spoke, lip twitching at the humor included in her not being able to speak regularly without her accent and original way of speaking.

Re: ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - MirrorEdge - 11-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — It was the smell of food from the basket that drew Nora in, if anything, the tortie seeming to appear out of nowhere, as if called, amber eyes settling on the basket and a paw twitched, as if tempted to just take the food from her, instead choosing to wait. It was different here. Instead of simply taking food, asking usually got her what she wanted most of the time. "Agreed. At least it isn't raining right now."

To her, Goldie was a bit strange, not just due to the unfamiliar face, but also because of the harpy eagle on her back, seemingly obedient, but still something that Nora kept in the corner of her eye, a bit wary. For now, Nora offered Goldie a polite smile in return.

"Hi there! I'm Nora. It's nice to meet you. Is that for us?"

Re: ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - guts - 11-25-2018

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She would approach then, the wolf eyeing the basket before turning to her clan-mates. "Who else would it be for?" she'd snap at Nora, then focus back on Goldenluxury. She tried not to stare at the bird on her back, feeling somewhat uneasy with it there, staring at them with it's evil eyes. At least it wasn't a hawk--hawks were the most evil of all.

"Name's Ymir. Thanks for all the free shit, too." she says with a smirk growing on her face. Whatever was all in the gift basket, it would help Sunhaven out, even if just a little bit. "character's speech."

Re: ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - GORDON CIPHER. - 11-25-2018

Although Gordon knew that The Typhoon were allies, the she-cat couldn't help but feel worried as she caught a whiff of their scent. Fortunately though, that scent wasn't mingled with death and decay, a sign that it was her father, which was really reassuring. Gordon waddled up to stand next to Ymir, blinking up at Goldenluxury. "Y-yeah, thank you!" She squeaked out. "I'm sure Marina w-will really appreciate this." Even if there weren't a lot of supplies at the moment; after all, how would Goldenluxury know to bring stuff? As far as Gordon was aware, The Typhoon had no idea what had happened to Sunhaven.
where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you ! ━

Re: ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - PINCHER - 11-26-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray panthera hybrid with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was nervous. He felt nauseating fear tighten around his throat like a sharp wire coil, causing great discomfort but he forced himself to steady his breathing as the male shortly followed after the spotted figure of his daughter and her pet. He stalked silently behind her, a looming storm grey shadow ready to come to life if someone threatened his daughter. However, the journey to the border of Sunhaven seemed to be rather smooth and no trouble arose onto their path. He remained rather silent while they walked as his mind was clouded with heavy foggy thoughts, stuffing his security with paranoia. What would she say? What would she do? Was it even right for him to admit to her what he wanted to say when he only had only about a month left to...They were here.

The tattooed lean figure of the ash grey hybrid halted beside his Quartermaster as they halted together at the border, his cool aqua blue gaze fluttering around as he noticed some of the territory was still flooded. His fictional eyebrows furrowed with worry but the broad shouldered predator simply sighed and watched as Goldie announced her presence as he remained sitting behind her, his dark striped tail curling gently around her in his usual protective manner. He watched as more arrived but still no sign of her. The neutral frown that graced his muzzle deepened and he hesitantly questioned “Is Marina around? She alright?” He tried to keep his voice steady but there was a tiny lace of worry burning low in his tone.

( mobile )

Re: ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - Dimitri - 11-26-2018

  The smell sea salt and the Typhoon hit Dimitri's nose, it made his fur stand as he leaped up, spooked. The tom peeked out of his den, eyes watching as the pirates appeared.
They're allies... Maybe they should leave- move to the Ascendents. Marina already confessed her love for Pincher and and- Is this a repeat of Snowbound? Does Pincher do this with all the pretty boys and girls? How devious~ Dimitri wanted to stay here, he did- he initally liked the weather and wanted a place he could relax in.
This alliance though... it made his anxiety spike. They probably didn't know him, but they would definitely remember Delta. Maybe he should apologize for her behavior so that they won't hurt him- WE HAVE NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR. Dimitri winced as Dagon yelled at him, taking a step back. They got mad. They ordered an attack on Atbash. Delta fought for her honor and failed. We have NOTHING to apologize for. Dimitri found himself hyperventilating as the alter yelled, claws clutched into the ground and felt himself slipping and leaving his body- he wasn't touching anything- he was-
He gasped, being taken out of his body as someone else fronted.

Dakota rarely fronted. Perhaps he did so now because the others were too busy holding their tongues. Maybe he was the only one who could deal with this sensibly and with maturity. He wasn't sure what Delta would do and Dagon... wasn't the friendliest of gents. The old alter sat down, looking down at Dimitri's young body, running Dimitri's paw over his scarred shoulders.
Should he meet them in Dimitri's body? No... They could recognize him. Maybe. Dakota shuddered, feeling their face shift and their fur grow out and turn black. His white whiskers grew out and confirmed the change with Dimitri's green eyes turning yellow.

Dakota went through their bag, finding his glasses and smushing them onto his flat face. A band in the back held them around his head, and the tom took a moment to review himself. Dakota was an old, black, ugly Persian with yellow, crusty eyes and a wet maw. He snorted, his nasal blocked by mucus and quickly resorted to mouth breathing.
Dakota meandered outside, slowly approaching the group with his hobbled footsteps and sniffing occasionally.
"Oh... gifts... That's so nice of you." He noted the baked goods and tried to sniff them, but just took a step away. He didn't want his residue getting on their gifts.
"I'm Dakota... It's very nice to see young folk helping eachother out..."

They don't deserve our pleasantries.


Re: ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - rhosmari - 11-26-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]FEELING, LIKE I'M TOUCHING THE CEILING — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Sunhaven definitely seen better days but things were looking up despite their territory being flooded. At least as far as she knew it was no longer raining and the flood waters were starting to slowly receded which meant that things would be back to normal and they could all go back to their home. Yet, it worried her about what they would find when the water went back into its banks and the river was sound again. But she didn't dwell too long on those thoughts and the smell of Typhoon entered her nostrils. Slowly she moved along the path of the mountains, paws caked in snow that was starting to melt from the much warmer temperatures of the meadow grounds upon the base of the mountain. Not to say it was any warmer than the mountain peak but at least it felt way much better than the snow laden area. Her vivid leaf green gaze focused on the two that had come forth from the allying group and she had a question to ask but her voice caught in her throat when she actually noticed who had come here. Golden but also Pincher. Her heart thumped haphazardly in her chest and she looked down at the ground for a moment, hiding an all too giddy smile upon her muzzle. She was like a teen who didn't know what to do with herself.

Forcing her paws to walk forward she lifted up her gaze and focused on the two Typhooners as she dipped her head a bit. They were not kidding when they spoke about how grateful they would be for the items. There was not much up there at the Pyre upon the peak and she sat down slowly. "It's good to see both of you." Her voice gentle and slightly breathless as she glanced over to Pincher then and allowed a playful smile to appear over her muzzle. Lifting a paw she attempted to boop his nose softly with her appendage, the coldness probably catching him off guard. "Everything's fine. I'm fine, Sunhaven is surviving. I do believe that maybe, the village is destroyed and we will have to work a while to fix it." That was life and she glanced at her own members before allowing a soft sigh to trickle from her maw. She really wanted to press against Pincher to seek some type of solace for him but would he allow for her to do that?

Re: ALL AROUND THE WORLD / typhoon - bubblegum - 11-26-2018