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Chubby Checker Twist // Karaoke Party AU - Printable Version

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Chubby Checker Twist // Karaoke Party AU - ATTICUS - 11-24-2018

▹▹▹▹ Atticus wasn't quite sure who had spiked his drink during the course of the night, but one thing was for certain that the crowd of faces around him were now far more blurry, and amusing than they had been about an hour prior to all of this. The grown man, who was usually stoic, thought to be the bouncer of the club for his tall, bulky stature, was now almost a little giggling school girl in his chair as he talked to some poor chaps next to him who were just as subjected to his voice as the Italian man that had been sitting nearby the whole night. This night had originated as nothing more than a friendly get together with some friends of his, who had now since abandoned him for the dance floor and the loud music on the other side of the bar. He himself, well, he was drink-in-hand and watching the karaoke stage just a few sparse feet away as a lady finished a rather (poor) rendition of "My Heart Will Go On." He wasn't sure how much longer even his drunken self could be subjected to that croaky singing, his gaze slowly turning to the people next to him. "You'd think after all these years since that movie, people would get bored of that song? I mean, really... It's atrocious... Man dies on a wooden plank in the middle of the sea and she spends so long just... sitting there while a lifeboat passes by. Anything would be better than that song.."

//this is a mess I'm sorry XD

Re: Chubby Checker Twist // Karaoke Party AU - JERSEYBOY - 11-24-2018

[ tired ]

Tommy was... buzzed. Slightly drunk, a little tipsy at most. It took a hell of a lot to get Tommy drunk these days, considering the tolerance for booze he had built up over the course of his young adulthood. Perhaps if he had drank straight vodka and whisky then he would've been much more of a mess than he was now, but thankfully, he hadn't made a fool of himself just yet. Tommy had a couple of drinks, talking to some huge dude that he had met earlier that night. Now they were observing the karaoke party going on, in which somebody sang an awful rendition of the song from "Titanic".

"I'll... I'll be honest wid' you. I don't rememba' half of what happens in that fuckin' movie." Came Tommy's response as the song ended. Only some of his words came out slurred, but for the most part, he sounded normal (if not a bit sluggish and slow). "Y'know... 'cept for everyone dyin' and all that." Mumbled he as he took another drink out of his glass. "All I rememba' is-is the part where he draws that chick on the couch." Ah, how could anyone forget? He surely hadn't; it had been one of the more memorable scenes in the whole damn movie, and for good reason. Who the hell got naked on-screen? Only HBO had such balls. "'n you know he did it just because he wanted a look at her fuckin' rack. But y'know what? She ain't even that pretty!" Tommy snorted, strong liquor on his breath as he ranted on about the hit nineties movie. "'n then he goes 'n dies for her because he... loves her or some sappy bullshit. That was the most... bullshit sappy movie I've eva' seen."

He shook his head, watching as the singer made her way off the stage. Tommy blinked, and after a few moments, he nudged Atticus' shoulder and suggested, "If you're complainin' so much then you should go up there."

Re: Chubby Checker Twist // Karaoke Party AU - sybil. - 11-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Truth be told, Sybil hadn't the faintest idea as to why she had agreed to join in this little party. She hated parties. Well, not really. She just hated karaoke parties - too many terrible singers, too many dismantled songs, too many headaches. Her only solace at this entire event was the free alcohol, and even then, that almost wasn't enough of a reimbursement. She downed the entirety of the drink in her cup, in one go, halfway through My Heart Will Go On. By the grace of the gods, the buzz she felt numbed the pain of the singer's vocals.

Stormy eyes glanced to Atticus and Tommy, amusement burning in their gray-blue depths. She tolerated Atticus when she was sober, and she would call him a friend while drunk. She didn't have much to go on for Tommy, but in an inebriated state, he didn't seem half-bad. As Tommy suggested Atticus ought to take the stage, she laughed out loud. "Kit, one should go before another decides they are brave enough," Sybil advised - much more talkative with a few drinks in her system. "Truly, I beg of you to go. I do not need clairvoyance to know another terrible song will be the death of everyone in attendance."

Re: Chubby Checker Twist // Karaoke Party AU - agathe. - 11-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; color;"]Agathe didn't drink. Ever.

She had denied alcohol her entire life, turning her nose up at the substance (and its horrific smell and taste) for as long as she could remember. In the past, the woman had watched as "friends" of hers had been reduced to nothing but blubbering messes who caused trouble and possessed no self control, absolutely loathing the idea of joining them in that state of incompetent stupidity and, god forbid, encouraged disorientation. So she drank water at every event like this, her glass perpetually clasped between two, pale hands and kept close eye on no matter where she went. People in this world were nasty, she had determined a long time ago, and Agathe hardly enjoyed taking chances.

Cautious, golden eyes would watch as Tommy, and, to her surprise, Atticus and Sybil talked, red-painted lips twisting into a frown as she realized that she, too, couldn't deal with hearing another rendition of 'My Heart Will Go On'. The original was terrible enough and if the girl on the stage thought she was doing the song any justice, she was horribly wrong. But it was apparent that both of her stoic friends seemed a little more talkative under the influence of alcohol and it took all of Agathe's willpower to not cringe. Instead, the woman merely shook her head, hand rising to brush a long strand of platinum-white hair out of her face.  "You really trust that Atticus is a better singer than her?" She'd inquire, arms crossing over her chest. After hearing the first performance, she did not have high hopes for anyone, let alone Atticus, that was for sure. "But I suppose anything would send nice to you lot in that..." She paused, lips pursing, "addled state."