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icarus and the sun / deaths - Printable Version

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icarus and the sun / deaths - JUNJI - 11-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]/ tw for emetophobia

It seemed safe enough to say that Junji was getting worse.

He felt it with each passing day. The corruption eating him from the inside, churning his stomach and twisting his insides, tar building in his lungs so it became harder and harder to breathe. It oozed from his jaws from how much he coughed and wheezed, and it stained the sheets of his bed and the papers on his table, and stuck to the floor of his hut. He'd done a fairly good job of hiding it so far, but it pained him more to do so; he prohibited his children and even Luca from entering, instead suggesting they go somewhere else to play. He didn't wish for them to see them like this, but he knew eventually they would find out. He was dying. He couldn't hide it for much longer.

Today was particularly bad. The angel lay curled on the floor of his home, heaving into a thick puddle of black goop. It clung to his once lovely white fur and dripped from the edges of his lips; tears stained his cheeks from the pain of it, and after the episode seemed to end, he did nothing to remove himself from the floor. Junji simply curled into himself and wept dryly. It hurt. It hurt so badly. Ego sum paenitet. Please make it stop.

Wings curled around his retching body, an audible sob forced out from his lips with the corruption. Once more it stopped, and Jun lay limp then, clawing feebly at the ground. "Luca," His eyes filled with tears as he rasped out the name. He hoped with all he could that somehow, his love would hear him. He was scared; so, so afraid, and angry with himself that he had let it get this bad and not said a word about it to anyone. Junji choked back a sob. "I don't want to die alone."


Re: icarus and the sun / priv - Luca - 11-23-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Junji had told him to stay out, but he had never been too good at following rules. There were times that he disobeyed others just for the sake of it, getting a thrill from the small reminder of his freedom, but his current situation wasn't quite as simple. He wished he could say that he wasn't concerned about Junji shutting him and his kids out of his hut. Maybe if he tried hard enough he could convince himself that the angel was just busy with work, that he had a lot to get done and didn't want any distractions. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, he wasn't quite that unobservant. On the contrary, he'd always had an eye for spotting the troubles of other people. It had served him well in the past, letting him hunt the weakest of the flock. Both a blessing and a curse, it seemed.

He had been planning on visiting his boyfriend for a while now, but it was only recently that he'd worked up the courage to actually do it. Despite his love of disobeying orders, the thought was less appealing when those orders were Junji's. Still, he had to make sure everything was okay. If there really was something going on and he had the ability to help, he'd never forgive himself for anything that happened to the pretty ex-medic. Luca lingered outside his door, teeth pinching at his lower lip. Was it really that hard to knock on the door? Surely Junji would forgive him for interrupting anything.

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than he heard his lover's voice. He tensed a little at the sound of his name, blinking with surprise. He thought he was being pretty stealthy, but apparently he had been caught. Junji continued to speak, and with a sinking feeling Luca began to piece together a picture that was more severe than he had ever hoped for. It was one thing to think that Junji had caught a nasty case of the flu, and it was another entirely to hear him talking about dying from the other side of a closed door. His heart thumped painfully in his chest. Perhaps Junji was just being dramatic, Luca thought as the moved to push open the door. The optimistic thought didn't quite reach the icy chill in his stomach, for it disappeared as soon as he got a good view of the room. A black, viscous fluid covered the floor and fur of the exhausted feline. The substance was one he knew well, the darkness of corruption was hard to forget once it had touched you.

"Junji..." his voice caught roughly on his tongue, an invisible weight pulling down on his throat. To see the first person he had loved- the first person that had loved him, clawing so desperately and weakly at the ground, was a sight filled with more despair than he had experienced since he gained his freedom. Such fear, such hopelessness. This was the price that came with real love. "Jun, I'm here," he managed to whisper, sinking down into the black pool that surrounded them. He had to do something, he couldn't let Junji die. Warmth flooded his shaking paws as he wrapped them around the dying body beside him, pulling Junji close to his chest. Determination fuelled him as his powers began to activate, starting the slow and painful transferring of health. If this corruption was killing Junji, it went without saying that it would destroy Luca's body and mind. That had never been a problem for him, though. After all, Junji deserved to live much more than he did.

The rational part of his mind was already screaming at him that it was too much, that his love was too far gone and that this was only bad for him in the long run, but the rational part of his brain had always been a small one. All those thoughts were overrun completely by the bigger part of his brain, the one driven by emotion and impulse. Even if Junji couldn't be saved, even if this killed the both of them, the least he could do was ease his pain. "I love you, I love you," he murmured into Junji's tar-matted fur, scalding tears spilling from his closed eyes. "Please don't leave... I need you-" but then came the familiar sensation in his throat, the burning and tightening that came before the flood. He coughed and spluttered as black slime bubbled up from his throat, but all he did was tighten his grip.

Re: icarus and the sun / priv - JUNJI - 11-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]The world had gone dark by the time he heard his door open, a muffled voice uttering his name. It took him a few moments to recognize it; his pleas had been heard. The feline lifted his head weakly and looked about with glazed eyes, searching for the source, a paw reaching out to touch.

Jun, I'm here.

With the words came warmth. He felt Luca wrap himself around him, pull the falling angel close to him. For some moments, the pain lessened. Junji let out a soft whine and let himself relax into the embrace of his lover, his eyes finally closing. He didn't know what the other was doing to relieve his pain, but a shaky whimper slipped from him as Luca's body shook with a cough. It didn't process that he was killing himself as well just to give the angel a painless death. All that filled his mind were his words, repeating over and over and over. Don't leave. I need you. I love you.

Please don't leave. I need you. He trembled slightly and heaved lightly into the puddle. Another tear slipped down his cheek as Junji settled into Luca's chest. "I love you," The boy said softly. He lay there quietly and let death encompass him, darkness embracing the angel as he fell from grace. A final breath left him before he went limp, wrapped in his lover's arms.

Re: icarus and the sun / priv - Luca - 11-23-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]As tightly as he tried to hold on to Junji, it was hard not to notice the way he was slowly slipping away. It was far from the first time someone had died in his arms, but it was definitely the first time that he was trying to prevent it from happening. Failure mixed with dread, hanging over him in a dark cloud as the life faded from Junji's weakened body. "No, no, nonono," he murmured through the thick corruption that lingered in his mouth, burying his nose in the feline's fur. He still smelled of the ocean and vanilla, and Luca clung to that to distract himself from the approaching smell of darkness and death.

Perhaps he was too upset to notice, or maybe he just didn't care anymore, but the transfer of his powers was beginning to fade. All of them were. Darkness crept through his veins, tainted by the desperate attempt to bring his love from the brink of death. His body trembled and shuddered in a weak attempt to fight off this rapidly spreading infection, but it was clearly too late for him. In trying to save Junji, he had robbed their children of two parents. He no longer looked to God for forgiveness, but he hoped that Marcel wouldn't hold it against him too much. He sobbed into Junji's limp body, choked by a combination of tears and tar. It had always been too good to be true, the connection that he and the angel shared. It was a love that he had never deserved, so this result should probably have been expected. That didn't make it hurt any less though. His stomach heaved and twisted, and he grit his teeth as he held on to the feline for dear life.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before his tight grip began to falter. The tears slowed and then stopped entirely, a sense of stillness encompassing the scene as the couple finally found peace. Luca's limbs slacked and he fell limp, although his arms remained wrapped around Junji in one final embrace. He breathed his last breath into the pale fur of his companion, sinking into the comfort of the abyss.

Re: icarus and the sun / deaths - Luciferr - 11-23-2018

[color=black]/track since luci is in RB destroyin shit + this will make for some fallout if he learns on his return.

Re: icarus and the sun / deaths - bubblegum - 11-23-2018

Re: icarus and the sun / deaths - Masie - 11-23-2018

Masie didn't like Luca all that much but he was part of the group and she really liked Junji because he was the plant cat who had fixed up her burn from that fiery jerk. The young raptor had been nearby, digging in the dirt for something holding onto her picture book when she heard Goldie calling out. Considering the cry was from a friends mother, she responded quickly darting across the ground until she skidded into the hut alongside Goldie, tilting her head. Did they need carried somewhere, or did they need Aloe put on them like Junji had done for her? Masie walked forward sniffing, golden optics widening when she realized that they didn't need anything, the scent of death heavy on the two. Looking at Goldie the raptor shook her head notably, sighing out and bringing her arms up slightly. Nothing could be done for them, not that she was aware of anyways. "Already dead." Wasn't Eli there kid? Would he be as messed up as she had seen people get over death before?

Re: icarus and the sun / deaths - PEPPINO - 11-24-2018

He had never been late before. Not- not too late. Maybe not quite on time as he wanted to be, but help was able to be given, with enough space for him to work and patch what he could to keep them here. Pip wasn't naive, even though he knew some people might attribute that trait to him. Death was inevitable. When he first began sorting through those books, when he found that he had a knack for learning about physiology and medicine, he hadn't thought he would be free from seeing death. If anything, he would be closer to it, especially considering it would be his responsibility to cradle lives that could so easily be lost. So Pip knew that one day he might fail -however much he loathed the thought- that he wouldn't be able to help, that he could arrive too late to do anything for them. That there might not be anything he could do for them at all but make the death less painful, more smooth.

That hadn't prepared him at all.

Recognizing he needed to anticipate the moment and actually experiencing it were two incredibly separate things, and his sister's cry for help -Junji, his former mentor- had led Pip to believe there was the ability to help. That there was a brink he could pull them both from- not that they had already gone over it, and when the young canine rushed inside, satchel heavy at his hip, he stumbled in his shock. Mismatched eyes went wide, face slackening, and the breath stuttered in his throat.

He burst into movement after that heartbeat of stillness, shakily slipping out of his satchel, pressing his paws to necks and chests and noses, checking for pulses, breaths. Nothing. Pip sealed a mouth, counted breaths into a nose and pumped his paws against ribs, attempting to force life back into chilling bodies, but after several minutes -or was it hours?- he slumped back, muscles trembling faintly. His shoulders hunched, and in his ears his blood howled, heart thrashing against the bars.

"I'm so sorry," he said, or thought he said, voice reedy and so thin it wasn't audible. Their- their children. They couldn't hide this from them. His fault.

Re: icarus and the sun / deaths - bubblegum - 11-24-2018

Re: icarus and the sun / deaths - Grimm - 11-25-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Brush of hum upon surface of lips, delicate the tone of rose upon skin left flaking, well known the touch of points blunt though spacing separated each. Child were they, slight the time that had seen them wrapped within the soft touch of innocence written across the home of heart, hollow its beat within the spacing of small chest, yet upon them age bore mark. Dull the eyes grown darker, found within gentle brushes of blue tones of green as though the sea which bore with it the echoing cry of something, worked through until seized was each breath, scraping along the throat and slight that which escaped, had risen to touch upon them.

Fear. Dark a thing as it found its way within the cage of ribs slight in their curve, containing within the home of it all, gentle the beat though it fluttered and danced, curling until it touched upon each nerve. Spark of it trailing along ends, touching upon the complex lines drawn through structure of muscle, worked besides the veins, sparking tingle working into delicate paws. Stretch of toes, curl of them as gentle tune is broken, slight the sigh parting its notes. Well they knew the thing within, felt as though a space had been carved for it within the confinements of their chest, cut apart their heart until secondary beat was it behind the original. Familiar within many ways, companion though discomfort toned the uneasy edge of crackling breath. Delicate the shadow of it touching upon child, within the tense set of muscle though the posture spoke of faint comfort, stretch of limbs accompanying needed action.

Twist of dried material, gentle the curl of it about claws more suited to the descriptor of needle, fine the translucent points, care within their work. Upon the journey present between the secluded island caught within the roiling touch of waves toned in shadings of blue and green and the mountainous terrain with its lace of snow they had taken up the grass, grown brown and brittle, suited to such work. Now they stretched out, warmth where the tan of sun kissed sand brushed along the soft tones of cream about side and belly, back legs stretched out. Yet for one familiar they may find within the tense set, how legs draw up slightly with the passage of seconds, tremor about paws so slight, twist of lilac appendages – soft the sound of displeasure as touch grows all too rough. Paper beneath fine points, breaking away as into the thin structure of the dried plant they cut.

Aside it is left, grown large the discard. Sigh touches upon lips and downwards do those eyes trail, find the loose structure of thing. Difficult to identify, make sense of the structure of grass and twine drawn together, figure within mind broken apart until there is no hint of the one it is meant to portray. Touch of claw, wondering for brief moment. Surface of thought broken, latched upon voice familiar. Broken had it been, syllables bleeding together until cough had shattered it, weak the smile he had put in place, trying to make excuse for such odd behaviour. Promise made readily, speaking of leaving him be and residing in another home for a time, but such was not wanted. Apparent was their distaste in such, curl of want in the way they pleaded and sat outside his home, called softly until voice broke, sung the tunes he once did for them. Splash of tears, warmth as they grit teeth and pretended all was right, that their chest did not pulse and ache, pain within encircling their heart.

Surely this once may be alright, this moment in such assistance was needed, when the failing vision obscured by clouding particles offered nought but fire, heat within the twisting knot of stomach.

Together swept the unused, the small doll within its half finished state, gentle the placement of it within the satchel worn about cream toned side. Familiar the smell of it, the waft of herbs, bitter some though undertone of sweetness there, the tart tang of berries, soft the smile touching upon lips as they breathed it in. Home. Such reminded them of home, of the man toned in gentle shadings of white and cream, the wings adorning his back heavy and the weight upon heart just as difficult to bare, but wonder was he, courage in the shattered remnants. It mattered not the pain he felt love, found within another such a thing and shared with it these children they had made together, the youth but one of many, delicate construct bringing together them both – not the best nor the worst but some of equal measure, the beginning of the end one may think.

Easy the trek, familiar the shift of minuscule grains given the heat of morning bled into early afternoon into the loose soil, mixed within sand shed from others passage before hardening, snaking the roots pushing through the earthen crust. Voice rose, song of sorrow and pain, speaking of death they bore no knowledge of. “Bebi... Mama...” Shaking, breaking about edges touched with faint wheeze, lungs squeezing until restricted was each breath. The way they spoke, the words echoing with the throb of sorrow and pain, deep within the core of each that found a place within pale ears, easy was it to guess something had been happened. Heavy the tone of it, infection and death, bitterly sweet it as it touched upon nose, invaded senses made better for their lack of vision.

“No... NO!” Voice rose in a sudden cry, sharp the sound of it, refusal to believe. Reaching, touching upon them, seeking warmth. Slight was it bound within the shadings of them, blur within vision made worse as the tears rose, quiet their fall, gathering upon jaw until, with a gentle sound, they fell. Quick was the warmth robbed from them, leeched as their lives had been, nothing more of the men that had brought about this tiny thing, child pathetic and weak, innocence and kindness, a child of summer with the taste of honey soured until they knew only the harsh taste of winter.

Hitching, breaking in the presence of hiccup, difficult to draw once more breath into lungs, until all at once they are turning, running from a place once deemed home. It matters not the voices, the calls to return – or might it be within their own head, the echoing beat of thought wanting them to return to them, make sure they knew well they may never forget – stumbling and tripping, sharp the pain as leg twists. Why did they have to leave, why did they go, surely they knew Kai needed them still. “I... I love you...” Words touched for brief moment upon lips, found perch before upon soft exhale it rose, the first taste of such though within they never felt it, hollow the empty space of chest, quiet the beat of heart. There was nothing within the screaming void, in the heat which touched about cold, ragged edges, coiling and expanding, touching upon every crevice until the chill was all that was left.