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WOULDN'T IT BE NICE / feast - Printable Version

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WOULDN'T IT BE NICE / feast - bubblegum - 11-22-2018

Re: WOULDN'T IT BE NICE / feast - no more - 11-23-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Faint was the glimmer of interest, something contained within the complex muscle of the heart which many tied into emotion, found within a base for what began within, in truth, anchored within the mind. Enjoyable was it to watch her work, the effective manner in which she handled various tools as though her life had begun with a knife in her paws, prepared in various ways to use it, skilled within both manner of harm and that of giving. Minimal was their ability to assist and so they had watched, small paws reaching out when task might be suited to them, seeking some chance to assist. Few and far between were lessons, basic for their youth was better traversed with only so much knowledge being crammed into so small a head no matter their apparent thirst for it, but enough to keep them from trouble for a time.

It was no surprise the cinnamon toned child followed upon the quartermaster's heels, press of tiny paws barely filling the marks her passage left behind, but attempt was still made, bobbed tail wiggling as they leapt between each. Clear was the lift within their demeanour since the fire, the destruction wrought bringing about difficult feelings that had been fleeting, though beneath the surface they still roiled, merely waiting for a chance to take hold once more.

Reaching forth, tips of small claws sinking into bread, pulling forward a segment of sandwich. Large the bite taken, pleasant the taste of egg salad as they child chewed, lips peeling away from teeth barely containing the mess within, poking through spaces were some had fallen out.

Re: WOULDN'T IT BE NICE / feast - Grey - 11-23-2018

He isn't afraid of using knives. The manipulation of the blade was simple to him, to have the edge strike along the lines of meat or vegetables. Cooking, however, is different to simply slicing and stabbing ingredients. He doesn't like creating meals and dishes so he usually eats what can be considered a lazy excuse for dinner and lunch. Bakugou usually goes out hunting for certain kind of skins, leaving the left over meat to be charred before eating. Some days he won't even leave his house, relying on left overs whilst he smiths his hours away. While Goldenluxury finds peace in cooking, Bakugou enjoys metal crafts - the creation of weapons for the sake of it. Ironic how the young Quartermaster is repelled from the idea of using swords and daggers in battle but will waste away creating them, perfecting sheen and surface of his creations, engraving text through a series of cuts and picks. There is a calmness that swims between every strike, the strength of his production, the expulsion of emotions that explode into sparks and embers. Blacksmithing. There was a mutual relationship he had with it. In return for his effort and time, his exterior may harden like stone.

He notices the thick smell of food before he realises the array of foods dappled along the bay, sanguine eyes looking towards the bengal who calls out. A feast. He realises they are all spoilt. There is always plenty of food for the taking but Bakugou doesn't mind. It is different to what he usually consumes, the ragdoll quietly approaching as his eyes waft over CCLIV's form and flicker to Goldenluxury. She is always working hard, she is deserving of her position. Lately the male has been either drawn into aggression or too quiet, hardly doing anything useful. It was frustrating to be in this position but if Bakugou were to suddenly force everything his way, it would be tyranny. He is stuck this way, holding on for the sake of being worthy of his own presence. He doesn't want to fade, he doesn't want to be overlooked. "Any particular reason for the feast, Goldie?" the male rumbles curiously, raising a paw as he hovers it over drinks. 'The martini is gorgeous.' Bakugou's fur rises slightly, eyes narrowing when he physically freezes. The feline pulls his gaze away. He doesn't drink and yet the names of different alcohols were all coming to mind, as if they had pre-existed within his brain. "You did a good job as always though." A compliment because she deserves it.

Re: WOULDN'T IT BE NICE / feast - bubblegum - 11-24-2018

Re: WOULDN'T IT BE NICE / feast - Luciferr - 11-24-2018

L U C I F E R . G R I M M
"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart"
[ retro current arc ]

he's one of the first few here it seems but he eyes over the food with moderate interest - something of a warmth at being appreciated, but Goldie deserves the praise, the fierce soul ever so kind that she is - he follows after Bakugou at his usual sedate pace and idles quietly before settling down, half curled around everybody present like an artificial wall.

he picks out a pasta dish and slowly makes his way through it with a considering noise - he tilts his head to Goldie "My compliments to the chef" as he settles back to watch CC and bakugou mingle about, utterly content to simply be for awhile.

Goldie's outdone herself - and she has come along way, both before and after her amnesia, she's come through the fire and the flames, quite literally in some cases - he thinks, as his gaze goes distant briefly, that she reminds him so much of Ileana and Ashlyn, his brave and furious sisters - then he thinks she reminds him of his twin somewhat, in her efforts.

tags[color=maroon]large dragonhellion [5ft] — typhoon / officer — extreme